

Teachers and Students: Reflections on Learning in Near and Middle Eastern Cultures. Collected Studies in Honour of Sebastian Günther, ed. by Dorothee Pielow, Jana Newiger and Yassir El Jamouhi, Leiden: Brill 2024. [Table of Contents] [More]

In Progress

Educational Encounters: Soundings in Formative Islamicate Pedagogy: From Ibn al-Muqaffa῾ to Miskawayh, Leiden: Brill [Handbook Series, forthcoming 2024].


19. Building Bridges: Ignaz Goldziher and His Correspondents, Islamic and Jewish Studies around the Turn of the Twentieth Century, ed. by Hans-Jürgen Becker, Kinga Dévényi, Sebastian Günther and Sabine Schmidtke, Brill: Leiden 2024. [More] [Full book as PDF]

  • Review: Orsolya Varsányi

  • Book19

    18. Rabbinī wa-ʿallimnī: Dirāsāt fī l-khitāb al-tarbawī wa-l-akhlāqī fī l-Islām (Raise and Educate Me: Studies in the Educational and Ethical Discourses of Islam), Beirut: Dār al-Mashriq 2023, 478 pp. - ISBN 978-2-7214-8181-8. [More]

    Raise and Educate Me

    17. Islamic Ethics as Educational Discourse: Thought and Impact of the Classical Muslim Thinker Miskawayh (d. 1030), ed. by Sebastian Günther and Yassir El-Jamouhi, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2021. [More]

    Islamic Ethics

    16. Lesen, Deuten und Verstehen?! Debatten über heilige Texte in Orient und Okzident, hrsg. von Sebastian Günther und Florian Wilk, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2021.
  • Review: Maximilian Häberlein
  • Review: Theologische Literaturzeitung

  • 15. Knowledge and Education in Classical Islam: Religious Learning between Continuity and Change, 2 vols., Leiden: Brill 2020. – (Islamic History and Civilization 172). [More]


    14. Doctrinal Instruction in Early Islam: The Book of the Explanation of Sunna by Ghulām Khalīl (d. 275/888). Edition, Translation and Study, by Maher Jarrar, in collaboration with Sebastian Günther, Leiden: Brill 2020. – (Islamic History and Civilization 174). [More]


    13. Die Geheimnisse der oberen und der unteren Welt: Magie im Islam zwischen Glaube und Wissenschaft, hrsg. von Sebastian Günther and Dorothee Pielow, Leiden: Brill 2018. – (Islamic History and Civilization 158). [More]

  • Review in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 114.2 (2019), 176-179.
  • Review in Oriente Moderno 99.3 (2019), 321-368.
  • Review in al-Abhath 68 (2020), 242-247.
  • Review in JAOS 141.4 (2021), 996-998.
  • geheimnis

    12. Roads to Paradise: Eschatology and Concepts of the Hereafter in Islam. I. Foundations and the Formation of a Tradition: Reflections on the Hereafter in the Quran and Islamic Religious Thought. II. Continuity and Change: The Plurality of Eschatological Representations in the Islamicate World, ed. by Sebastian Günther and Todd Lawson, with the assistance of Christian Mauder, Leiden: Brill 2016. – (Islamic History and Civilization 136). [More]

  • Review: George Archer in: Reading Religion. A Publication of the American Academy of Religion [Online]

  • Review in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 80, No. 3 (2017), pp. 579-581.

  • Roads-to-Paradise-2

    11. Representations and Visions of Homeland in Modern Arabic Literature, ed. by Sebastian Günther and Stefan Milich, Hildesheim: Olms 2016. – (Arabistische und Islamwissenschaftliche Texte und Studien 20). [More]
  • Review in Oriente Moderno 98.3 (2018), 460-463.
  • Review in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 114.3 (2019), 233-235.
  • representations

    10. Ibn Tufayl's Philosophical Novel Hayy ibn Yaqzan and the Quest for Enlightenment in Classical Islam, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2014. – (The Twelfth Annual Victor Danner Memorial Lecture. Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures. (Occasional Papers Series 12). [Read]
    Hayy ibn Yaqzan

    9. Ummiyyat an-Nabī [The Illiteracy of the Prophet], co-authored by Sebastian Günther and Khaled Muhammad Abduh, Cairo: Dār Sijjal al-Ṭibāʿa 2014 (in Arabic).

    8. Von Rom nach Bagdad: Bildung und Religion von der römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum klassischen Islam, hrsg. von Peter Gemeinhardt und Sebastian Günther, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013. [More]

    7. Averroes and Thomas Aquinas on Education, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies 2012. – (Occasional Papers Series of the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, DC). [Read]

    6. Ideas, Images, and Methods of Portrayal: Insights into Classical Arabic Literature and Islam, ed. by Sebastian Günther, Leiden: Brill 2005. – (Islamic History and Civilization 58). [Read] [More]

    5. Aspects of Literary Hermeneutics in Arabic Culture: Myths, Historical Archetypes and Symbolic Figures in Arabic Literature, ed. by Angelika Neuwirth, Brigit Embaló, Sebastian Günther and Maher Jarrar, Wiesbaden, Beirut: Franz Steiner [et al.] 1999. – (Beiruter Texte und Studien 64). [More]

    4. Johann W. Fück: Vorträge über den Islam. Aus dem Nachlaß herausgegeben und um einen Anmerkungsteil ergänzt von Sebastian Günther, Halle/Saale: Institute für Orientalistik, Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg 1999. – (Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 27). [Read]

    3. Erlesenes. Sonderheft anläßlich des 19. Kongresses der Union Européenne d’Arabisants et Islamisants , ed. by Walter Beltz and Sebastian Günther, Halle (Saale): Universitätsdruckerei, 1998. – (Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 25). [Read]

    2. Quellenuntersuchungen zu den Maqātil aṭ-Ṭālibiyyīn des Abū ’l-Faraǧ al-Iṣfahānī (gest. 356/967) , Hildesheim: Olms 1991. – (Arabistische Texte und Studien 4). [Read]
  • Isabel Fierro in: Al-Qantara: Revista des Estudios Arabes 12 (1991), 294-295. [Read]
  • Gregor Schoeler in: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 142 (1992), 411-412. [Read]
  • Hilary Kilpatrick in: Die Welt des Islams 33 (1993), 289-290. [Read]
  • G.H.A. Juynboll in: Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 83 (1993), 325-326. [Read]
  • Heinz Halm in: Der Islam. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients 71.1 (1994), 145-146. [Read]
  • Claude Gilliot in: Arabica 41.2 (1994), 295-297. [Read]
  • arabische-studien

    1. Bibliographie Hallescher Beiträge zur Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft (1969 - 1988): Herrn Professor Dr. sc. phil. Manfred Fleischhammer aus Anlaß seines 60. Geburtstages zugeeignet, Halle/Saale [maschinenschriftlich] 1988.