Azadeh Hassanpour, M.Sc.

Current research and projects

Scientific Assistant
  • Project: "Development of an optimization framework for complex breeding programs based on the Modular Breeding Program Simulator (MoBPS)"


Study of Crop Science (Plant Breeding and Seed Science) at the University of Hohenheim
  • Main focus: Variant discovery and population structure analysis
  • Title of the master thesis: Investigating the population structure of the Andean grain canihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule)

Study of Agriculture Engineer at the University of Payam Noor
  • Main focus: Effect of heavy metals on plants
  • Title of the thesis: The effects of mercury exposure on biochemical, morphological,and physiological parameters in wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) genotypes


Selecta Klemm GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart Mühlhausen
  • Main focus: Ornamental plant breeding programs

Conference talks

  • A Hassanpour, H Simianer, T Pook (2022) Beyond Scenarios - Resource optimization for dairy cattle breeding programs (MoBPSopti). In: World Congress on Genetics to Livestock Production. Rotterdam, Netherland, 7th July 2022.
  • A Hassanpour, H Simianer, T Pook (2021) Beyond Scenarios – General Optimization of Breeding Programs (MoBPSopti). Talk at ‘Projektgruppe “Genetisch-Statistische Methoden” der DGFZ’, Kassel, Germany, 21th September 2021.
  • Hassanpour A, Geibel J, Pook, T (2023) Beyond scenarios - optimization of breeding program design using evolutionary algorithm (MoBPSopti). In: Annual Meeting of EAAP. Lyon, France, 29.08.2023
  • Hassanpour A, Geibel J, Pook, T (2023) Optimizing resource allocation in breeding programs using evolutionary algorithms (MoBPSopti). In: 5th CiBreed Fall Workshop. Göttingen, Germany, 11-12th October
  • Hassanpour A, Geibel J, Rohde A., Pook, T (2024) Dynamic optimization for resource allocation in breeding programs using evolutionary algorithms (MoBPSopti). German Plant Breeding Conference at Hochschule Geisenheim University, Germany. 19-21th March (Best Presentation Award)


  • Hassanpour A, Geibel J, Simianer H, Pook, T (2023) Optimization of breeding program design through stochastic simulation with kernel regression. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics. 2160-1836.
  • Hassanpour A., Geibel J., Rohde A., Simianer H., Pook T.(under Review) Optimization of breeding program design through stochastic simulation with evolutionary algorithms. (Patent pending under application number EP24164947.4 and EP24188636.5)


  • Pook T, Geibel J, Hassanpour A. (24-25.03.2022). Simulation of breeding programs with the Modular Breeding Program Simulator (MoBPS) Göttingen, Germany

List of Posters

  • Hassanpour A, Geibel J, Pook, T (2022) Evolving Beyond Scenarios - Speeding up Optimization of Resource Allocation in Breeding Programs (MoBPSopti). 4th CiBreed Fall Workshop. 13-14.10. 2022. Göttingen, Germany
  • Hassanpour A., Geibel J., Simianer H., Rohde A., Pook T., (2024) Improving breeding program designs through evolutionary algorithm optimization. 7th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics. Vienna, Austria. 21-26th July publication