Vivien Hülsen
Current Position
Doctoral Researcher, University of Goettingen, RTG 2654 Sustainable Food Systems, Subproject B4 Food environments and the triple burden of malnutrition (Prof. Qaim)
Research Interests
Food Security
Child Nutrition-Health Linkages
Food Consumption Behavior
Nutrition-Sensitive Social Protection
Impact Evaluation
Development Economics
- 09/2021 Ph.D. in Sustainable Food Systems, University of Goettingen, Germany
- 09/2018-09/2020 Double Degree: Laurea Magistrale (Dott. Mag.) in Economics and Development, University of Florence, Italy
Thesis: The Impact of Social Protection on Individual Dimensions of Well-being (Food Security and Mental Health) in a Protracted Crisis Context: The Case of Palestine - 10/2017-09/2020 Double Degree: Master of Science in Development Economics, University of Göttingen, Germany
- 10/2012-12/2016 Bachelor of Science in Economics and Sociology, University of Göttingen, Germany
Thesis: Inequality in Education in India
Professional Experience
- 07/2024 – today Research Consultant – International Food Policy Research Institute (Sri Lanka)
- 01/2021 – 08/2021 Consultant – World Health Organization (Remote)
- 10/2020 – 04/2021 Intern - German Development Cooperation, GIZ (Bonn, Germany)
- 09/2019 – 02/2020 Carlo Schmid Fellow - World Health Organization (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- 11/2017 – 10/2019 Student Assistant – University of Göttingen (Göttingen, Germany)
- 03/2017 – 05/2017 Field Research Assistant – University of Göttingen (Banda Aceh, Indonesia)
Publications (peer-reviewed)
- Hülsen V, Makaiko G. Khonje, Matin Qaim (2024). Market food environments and child nutrition. Food Policy, 128, 102704. DOI
- Kaplan L*, Richert K*, Hülsen V*, Diba F, Marthoenis M, Muhsin M, Samadi S, Susanti S, Sofyan H, Ichsan I, Vollmer S. (2023). Impact of the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist on Safety Culture among Health Workers: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Aceh, Indonesia. PLOS Global Public Health, 3(6), e0001801. DOI.
*indicates joint first authorship - Park M, Budisavljević S, Alemán-Díaz AY, Carai S, Schwarz K, Kuttumuratova A, Jobe LB, Hülsen V, Lee YE, Scott E, Whitehead R, Weber MW (2023). Child and adolescent health in Europe: Towards meeting the 2030 agenda. Journal of Global Health, 13 DOI
Other Publications
- Huelsen, V., Khonje, M. G., & Qaim, M. (2024). Market food environments and child nutrition. SustainableFood Discussion Paper 4 , University of Goettingen.
- Glatzel, K., Ameye, H., Huelsen, V., and M. Qaim (2024). Changing Food Environments in Africa’s Urban and Peri-Urban Areas: Implications for Diets, Nutrition, and Policy. (ZEF Working Paper 235) Link
- World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (2021). Adolescents taking the lead: multistakeholder consultation to promote adolescent health and well-being in the WHO European Region, 6–7 July 2021. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. Link License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
- Huelsen, V., S. Carai, M. Weber (2020). Globale Kindergesundheit. In BJVK Schwerpunktbroschüre Pädiatrische Wege und Welten.
- Organized symposium: IAAE Congress. Diets and Food Environments in Rural, Peri-Urban, and Urban Areas of East Africa and South Asia. New Delhi, India. August 2024.
- Paper presentation: IAAE Congress. Market Food Environments and Child Nutrition. New Delhi, India. August 2024.
- Presentation. EAAE Congress. Changing Food Environments in Africa: Implications for Food Security and Nutrition. Rennes, France. September 2023.
- Poster presentation.EAAE Congress. Food Environments and Diets along Malawi’s Rural-Urban Gradient. Rennes, France. September 2023.
- Presentation. Third WHO High-Level Meeting on Schooling during COVID-19. Long-term Effects of Schooling Disruption on Child Health and Well-being. Copenhagen, Denmark. July 2021.
- Organization. Multi-stakeholder Consultation on Adolescent Well-being in the WHO European Region. Copenhagen, Denmark. July 2021.
- Poster presentation. Annual 38th Conference of the Global Tropical Pediatrics – Gender Aspects of Global Child Health: Access to Contraception for Adolescent. Berlin, Germany. January 2020.
- Delegate. Annual Conference of the Health Behavior of School-Aged Children Network. Yerevan, Armenia. November 2019.
Guest lectures
- International Health Course. Charité, Berlin. Lecture on the “Economics of the Pharmaceutical Market: Orphan Drugs and Market Failures”
- English (proficient)
- Italian (proficient)
- Spanish (basic)
- French (basic)
- German (native)