Matti Boie-Wegener


2015 - 2019B.Sc. in Business Administration (Finance, Accounting and Taxation), Georg-August-University Goettingen
2018Internship at Naust Hunecke & Partner in Audit and Taxation
2019Student Assistant at the Chair of Financial Accounting and Auditing, Georg-August-University Goettingen
2019Internship at Deloitte in the areas Audit and IFRS-Advisory, Hannover
2019 - 2021M.Sc. Finance, Accounting and Taxation, Georg-August-University Goettingen
2019 - 2021Student Auditor for the annual financial statements of the AStA, Georg-August-University Goettingen
2020 - 2021Internship at FACT Tax Advisory in the areas International Tax and M&A Tax, Kassel
since 2021Research Assistant at the Chair of National and International Taxation, Georg-August-Universiy Goettingen


  • The Fiscal Impact of Tax Rate Reductions and Depreciation Benefits in Times of Crisis – A quantitative Analysis with regard to German Corporations., with Andreas Oestreicher, Reinald Koch and Lena Schön, Steuer und Wirtschaft 2024, Volume 101, Issue 2, pp. 104-123. [VHB Jourqual 3: B]
  • Revenue and Investment Effects of currently debated Measures for Corporate Taxation, with Andreas Oestreicher, Reinald Koch, Lena Schön and Sandra Hartmann, ifst-Schrift 550 (2023)

Working Paper:

  • Closing Pandora's IP Box: The Impact of the Nexus Approach on Patent Shifting and Innovative Activity SSRN


  • 11th Annual MannheimTaxation Conference 2024, Mannheim (Germany)
  • 19th EUFIN - The Conference of Accounting in Europe 2024, Bologna (Italy)
  • Virtual Doctoral Tax Seminar 2024, Online
  • Doctoral Colloquium 2024, Goettingen (Germany)
  • 46th Annual Congress European Accounting Association 2024, Bucharest (Romania)


  • Seminar "Income Determination" (B.Sc.)
  • Seminar Company Taxation (M.Sc.)
  • M&A, Finance, and Taxation (M.Sc)
  • Taxation of Companies in the contect of EU Tax Law (M.Sc.)