Research-based Course "Doing research on climate activism" (Winter 21/22)
In recent years, human-caused climate change has become a central issue for politics, economy and society. A broad protest movement has developed in which numerous groups participate. There is agreement among the groups on the premise of "think globally, act locally," but beyond that, there seem to be fundamental differences among the social movements. In the teaching research project, the social science investigation will be learned, tested and discussed using the example of climate activist groups. Who advocates for or against what? What goals do the groups pursue and in what organizational form? What do they understand by nature, climate change or activism?The training research project "Doing research on climate activism" teaches basic skills of social science research. In the spirit of inquiry-based learning, students conduct their own research in small groups, putting their methodological knowledge into practice for the first time. The research process is accompanied by small and large discussion groups, research colloquia and reflection exercises. The focus of the exercise is on collaborative work, interdisciplinary exchange, methodological reflection, and the analysis and presentation of empirical research data. After the one-semester research phase, the research results will be presented as posters. The written examination performance will be published in the planned edited volume of the teaching research project.
The results of the interdisciplinary group research will be presented as a scholarly poster. The final posters will be exhibited electronically (see below).The written output are published as an edited volume, which can be accessed here.
Research posters of the student research groups (in German)
Gruppe 3 - Parents for Future
Die dritte Gruppe bearbeitete die Frage, inwiefern die Identifikation als 'Eltern' ausschlaggebend für klimaaktivistisches Engegagement ist. Die Präsentation der Ergebnisse von Cihan Sezgin, Hanna Sievers, Jan Köckenmeister und Carlotta Schumacher wurde mit Prezi erstellt (externer Link).
Gruppe 4.1 - Greenpeace Göttingen
Hier werden die Ergebnisse der Gruppenforschung zu Greenpeace Göttingen vorgestellt. Die Kleingruppe von Laura Blanke, Lara Göttsche und Karla Sudowe stellt hier ihre qualitativ gesammelten Ergebnisse auf die Frage nach der Social Media Selbstdarstellung der Gruppe vor.
Gruppe 7 - BUND Göttingen
Die Gruppe von Sarah Große, Eva Hermeling, Rebekka Schnabel und Sara Strube untersuchte die Rolle des BUND Göttingen als etablierte Klima- und Umweltorganisation in der aktuellen Klima-Bewegung. Sie setzten quantitative und qualitative Methoden ein und tragen ihre Ergebnisse in dem Poster zusammen.