Louisa Jantos holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Sports Science and a Master of Science in International Economics from the University of Göttingen.
Her research focuses on how regions are oriented towards sustainability through stakeholder collaboration, especially through the involvement of institutions, universities and sustainable innovation in regional innovation systems as well as entrepreneurial ecosystems. During her PhD, she collected interview data from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, China and Israel. She is a research assistant in the project "Regulatory Experiments for Sustainable Development in Knowledge Transfer" (RENEW) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the Chair of Economic Policy and SME Research at the University of Göttingen and at the Institute of Economics for SMEs and Crafts.
From November 2023 to March 2024, Louisa Jantos was a research fellow at the Business School of the University of Auckland, NZ.

Research Interest:

  • Nachhaltige Innovationsökosysteme / Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
  • Knowledge & Technology Transfer
  • Future of Work in small and medium Enterprises

    • Talks

      • Israelpedia 2022, DIG Junges Forum e.V., „Was kann Deutschland von Israel in Sachen Klimaschutz lernen?“
      • SNIC Innovationstage, 1. Juni 2022, Panel Diskussion „Nachhaltige Unternehmenskonzepte - Gemeinwohlökonomie“

        • Master/Bachelor Theses

        • Regional Innovation Ecosystems / Knowledge & Technology transfer between Science and the Economy
        • Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation
        • Qualitative Methods