Ibero-America Institute for Economic Research


The Ibero-America Institute for Economic Research was founded in 1964 with funding from the Volkswagen Foundation. It is part of the Faculty of Economic Sciences. In this capacity, the Ibero-America Institute supports both research and teaching in the Economics Department and coordinates the English-language MSc Development Economics program.

Doctoral student of the faculty receives Open Science Award of the University Network Enlight

Dr. Juan Armando Torres Munguía has received the Open Science Award from the European university network Enlight. Together with a team of colleagues from other Enlight universities, Munguia has developed a database for research purposes on epidemics. He did his doctorate in Göttingen (“Essays on structured additive regression models with applications in development economics”, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso). The prize is being awarded for the first time this year and includes 750 euros for a travel grant.

Press release: Publicly accessible database on epidemics

Call for application: Postdoctoral Research Associate (m/f/d)

The Ibero-America Institute for Economic Research (Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs) is looking for a postdoctoral research associate (m/f/d) with the earliest possible start date on October 1, 2022. The application deadline is August 17, 2022. For further information, please see the call for applications (PDF). In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Fuchs (afuchs@uni-goettingen.de).

ENOUGH – a new EU project that will identify how food industry can become net zero by 2050

The project ENOUGH has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. It will develop technologies, tools and methods to contribute to the EU’s farm to fork Strategy to achieve climate neutrality in the food industry. Prof. Dr. Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso (Department of Ibero-America Research) coordinates the Economic Policy Working Package. The kick-off meeting was held online on October 18, 2021, with 28 project partners.

Press release

Supporting research on Latin America and developing countries in Göttingen

Ibero-America Institute Foundation Dr. Weiershäuser established

"I would like to say thank you for the generous scholarship that enabled me to do my PhD and research in Mexico at the time, and now give something back to the Ibero-America Institute in return. Basically, I just want to pay back my scholarship that I received five decades ago, including the average long-term interest rate. This is 250,000 euros," says Dr. Eberhard Weiershäuser. The funds are managed by a newly established foundation, the Ibero-Amerika Institut Stiftung Dr. Weiershäuser.

The purpose of the foundation is to promote science and research, especially economic research on Latin America and developing countries at the University of Göttingen, and to promote education. In addition, it is also established in memory of Prof. Dr. Erich Egner, the founding director of the Ibero-America Institute (1964-1969), as well as Prof. Dr. h.c. Stephan Klasen, Ph.D., the long-time director of the Institute (2003-2020) who sadly passed away last year. The annual distributions are intended in particular to support the work and further development of the Department of Ibero-America Research and the "Göttingen School" of development economics.

f.l.t.r.: Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs, Dr. Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann, Prof. Dr. Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Dr. Stephanie Kenedi, Dr. Eberhard Weiershäuser, Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann, Prof. Dr. Marcela Ibáñez Díaz, and Prof. Dr. Michael Wolff.

The Faculty of Business and Economics would like to thank Dr. Weiershäuser for his extraordinary commitment and his many years of dedication to Latin American and developing country research in Göttingen. His daughter, Dr. Stephanie Kenedi, will serve on the board of the new foundation. On November 3, 2021, the founding meeting took place in Göttingen with Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, and the coordinator of "Ibero", Dr. Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann. In addition, Eberhard Weiershäuser and Stephanie Kenedi were welcomed by the Dean, Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann, and the Alumni Representative of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Prof. Dr. Michael Wolff, as well as by the holder of the Chair of Development Economics, Prof. Dr. Marcela Ibáñez Díaz.

Dr. Eberhard Weiershäuser was among the first doctoral students at the Ibero-America Institute of the Faculty of Business and Economics, founded three years earlier, in 1967. His research was in the field of capital market theory and development in developing and emerging economies, especially Mexico. After his time at the Institute, Dr. Weiershäuser began his professional career in the private sector.