Disadvantage compensation for pregnant students and students with parental or care responsibilities

Are you a student at the University of Göttingen and pregnant, do you have a child/children under the age of 14 or are you responsible for relatives in need of care and support as defined by Section 7 Paragraph 3 of the Caregiver Leave Act? Then you face the particular challenge of caring for another person, studying and possibly working besides taking care of yourself.
The university is aware that as a pregnant student or as a student with parental or care responsibilities, you need understanding for your situation and flexibility in the examination and attendance regulations. Therefore, a disadvantage compensation is to be granted in accordance with the General Examination Regulations (APO § 21 Para. 1) if you are faced with compatibility challenges that your fellow students without parental or care responsibilities do not have, e.g. cancellation of childcare, regular support of a close relative in coping with everyday life or pregnancy-related complaints. You can apply for this disadvantage compensation at the examination office in your faculty.

If you have any questions about the disadvantage compensation regarding your individual situation, please contact:

Your lecturers:

  • Discuss with your lecturers how your compatibility challenges can be compensated. This may concern study- and examination achievements as well as attendance.

Study and examination counselling at the faculties

  • Counseling on the realization of individual disadvantage compensations in accordance with the respectively required study- and examination achievements
  • Arrangements with the examination office and lecturers

Family Service:

  • Answering general questions on requirements, proof and procedures for the disadvantage compensation
  • Information on further regulations and support options (e.g. maternity leave, leave of absence, childcare options)
  • Support in case of difficulties with the application

  • If you would like to apply for disadvantage compensations in examinations and other academic achievements due to disabilities or chronic diseases, please use the information provided by the Representative for Students with disabilities and chronic diseases.