In publica commoda

Vice-President for Research and Sustainability
Professor Bernhard Brümmer

Professor Bernhard Brümmer has been one of the University of Göttingen's Vice-Presidents since April 2021. The University Senate elected Brümmer, who holds the Chair of Agricultural Market Analysis, for a first term of two and a second term of four years - until 2027. Previously, he was the Dean of Finance of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences for four years.

Academic and professional career

since 2011 W3 Professorship for Agricultural Economics, University of Göttingen
2005 - 2011 W2 Professorship for Agricultural Economics, University of Göttingen
2002 - 2005 Assistant professor (‘Wissenschaftlicher Assistent’), Institute of Agricultural Economics, University of Göttingen
2001 - 2002 Research Associate (‘Akademischer Rat’), Institute of Agricultural Economics, University of Kiel
1996 - 2001 Ph.D. in agricultural economics, University of Kiel ( summa cum laude 2001)
1995 - 1996 Studies in agricultural economics, Wageningen Agricultural University (European M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness 1996)
1991 - 1996 Studies in agricultural economics, University of Kiel (Diploma in Agricultural Sciences ‚Diplom-Agraringenieur‘ 1996)

Awards, scholarships and memberships

2015 Offered a Chair for International Agricultural Trade and Development (W3) at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (declined)
2006 Offered a Chair for Agricultural Policy (W3) at the University of Hohenheim (declined)
2004 German Association of Agricultural Economics Award for outstanding work by a young researcher
2002 European Association of Agricultural Economics Award for the best article in the European Review of Agricultural Economics by a young scientist(2002)
2002 Kiel University Faculty of Agriculture Award for the best Ph.D. thesis

Management and committee responsibilities

since 2021 Vice-President for Research (since 2024 including Sustainabilty), University of Göttingen
2017 - 2021 Dean of Finance of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
2016 - 2024 Review Board Member of DFG Review Board 207, Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences
2016 - 2022 Editorial Board of the European Review of Agricultural Economics
2012 - 2024 Board member of the Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use (CBL), Executive Director from 2016-2019
2010 - 2018 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Halle (Saale), Chair (2016 - 2018)

Research Interests

  • International trade in the agri-food sector - market integration, price volatility, trade costs
  • Resource productivity in agri-food value chains
  • Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy
  • Agricultural trade and sustainable development

Top Publications (selection)

  • Dalheimer, B., C. Kubitza & B. Brümmer (2022). Technical efficiency and farmland expansion: Evidence from oil palm smallholders in Indonesia. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104: 1364-1387
  • Berger, J., B. Dalheimer & B. Brümmer (2021). Effects of Variable EU Import Levies on Corn Price Volatility. Food Policy 102: 102063
  • Fiankor, D-D. D., I. Flachsbarth, A. Masood & B. Brümmer (2020). Does GlobalGAP certification promote agrifood exports? European Review of Agricultural Economics 47 (1): 247-272.
  • Fiankor, D-D. D., I. Martínez-Zarzoso, B. Brümmer (2019). Exports and governance: the role of private voluntary agrifood standards. Agricultural Economics 50 (3): 341-352.
  • Skevas, I., G. Emvalomatis, B. Brümmer (2018). Productivity growth measurement and decomposition under a dynamic inefficiency specification: The case of German dairy farms. European Journal of Operational Research 271(1), 250-261.
  • Huang, W., B. Brümmer, L. Huntsinger (2017). Technical efficiency and the impact of grassland use right leasing on livestock grazing on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Land Use Policy 64, 342-352.
  • Brümmer, B., O. Korn, K. Schlüßler, T.J. Jaghdani (2016). Volatility in oilseeds and vegetable oils markets: Drivers and spillovers. Journal of Agricultural Economics 67(3), 685-705.
  • Huang, W., B. Brümmer, L. Huntsinger (2016). Incorporating measures of grassland productivity into efficiency estimates for livestock grazing on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau in China. Ecological Economics 122, 1-11.
  • Götz, L., T. Glauben, B. Brümmer (2013). Wheat export restrictions and domestic market effects in Russia and Ukraine during the food crisis. Food Policy 38, 214-226.
  • Rao, E.J.O., B. Brümmer, M. Qaim (2012). Farmer participation in supermarket channels, production technology, and technical efficiency: The case of vegetables in Kenya. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 94(4), 891-912.

Further information

Office of the Vice-President

Olga Schwarz
Office of the Vice-President

Tel. +49 551 39-21026
Fax +49 551 39-18-21026

Dr Anna Stuhldreher
Personal Executive Assistant to the Vice-President for Research and Sustainability

Phone +49 551 39-21055
Fax +49 551 39-18-21055

Responsibilities (in German)

  • Senatskommission für Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit (KfKN) und Forschungskommission (FoKo)
  • Forschung und Transfer

    • Forschungsstrategie
    • Forschungsförderung
    • Drittmittelforschung
    • Forschungsinfrastruktur
    • Standortentwicklung
    • Technologietransfer
    • Ethikkommission
    • Open Science
    • Research Assessment

  • Akademische Karriereentwicklung

    • Karrierewege Postdocs
    • Graduiertenschulen

Departments of the central administration and central institutes (in German)

  • Eigenbetriebe und Tierschutz
  • Ethikkommission
  • Forschung und Transfer (F)
  • Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek – Forschung (SUB)
  • Zentren

Representation of the University in boards of trustees/advisory boards (in German)

  • EU-Netzwerkarbeit (The Guild, ENLIGHT)

Strategie Forschung
Strategie Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs - Nachwuchsförderung
Querschnittsaufgabe Nachhaltige Universität