Published Dissertations 2024

    Adler-Bartels, Tobias:
    Radical Conservatism and the liberal Question. Morphology and radicalization of conservative ideology in Germany from Vormärz to the Weimar Republic.
    microfiche format, SUB Göttingen 2024.
  • Summary

  • Chiriac, Christine:
    ‘Do the one without leaving the other undone’. Producers of educational media for the history classroom between societal pluralisation and national closure.
    University Press, Göttingen 2024.
  • Summary

  • Koletzko, Maren:
    Educational counselling for young people with low educational qualifications.
    Electronic dissertation
  • Summary

  • Kühn, Johanna:
    Seeking and Designing - Contemporary Spiritual Practices among Middle Class Women in Beirut.
    University Press, Göttingen 2024.
  • Summary

  • Meier, Tobias:
    Community Organizing and municipal religious policy in the post-secular city.
    Waxmann, Münster 2024.
  • Summary

  • Perry, Julia Louise:
    Participation of Stakeholders for Designing the Future in Health Decisions concerning Dementia.
    cumulative doctoral thesis, 2024.
  • Summary

  • Schäffer-Trencsényi, Mark:
    Remembering and Expecting as Discursive Practices of Memory Constructions: An Ethnographic Study of the Positioning of Subjects in Practices of Differentiation in the Classroom.
    University Press, Göttingen 2024.
  • Summary

  • Schneider, Kristina fett>
    “Unity in Diversity is Not for Us” – Lesbi and Trans Men Navigating Gender, Desire, and Islam in Java, Indonesia.
    University Press, Göttingen 2024.
  • Zusammenfassung

  • Schumann, Daniel:
    Epistemologies of Integration. The Politics of Knowledge in Post-Migrant Society Using the Example of Textbooks.
    transcript, Bielefeld 2024.
  • Summary

  • Stein, Fanny:
    Open exercise programmes from the perspective of primary school pupils. A qualitative study.
    Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2024.
  • Summary

  • Steinwand, Julia:
    “Lola, you must help me” – Relations of difference in task related references between students in phases of ‘Planarbeit’ in individualized school teaching.
    University Press, Göttingen 2024.
  • Summary

  • Strauß, Svenja:
    Teaching as an Assessment Regime. An Address Analysis of Non-Graded Assessment Practices in Lower Secondary Education.
    University Press, Göttingen 2024.
  • Summary