
We promote the exchange between postdocs in our supporting faculties, inform them about funding opportunities and further training and support them with applications. A postdoc or postdoctoral researcher is defined here as a PhD holder who conducts professional research under a time-limited contract or fellowship. In addition to providing individual support for postdocs, the CBL coordinates the Postdoc Network Forestry & Ecology and forms the faculty interface to the Göttingen Campus Postdoc Network.

Postdoc Network Forestry & Ecology

About Us

The Postdoc Network Forestry & Ecology was founded in 2023 to provide postdoctoral researchers of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology with subject-specific exchange opportunities in teaching, research, and scientific policy developments.

Postdoc BBQ UGOE 070623_1

Our Activities

- Monthly meetings for networking and exchange to subject-specific topics
- Mailing list with information on (job) announcements, events, qualifications, etc.
- RocketChat channel for informal exchange
- 29.11.2023 Symposium as part of the Forest Science Week
Postdocsymposium 2023

Become a Member

Sign up for our mailing list
Send an E-mail and join our RocketChat channel
We look forward to meeting you!

Postdoc Network Coordinator
Dr. Simone Pfeiffer
Büsgenweg 1, office 0.105
phone 0551 39 23909