After Arrival
As soon as you have arrived in Göttingen, the Welcome Centre can provide you support in dealing with authorities and answering questions about life and everyday life in Göttingen. We invite you to a personal meeting to talk about necessary formalities after your arrival and answer any questions you may have. You can also check our guide with first steps to be taken in Göttingen
Checklist "After arrival"
- Register at the Local Residents' Registration Office
- Apply for a residence permit at the Immigration Office
- Open a bank account
- Take out health insurance
- Sign employment contract
- Register children in school or kindergarten
- Inform yourself about the tax system and pension rights resulting from your employment contract
- Learn German
- Register electricity, water, internet, and telephone if necessary
- Pay Broadcasting fee (Rundfunkbeitrag)
Weitere Informationen
The International Office
Welcome Centre
Von-Siebold-Straße 4
37075 Göttingen
The Welcome Centre is not barrier-free. Please contact us if you need assistance.