Application for the Göttingen Summer School in Digital Palaeography

Please fill out this form to apply for the 2025 Digital Palaeography Summer School. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.


First Name *
Surname *

Date of Birth

Day *
Month *
Year *

Gender and Pronoun Preference

The organisers of the summer school support diversity and all genders, expressions of gender and gender identities. Please select whichever option you are most comfortable sharing. You may also indicate your preferred pronouns and manner of address (e.g., she/her/Miss) if you like.

Please indicate your gender *
If your gender was not listed above, or you have other information you'd like to note regarding gender, you may indicate it here.
Preferred Pronouns / Manner of Address (e.g., she/her/Miss)
Residential Address *
Email Address *
Telephone Country Code (please use four-digit numeric format, e.g. '0049') *
Telephone Number *
Nationality *

Current Field of Study, Desired Degree, and University

Please enter your current field of study (e.g., Medieval Studies, Library Science, etc.) *
Please enter the type of degree for which you are currently studying (e.g., M.A., M.Sc., etc.) *
My degree was not listed above. My degree is...
Name of Current University (e.g., 'Georg-August-Universität Göttingen') *
City and Country of Current University (e.g., 'Göttingen, Germany')
Please enter five keywords that relate to your specific study interests, separated by commas (e.g., 'Charlemagne, Early medieval period, Medieval Latin, Monasticism, Caroline Minuscule'). We will use these keywords to help select relevant manuscripts for you to work with, among other things. *

Accessibility and Dietary Needs

Please indicate any accessibility needs we should know about in the box below. This helps us to determine how exactly we should best accommodate you if you are elected for a place, so please include specific information about your exact requirements and/or obstacles to your participation in the summer school programme. This information will not prejudice your application.

Please indicate any special dietary requirements or needs you have in the box below.
I hereby agree to the collection and storage of my personal data by the organisers of the Göttingen Digital Palaeography Summer School 2025 at the Georg August University of Göttingen. None of the information given here will be shared with third parties. It will only be used for internal adminstrative and statistical purposes. The organisers of the Göttingen Summer School will delete all student data at the end of the application process or, in case of a successful application, after the end of the 2025 Summer School. *
I hereby agree I will inform myself about possible travel restrictions due to the German regulations for entry. If necessary, I will apply for the appropriate visa in time. I further confirm I will inform myself about, and agree to follow, current or future COVID-19 restrictions stated by the Federal State of Germany, the federal state of Lower Saxony, the city of Göttingen or the Georg August University of Göttingen. *

In addition to filling out this application form, you must also submit a motivation letter (as a PDF) and a short CV (as a PDF). These documents must be submitted via email to Zhiling Dong, the student assistant of the summer school, at
When submitting your documents, please write the email subject as "Application for Summer School 2025_(Surname)" and name the attachments as "Surname (2025)_Motivation Letter" and "Surname (2025)_CV." Detailed requirements for these documents are given on the main announcement page [here]. Please be aware that your application for the Summer School is not complete until you have successfully submitted these documents!

Please type in your name to acknowledge that you have submitted your cover letter. *
Please type in your name to acknowledge that you have submitted your CV. *

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.

* Mandatory field