ATLANTIS - Academic Teaching and LeArning NeTwork in Information Systems

Project Description

In Lower Saxony, there are independent Business Information Systems Chairs at six locations (Braunschweig, Clausthal, Göttingen, Hanover, Oldenburg, and Osnabrück). Although there are several professorships at single locations (Göttingen, Osnabrück, and soon Braunschweig), the ten Business Information Systems professorships that exist in Lower Saxony are too weak at their respective locations to offer a broad and attractive range of courses for Bachelor's programs (BA) (a problem of small subjects). In North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, there are five professorships in Münster alone, then four in Paderborn or four in Cologne. The competitiveness of Lower Saxony's business technology will therefore only be ensured in the medium-term if cooperations take place in the federal state (distributed cluster).

The aim of the ATLANTIS project is to establish a sustainable teaching network, i.e., a network of Lower Saxon Chairs for Business Information Systems, electronically supported by a Business Information Systems portal. Here, the following goals are pursued:

  • Increasing the attractiveness of Lower Saxony's Bachelor's programs in Business Information Systems by increasing the number of available courses at the participating locations.

  • Increased competitiveness in research and in third-party fundraising through greater focus of the partners of the cooperation on their core competences in teaching (cross-location division of labor) in order to achieve better synergies and to gain time for research.

  • More efficient teaching resulting from a reduction of the variety of offered courses of one partner at one location, while at the same time increasing the number of participating students from other locations in courses that focus on their own core competences.

  • Diffusion of the technologies developed in ELAN I and II and the know-how (tools for media development, learning management systems, videoconferencing technology etc.) and content between the sites, in particular also to partners who were not yet involved in ELAN I or II.

  • The application-oriented teaching of the handling of new media as a key qualification early on in the Bachelor's program.

  • To make teaching more flexible at all locations, as students can study the courses they have taken, regardless of the usual semester cycles.


  • Lower Saxon Ministry of Science and Culture

  • Sponsoring period: April 2007 to March 2009

Project Partners


Business Information Systems

Chair of Application Systems and E-Business

Prof. Dr. M. Schumann

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-24442