Dr. Tina Maschmann
Former PhD student at the Faculty of Social Sciences
Supervising Professor: Prof. Gabriele Rosenthal
Dissertation Topic: Bildungsaufstiegsbiografien.Varianten und Strukturen eines Bewältigungsprozesses (Working title)
Publication: Maschmann, Tina (2021): Educational Advancement, Biography and Family Figuration. A intergenerational Study. In: Heinrich, Martin/Wernet, Andreas (Eds.): Reconstructive Education Research Approaches and Methods, 37. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Center for Methods in Social Sciences. Professorship Rosenthal
Interpretative Research
Methodenzentrum Sozialwissenschaften
Goßlerstraße 19
37073 Göttingen
Email: tina.maschmann1@web.de