Carolina, a Göttingen student from Chile, is showing us how to cook delicious Chilean Empanadas!
Chilean Empanadas
Ingredients for the filling (In Chile the traditional filling of meat and onion is called Pino.): - 6 onions
- 400 or 500 grams of meat
- 3 garlic cloves (missing in the video)
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of salt
- 1 tablespoon of cumin
- 1 tablespoon of pregano
- 1/2 tablespoon of black pepper
- Aji sauce to taste
Ingredients for the dough: - 1 kg harina flour
- 2 packets (or 5 teaspoons) of baking powder
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 125 grams of butter
- 2 cups (or 500ml) lof lukewarm water
Ingredients needed to assemble the empanandas - 3 hardboiled eggs
- Olives
- 1 egg
Preperation time: 3 Stunden
To save time you can have two people preparing them together. Additionally, you can prepare the Pino the day before
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes
In the background, have some traditional Cueca music playing! 🎶 Enjoy the recipe !!!
LatiKNOWS The LatiKNOWS university group has set itself the goal of creating a space for the exchange of ideas and information on socially relevant topics. Interesting lectures, discussions and cultural events will be held during the semester. Are you interested in Latin America and current social issues such as political events, migration, culture or the economic situation in the region? Would you like to get to know Latin America from a new perspective and discuss current relevant topics? We are looking forward to getting to know you!
Maria Fernanda Molina: m.molinagarcia@stud.uni-goettingen.de
Asociación Cultural AméricArte y Ciencia Göttingen e.V. The "Asociación Cultural AméricArte y Ciencia Göttingen e.V." (Kultur- und Wissenschaftsverein AméricArte Göttingen e.V.) was officially recognized on December 5, 2015. Its main objective is to spread and promote the culture and art of Latin American countries; therefore, it counts on the support and the cooperation of the members of the Spanish-speaking community, the Portuguese-speaking community and many Latin American students from the University of Göttingen. The activities offered include art workshops (music, dance, theatre, Latin American cuisine, etc.), talks, conferences and discussions, as well as all kinds of events that promote cultural exchange.
Further information can be found on our
webpage zu finden. Contakt:Patricia Hernández-Schiller: AmericArte@online.de
Erika a student from the Mexican Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, who will come to Göttingen next semester, has prepared a video about the Mexican tradition Día de Muertos (day of the dead).