liveSciences³ Digital Competences

Digital competences include skills and knowledge that facilitate the use of digital media and technologies. They support us in shaping digitization in a way that improves relevant aspects of our lives. Teaching these skills has become increasingly important in recent years. Students and lecturers are encouraged to acquire and develop competences that enable them to actively shape relevant future processes.

liveSciences³ offered opportunities for lecturers to learn about the possibilities of educational technologies and methodological and didactic repertoires for virtual and blended mobility. Throughout the project, we supported lecturers in implementing educational technologies and guided them in establishing transnational and digital learning opportunities. During the liveSciences³ project, more than 60 courses and modules were (further) developed at the life sciences faculties at the University of Göttingen and the liveSciences³ partner universities. Examples are listed on the Explanatory Videos, Joint Learning Material and Virtual Exchange websites.

In addition, we promoted the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the educators with the Community of Practice activities, including the Experience Kaleidoscope events.

Through the use of teaching and learning videos, inverted and joint classroom scenarios, for instance, lecturers integrate activities that encourage student collaboration and active engagement with complex topics in the life sciences.

OpenILIAS Kurs Videoproduktion
Instruction of video production by students – a self-learning course

Supporting students in producing videos has been an important aspect of the liveSciences³ project. A self-learning course on OpenILIAS was created as one project outcome to pass on these experiences and thereby enable university staff to include video production in their classes.

The course delivers theoretical and practical basics and provides numerous resources that can be directly used for teaching video production and supporting students in the planning, preparation and execution.

Open ILIAS Course: Instruction on student video production - Strengthen digital competences in courses

Digital Badges
Digital Badges

Micro-credentials reward achievements and competences in smaller steps and make acquired skills and competences more visible. Individual courses or workshops are acknowledged as an important part of education.

Digital badges are a form of visualization for micro-credentials. After completing a course, a Digital Badge with a specific title and a clearly defined description is awarded.

The University of Göttingen now offers assistance in awarding and displaying Digital Badges.

To support this development and acknowledge the numerous digital skills that will be acquired, we award the self-learning course on video production with the Digital Teaching Badge of Video Production.

  • Customize universities services and follow universities' digitization and internationalization strategies;
  • Motivate each other across organizational units within and across higher educations institutions;
  • Engage collaboration between lecturer and teaching supporting staff.

  • University staff is as important as students when it comes to teaching digital competences;
  • Involve educators and ask for their needs. Respond to their needs;
  • Offer discipline-tailored qualification formats and events.


Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne
Head of project

Dr. Anne Sennhenn
Project Coordinator

Von-Siebold-Straße 2
Room 1.101
37075 Göttingen

Telefon: +49 (0)551 39 21294