Dr. Kristina Schneider

Kristina Schneider studied Social and Cultural Anthropology in combination with a minor in Gender Studies and Sociology at Göttingen University. Afterwards, she was a graduate assistant at the Gender Research Unit and the Research Network DORISEA (Dynamics of Religion in Southeast Asia) at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, both located at the University of Göttingen.
Since 2013, she does her PhD research about the interrelations between religious and sexual identifications based on the example of religious LBT (lesbian and bisexual women, trans men) in Indonesia. Her ongoing dissertation project examines how religious identifications and same-sex desire/ identifications are dynamically negotiated in different social spaces while seen as mutually exclusive in hegemonic discourse. In addition, the research explores the question what concepts of self arise at the intersection of desire and faith through these negotiations.
In addition to her first teaching activities at the University of Göttingen, Kristina Schneider is the acting equal opportunity commissioner at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology and a member of staff at Göttingen Diversity Research Institute since October 2016.

For her doctoral programme, Kristina Schneider received a scholarship from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. In addition, she worked and taught between 2016-2020 in different positions at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute. Since 2021, Kristina Schneider works in the Student and Academic Services of the University of Göttingen as project lead of the component project 'Teaching without Barriers – Digital Accessibility in Teaching‘, part of Projekt LInK.

Dissertation (defended in May 2023): ‘Unity in Diversity is not for us’ - LT+ negotiating gender, sexuality and Islamic faith in contemporary Indonesia
Presentation Slides Disputatio

gender and religion, feminist and post-structural theory, Queer theory, bodies and sexualities, space and gender, processes of identification and subjectivation.
