Research interests and role
My current research focuses on land-atmosphere interactions and the effects of rainforest conversion to oil palm plantations on carbon, water and energy fluxes. In my previous PhD study, I developed a land surface module CLM-Palm within the Community Land Model framework. CLM-Palm includes base phenology and allocation functions for simulating growth and yield of palm species and a suit of new biogeophysical and biogeochemical parameterizations for simulating fluxes over the plantations (e.g. with new radiative transfer scheme, revised hydrological parameterization, and new nitrogen cycle).
In the A07 project, I will continue investigating the effects of tropical land use change on carbon stocks and biogeochemical processes from both historical perspective and under future climate and land use projections, by using CLM-Palm as the main tool.
In general, I have broad interests in carbon-climate feedbacks and land use change impacts. I use ecosystem and land surface modeling, remote sensing, together with essential field data to study global environmental change.