EFRE Project: Inter- and transcultural trainings in People
In intercultural further education a vague and imprecisely defined conception of intercultural competence and its aims, specific features, areas of application and transmission is often encountered. Furthermore, the conceptions of culture which form the basis of such further education are very often quite homogeneous. Hence, in this project an innovative concept for the development of intercultural competence will be produced, and implemented in the form of concrete materials which operationalise the newest knowledge and theories from cultural studies.
Project management:
Prof. Dr. H. Casper-Hehne
Persons involved in the project:
Dr. Kristina Binder
Funding institutions:
Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony
Project volume:
Hauptprojekt ca. 250.000 Euro
Förderung der Pilotphase mit 65.000 Euro
Project duration:
August 2008 bis Juli 2011