Creating and managing an ePortofolio with DoIT
Brief description
The students create their own ePortfolio (a file or workbook). The lecturers set a thematic structure for this, track progress of students’ work and give feedback.What is the objective?
- Intensive involvement with the learning/work process
- Organisation and documentation of workflow, idea generation processes, research steps and materials
- Self-directed, reflective learning
- Reflection/feedback
- Cross-border proof of qualification, mobility
Activate DoIT in the Stud.IP course under “+”. Then create a portfolio structure (with topics and tasks) under “DoIT”. At the same time change the name “DoIT” shown in the menu bar under “Options” to “Portfolio”.Under “Results” there is a summary table of information on activities (students’ answers/notes/files as well as files/feedback from the lecturers). You can also input deadline extensions for individual students in this screen. Regular feedback has a positive effect on the motivation and successful learning of the students.
The students’ work can be downloaded under the file tab “Results” organised by topic, user or as a general survey.The topic structure and tasks can be transferred to another course.
The students can transfer the content they have developed into their personal portfolio.
Support services
The E-Learning-Service is happy to help you with questions about the conception, realisation and evaluation of blended-learning scenarios.Literature
S. Schaffert u.a.: "E-Portfolio-Einsatz an Hochschulen: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen", in: T. Brahm, S. Seufert (Hgg.), "Ne(x)t Generation Learning": E-Assessment und E-Portfolio: Halten sie, was sie versprechen?, Themenreihe II zur Workshop-Serie, SCIL-Arbeitsbericht 13, März 2007, S. 74-89.This blended-learning-scenario is based upon a project realized within the „Win a Tutor“-programme at Bremen University (ZMML).