Erasmus+ Programme (2014 -2020)

Erasmus+ replaces the Lifelong Learning Program, Youth in Action and the international EU higher education programs in non-EU countries. Some well-known names in the field of education represent the respective education sectors: COMENIUS (primary education), ERASMUS (higher education), LEONARDO DA VINCI (vocational training), GRUNDTVIG (adult education).

Erasmus+ is divided into 3 action areas (Key Actions):

Erasmus+ Key Actions overview

Erasmus+ Agenda


"This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for the content of this publication. The Commission may not be held responsible for the information contained herein.”


Ricarda Blumentritt
Head of Department
Education and Mobility Programmes

Von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen

Phone: 0551 39-21320