Fatema Khatun - PhD student

Research Interest
- Sustainable management practices optimizing nutrient uptake, soil health, productivity and biodiversity
- Belowground biodiversity, root interactions, and their implications for soil health and ecosystem resilience in mixed-species systems
- Exploring relationships between plant diversity, ecosystem functioning, and climate resilience for adaptive land-use strategies

Research Project

RootWayS Phase 2: Deep-rooting intercropping systems: Creating highways to subsoil water and nutrient resources

Short CV

05/2024 – Present
PhD student at the Georg-August-University of Goettingen/ Department of Crop Sciences/ Division of Grassland Science
Topic: Working project 5 of RootWayS phase 2 - Subsoil nutrient access through functional trait diversity and belowground niche complementarity

09/2021 – 02/2024
Master of Science in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (2nd year) at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany and (1st year) at the Bangor University, Wales, UK Thesis: Are trade-offs and win-wins among biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in forests enriched with conifers shaped by environmental condition?

09/2020– 12/2020
Research Assistant at Bangladesh Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation, Bangladesh
Project: Greening Environment through Livelihood Improvement and Forest Enrichment

03/2019 – 03/2020
Research Assistant at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Bangladesh
Project: Exploration, Identification, Characterization, Multiplication and Ex-Situ Conservation of Endangered Forest Genetic Resources including Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh

09/2018 – 02/2020
Research Assistant at Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
Project: Property Rights Systems, Decision Making Structure and Consensus Formation about Forest Resource Use in the Village for the Chittagong Hill Tracts

01/2013 - 02/2020
Bachelor and Masters in Forestry at the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
