Helena Rodemeier - PhD student

Research Interests
- Agroforestry systems
- Sustainable and economically cultivation systems
- Special crops

Research project

PappelWERT- Poplar cultivation in agroforestry systems and value chains based on it; Subproject: Effects of agroforestry systems on arable crops and grassland.


Short CV

Since May 2024: Research assistant with the aim of a doctorate at the Georg-August-University Göttingen / Department of Crop Sciences / Department of Grassland Science
Topic: Poplar cultivation in agroforestry systems and value chains based on it;
Subproject: Effects of agroforestry systems on arable crops and grassland (PappelWERT).

2020-2024: Self-employed in the accounting department of a Hamburg-based company

2019-2023: Study of Agricultural Sciences (M.Sc.) / Focus on Crop Sciences at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel

2016-2019: Study of Agricultural Sciences (B.Sc.) / Focus on Crop Sciences at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
