Intercultural communication and face work (Germany – China)

Concepts such as "politeness", "face work" and "building relationships" are often evoked to explain differences in German and Chinese communication. In this project, the adequacy of these concepts and the up-to-dateness of ascriptions to German and Chinese culture are scrutinised. On the basis of extensive oral and text corpi, the extent to which cultural contrasts in this area actually apply or the effects of globalisation can be observed is examined.

Project management:
Prof. Casper-Hehne

Persons involved in the project:
Prof. Deming Kong, Universiy Nanjing
Dr. Beider, DAAD-editor, University Nanjing

01. april 1996 until december 2004

Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud (1996): Wirtschaftsdeutsch für Chinesen. Interkulturell induzierte Probleme beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache. In: Ambos, E./Werner, I. (Hrsg.): Interkulturelle Dimensionen der Fremdsprachenkompetenz. Dokumentation der 18. Arbeitstagung 1994. Bochum. (Dokumentationen; Bd. 4), 316 - 341.

Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud (1993): Fachdeutsch für chinesische Bauwirtschaftsingenieure. (Schriftenreihe d. Instituts f. Bauwirtschaft u. Baubetrieb; H. 14). (zusammen mit Dr. Ding Shizhao und Dr. Ingo Winkelmann.)