

The Georg-August-Universität Göttingen is a leader in the field of international mobility and offers a wide range of opportunities to study abroad. Studying abroad is a great opportunity to gain international experience, broaden your world view and gain a new perspective on your degree programme and beyond.

Incoming students

It is possible to complete a full degree in Göttingen, or, alternatively, to study abroad in Göttingen for one or two semesters within an exchange programme. The most important options are:

  • Study towards degree - this is where our English-taught Master's Degree programme in Mathematics (M.Sc.) comes in.
  • Exchange programmes.
    • Home university in the European Union (EU): Erasmus+
    • Home university EPFL Lausanne (Schweiz): SEMP
    • European University Alliance: Enlight
    • Home university outside the European Union (EU): Global Exchange Programme

Outgoing students

Göttingen students of mathematics, including mathematical data science, have many options for studying abroad. The most important options are independent of the degree you are aiming for.

  • Erasmus+: Mobility within the European Union (EU) (subject specific, financial support included/possible)
  • Global Exchange Programme: Mobility outside the European Union (EU) (all subjects, financial support not included, requires additional application within the frame of the PROMOS programme)
  • Swiss European Mobility Programm (SEMP): EPFL Lausanne
  • European University Alliance: Enlight
  • PROMOS: Financial support of mobility outside the European Union (EU) and Switzerland
For questions about the recognition of academic achievements abroad, see HERE.

Further Informationen

The Student Advisory Service is the first point of contact for questions about studying abroad and the recognition of credits earned abroad. The Göttingen International Office also provides support in the planning and realisation of stays abroad.

Databases on mobility abroad

  • Gö abroad – The database for international mobility offers a comprehensive overview of the partnerships of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
    • Handout - Tips for successful searches in the database
    • Quick search: Parameter "Subject" = Mathematics
  • FlexStat - The FlexNow statistics portal provides an overview of credits earned at foreign universities that have already been recognised for a degree programme at the University of Göttingen in the past.