Anna Kobis


College / University

University of Sussex, England

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science

Major Subjects

Psychology, Cognitive Science



Lab Experience

Magnetic resonance imaging (including hyperscanning), electroencephalography, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, behavioural analysis, R programming, MATLAB

Projects / Research

  • 2024: Prospective pragmatic quasi-experimental study to assess the impact and effectiveness of alcohol care teams (ACTs) targeting adults with alcohol dependence admitted to NHS Hospitals in England, University of Hull
  • 2022: The role of learning, stress and underlying brain circuits involving prefrontal-limbic interactions in the development of chronic back pain, Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim
  • 2021: Metacognition in decision making examined across domains and modalities; Examination of neuroarchitecture of Consciousness, Jagiellonian University

Scholarships / Awards

2024 – 2025: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School


My primary research interests concentrate around clinical neuroscience, with a focus on neurodevelopmental disorders. I would like to learn more about the biological causes and potential therapies. So far, my work has primarily been investigating higher cognitive functions including consciousness. I had a chance to work in clinical settings with people suffering from autism, addiction, and chronic pain. Nonetheless, I am excited to expand my research abilities in various neuroscience approaches including molecular, cellular and network processes.