Monographien und Herausgeberschaften
Ezidilik: Arka Plani, Dinî Âdetleri ve Metinsel Gelenegi, Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi Yayinlari, Istanbul 2014. [= Turkish trsl. of Kreyenbroek 1995].
with C. Allison (eds.), Remembering the Past in Iranian Societies, Göttinger Orientforschungen: Iranica, N.F. 9, Wiesbaden, 2013.
Teachers and Teachings in the Good Religion: Opera Minora on Zoroastrianism. Ed. by K. Rezania. GOF III: Iranica, N.F. 10. 2013.
Avrupa’da Yezidilik Farklı kuşaklar dinleri hakkında konuşuyor, in collaboration with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh.J. Rashow. From English to Turkish: Hikmet İlhan. Avesta, Istanbul 2011 [= Turkish trsl. of Kreyenbroek 2009].
(with Kh. J. Rashow) Tanrɩ ve Şeyh Adi Kusursuzdur. Yezidi tarihinden kutsal şiirler ve dinsel anlatılar. Avesta, Istanbul 2011 [= Turkish trsl. of Kreyenbroek and Rashow 2005].
with U. Marzolph (Hrsg.), History of Persian Literature, Companion Volume 2: Persian Popular Literature. Literatures in Modern Iranian Languages other than Persian, Harrasowitz, Wiesbaden 2010.
Yezidism in Europe: Different Generations Speak about their Religion, in collaboration with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali and Kh. Jindy Rashow, Göttinger Orientforschungen: Iranica neue Folge V, Harrasowitz, Wiesbaden 2009.
with F. M. Kotwal, The Hērbedestān and Nērangestān, vol. IV: Nērangestān, Fragard III, Cahier XXXVIII, Studia Iranica, Paris 2009.
with C. Allison (ed.), Kürt Kültürü ve Kimligi, Avesta Yayιnlari, Istanbul 2008 [= Turkish trsl. of Kreyenbroek and Allison 1996].
with Kh. Jindy Rashow, God and Sheikh Adi are Perfect: Sacred Poems and Religious Narratives from the Yezidi Tradition, Harrasowitz, Wiesbaden 2005.
with F. M. Kotwal, The Hērbedestān and Nērangestān, vol. III: Nērangestān, Fragard II, Cahier XXX, Studia Iranica, Paris 2003.
Living Zoroastrianism: Urban Parsis Speak about their Religious Lives, in collaboration with S. N. Munshi, Curzon, Richmond 2001.
Sraoša in the Zoroastrian Tradition, Brill, Leiden; Repr. Athravan Educational Trust, Bombay 1999.
with C. Allison (ed.), Cultura e Identita Curda, Asterios, Trieste 1999 [= Italian trsl. of Kreyenbroek and Allison 1996].
with C. Allison (ed.), Kurdish Culture and Identity, ZED, London and New Jersey 1996.
Yezidism: its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition, Edwin Mellen, Lewiston, New York 1995.
with F. M. Kotwal, The Hērbedestān and Nērangestān, vol. II: Nērangestān, Fragard I, Cahier XVI, Studia Iranica, Paris 1995.
with S. Sperl (ed.), Kürtler, Cep Kιtaplari, Istanbul 1994 [= Turkish trsl. of Kreyenbroek and Sperl 1992].
with S. Sperl (ed.), The Kurds: a Contemporary Overview, Routledge, London 1992.
with F. M. Kotwal, The Hērbedestān and Nērangestān, vol. I: The Hērbedestān, Cahier X, Studia Iranica, Paris 1992.
Sraoša in the Zoroastrian Tradition, Brill, Leiden 1985. Neuaufl. Athravan Educational Trust, Bombay 1999.