Publikations (Selection)
2020- Risiko und HIV in Botswana. Leben in der Pandemie. Berlin: Reimer Verlag.
- Recht auf Leben. Kultur, Politik und HIV in Botsuana. Georg-August- Universität Göttingen. unveröffentlichte Habilitationsschrift
- Intimität und Sexualität vor der Ehe in Kumasi und Endwa, Ghana. Gespräche über Ungesagtes. Hamburg. LIT [Intimacy and Sexuality before Marriage in Kumasi and Endwa, Ghana. Conversations about the Unspoken]
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
2017- Ethics of Life in a Context of Death. The Emergence of Ethical Fields. Africa, 87, 3: 554-571.
- A Future beyond HIV/AIDS? Health as a Political Commodity in Botswana. Africa Spectrum 50(1): 25-47.
- Valentinstag in Kumasi, Ghana. Sexualität und Generationenbeziehungen im Wandel. Afrika Spectrum: 57-78.
- (mit Erdmute Alber) Familienwandel in Afrika. Ein Forschungsüberblick. Paideuma 52: 227-250.
- "A Future beyond HIV/AIDS? Health as a Political Commodity in Botswana." Africa Spectrum 50(1): 25-47.
- (mitRijk van Dijk): Introduction: Christian Creations of New Spaces of Sexuality, Reproduction, and Relationships in Africa: Exploring Faith and Religious Heterotopia, special issue, Journal of Religion in Africa, 42, 4, 325-344.
- Quest for Conception in Times of HIV/AIDS - (In)fertility Care in Botswana. Facts, Views & Vision. Issues in Obstretics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Health in ObGyn: Biomedical Infertility Care in Poor Resource Countries. Barriers, Access and Ethics, special issue, ed. Trudie von Gerrits, Willem Ombelet, Fran van Balen, S Vanderpoel: 81-86.
- Valentinstag in Kumasi, Ghana. Sexualität und Generationenbeziehungen im Wandel. [Valentine's Day in Kumasi, Ghana: SexualityandChanging Intergenerational Relations] In: Erdmute Alber andJeannett Martin (eds.), Familienwandel in Afrika. Afrika Spectrum (specialissue): 57-78.
- (mit Erdmute Alber) Familienwandel in Afrika. Ein Forschungsüberblick. Paideuma 52: 227-250.
Edited Volumes and Special Issues
Herausgeberschaften und Sondernummern2020
- (mit Hansjörg Dilger, Marian Burchardt und Matthew Solomon): “Affective Trajectories: Religion and Emotion in African Cityscapes” Duke University Press
- (mit Thomas Kirsch und Rijk van Dijk) New Ethical Fields in Africa (special issue) In: Africa
- (mit Rijk van Dijk) Christian Creations of New Spaces of Sexuality, Reproduction, and Relationships in Africa: Exploring Faith and Religious Heterotopia, special issue, Journal of Religion in Africa, 42, 4.
Articles in Edited Volumes
2018- Saving and Serving the Nation. HIV Politics and the Emergence of New Professional Classes in Botswana. Kroeker, Lena, David O’Kaene und Thabea Scharrer (Hgs.): Middle Classes in Africa - Critiques and Realities. Palgrave MCMillan: Basingstoke: 157- 176.
- Transnational Duo Local Marriages in Akan Societies: Connections and Bonds over Time and Space. In: de Bruyn, Mirjam and Rijk van Dijk: "The Social Life of Connectivity in Africa". Brooklyn, NY, MacMillan: 123-140.
Further (recent)
2015- "We are only helping!" Volunteering and Social Media in Germany's New "Welcome Culture". On Medizinethnologie. Körper, Gesundheit und Heilung in einer globalisierten Welt. URL:
- Book review: Gabriele Schwab, Imaginary Ethnographies. Literature, Culture and Subjectivities.American Ethnologist, 41, 3.