Habilitation projects
Georg Höhn
Kontextabhängigkeit in der linguistischen Analyse
PhD projects
Marie Benzerrak
Word order and Information Structure in Bocota (Chibchan Panama)
supervised by Stavros Skopeteas (University of Göttingen) and Claudine Chamoreau (CNRS, Paris) (Cotutelle: University of Göttingen & INALCO, Paris)
funded by the DFG (Chibergis)
Saverio Dalpedri
Studies on deverbal *-tó- in two ancient Indo-European languages
supervised by Götz Keydana and Stavros Skopeteas (University of Göttingen)
funded by the UGOE
Lieke Hendriks
Diachrony of split NP / DP constructions
supervised by Marco Coniglio and Goetz Keydana (University of Göttingen)
funded by the DFG (RTG 2636)
Roberto Herrera
Morphosyntax and information structure in Maleku
supervised by Claudine Chamoreau (CNRS, Paris) and Stavros Skopeteas (University of Göttingen) (Cotutelle: University of Göttingen & INALCO, Paris)
funded by the ELDP
Karen Hovind
Wh-less degree questions
supervised by Stavros Skopeteas and Uwe Junghanns (University of Göttingen)
funded by the DFG (RTG 2636)
Thomas Laurs
Schwierigkeit lateinischer Texte
supervised by Peter Kuhlmann and Stavros Skopeteas (University of Göttingen)
Andrea Matticchio
Verb-subject orders in Old Romance and the grammaticalisation of a subject position
supervised by Marco Coniglio, Guido Mensching, and Stavros Skopeteas (University of Göttingen)
funded by the DFG (RTG 2636)
Prudence de Pontbriand
Null objects
supervised by Goetz Keydana and Guido Mensching (University of Göttingen)
funded by the DFG (RTG 2636)
Witold Tokarski
The Vocalic Systems of Greek Dialects in the Late Archaic Period - an Optimality-Theoretic Analysis
supervised by Götz Keydana and Stavros Skopeteas (University of Göttingen)
Christine Teichert
Relativierungsstrategien im Niederdeutschen
supervised by Marco Coniglio and Stavros Skopeteas (University of Göttingen)
Yunhuan Wang
Semantics of Bare Noun in Chinese from a Typological Perspective
supervised by Stavros Skopeteas, Götz Keydana and Clemens Steiner-Mayr (University of Göttingen)
funded by the CSC
Completed PhD projects
Yidong Yu
Pluralizing Entities and Events in Yucatec Maya
supervised by Stavros Skopeteas (University of Göttingen), Scott AnderBois (Brown University), and Götz Keydana (University of Göttingen)
funded by the DFG (Yucatec Maya: Variation in Space and Time)
Oral examination: 1.9.2022
Nina Adam
Optimal Clitic Positioning in Czech and Beyond: Clitic syntax, morphology, and prosody from a constraint-based perspective
supervised by Stavros Skopeteas, Götz Keydana, and Uwe Junghanns (University of Göttingen)
funded by the UGOE
Oral examination: 25.10.2022