In the area of qualification, the GGG offers a broad portfolio of trainings to deepen methodological, key and professional competences. From the beginning, attention was paid to offering bilingual workshops in the qualification programme as well as in the Week of Methods. In the last few years, the GGG has made its offer more thematically diversity-oriented. This was achieved through cooperation to expand the qualification portfolio, e.g. through gender and diversity-related courses with the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit. In addition, the GGG pays attention to diversity (sensitivity) when selecting speakers and topics and also offers diversity-relevant course topics, e.g. "Intercultural Training" and "Introduction to German Academic Culture". In the last two years, the dimension of social origin has been given greater thematic attention.

Childcare, assistance and accessibility
If you require childcare or assistance (e.g. with regard to accessibility or sign language interpreters) for GGG courses, please let us know in advance, as we would like to make it possible for all doctoral students to participate.
The conference rooms are accessible to all. Speakers are advised to make their teaching materials as accessible as possible.