
    Recent Publications

    • Di Marcantonio F., Barreiro-Hurle J., Menapace L., Colen L., Dessart F., Ciaian P. (2025). Much ado about nothing? An empirical analysis of consumer behaviour in the presence of ‘dual food quality. Food Policy, 131(2025): 102803.
    • Englberger, L., Colen, L., Rommel, J. (2025). Farmers' attitudes toward economic experimentation, Q Open (forthcoming).
    • Nes K, Colen L, Ciaian P. (2024). Market structure, power, and the unfair trading practices directive in the EU food sector: a review of indicators. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 53(3):454-477.
    • Colen, L., Englberger, L., & Rommel, J. (2024). Swedish farmers' approval of nudges. Agribusiness, 1–26
    • Dalhaus, T., Steinhuebel, L., Dalheimer, B., Colen, L. (2024). The future of research on sustainable food systems: Building an early-career network of agricultural economists in Europe. Agribusiness, 40(2): 319-324.
    • De A, Miehe C, Van Campenhout B (2024) Gender bias in customer perceptions: The case of agro-input dealers in Uganda. AGR SYST 217: 0.
    • Zuza EJ, N. Araya Y, Maseyk K, Bhagwat S, Rick L. B, Andrew E, Rawes W, Phiri P, Mkengala K, Kenamu E (2024) Farmer preference for macadamia varieties and constraints to production in Malawi. PLOS ONE 19 (2): 1-20.
    • Duchoslav J, Kenamu E, Thunde J (2023) Targeting Hunger or Votes? the Political Economy of Humanitarian Transfers in Malawi. WORLD DEV 165: 106179.
    • Mkandawire D, Gbegbelegbe SD, Yami M, Nsenga J, Kenamu E (2023) Analysing Urban and Peri-Urban Youth Employment in Agribusiness in Malawi. PLOS ONE 18: e0290877.
    • Van Campenhout B, De A (2022) Gendered perceptions in maize supply chains: Evidence from Uganda. ZEF - Discussion Papers on Development Policy 41: e12662.
    • Di Marcantonio, F., Havari, E., Colen, L., & Ciaian, P. (2022). Do producer organizations improve trading practices and negotiation power for dairy farms? Evidence from selected EU countries. Agricultural Economics, 53(S1): 121-137.
    • Akinwehinmi, O., Ogundari, K., & Amos, T. T. (2022). Consumers’ food control risk perception and preference for food safety certification in emerging food markets. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73(3), 690-708.
    • Lefebvre, M., Barreiro‐Hurlé, J., Blanchflower, C., Colen, L., Kuhfuss, L., Rommel, J., ... & Thoyer, S. (2021). Can economic experiments contribute to a more effective CAP?. EuroChoices, 20(3), 42-49.
    • Akinwehinmi, J. O., Amos, T. T., & Ogundari, K. (2021). Consumer preferences for organic vegetables in southwestern Nigeria: A choice experiment approach. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 16(1), 1-13.
    • Adewopo, J. B., Solano-Hermosilla, G., Colen, L., & Micale, F. (2021). Using crowd-sourced data for real-time monitoring of food prices during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from a pilot project in northern Nigeria. Global Food Security, 29, 100523.
    • Mary, S., Shaw, K., Colen, L., & y Paloma, S. G. (2020). Does agricultural aid reduce child stunting?. World Development, 130, 104951.

    • Reports and book chapters
    • Movi, S., Aier, L., & Boss, R. (2024) Everyday lives of Naga women. The Highland Institute & University of Göttingen.
    • Nes, K., Di Marcantonio, F., Colen, L., & Ciaian, P. (2022). Food quality standards and participation of farmers in modern supply chains in the Western Balkans. EUR 31158 EN. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-76-55085-3.
    • Adewopo J, Hermosilla GS, Micale F, Colen L (2022) Crowdsourced data reveal threats to household food security in near real-time during COVID-19 pandemic. In: McDermott J. and Swinnen, J. (Hg.) COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later. International Food Policy Research Institute, 40-45.
    • Adewopo J, Hermosilla GS, Micale F, Colen L (2022) Crowdsourced data reveal threats to household food security in near real-time during COVID-19 pandemic. In: McDermott J. and Swinnen, J. (Hg.) COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later. International Food Policy Research Institute, 40-45.
    • Nes, K., Colen, L., & Ciaian, P. (2021). Market power in food industry in selected EU Member States. EUR 30718 EN. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-76-38017-7.
    • Colen L., Bouamra-Mechemache Z., Daskalova V., Nes K. (2020) Retail alliances in the agricultural and food supply chain. Joint Research Centre (JRC).
    • Nes, K., Colen, L., & Ciaian, P. (2021). Market power in food industry in selected EU Member States. EUR 30718 EN. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-76-38017-7.

    • Blog Posts
    • De A., Miehe C., Van Campenhout B.(2023) This is a man’s world: Gendered perceptions of Ugandan agro-input dealers. International Food Policy Research Institute Blog.
    • Adewopo, J., Solano-Hermosilla, G., Micale, F., & Colen, L. (2020). Crowdsourced data reveals threats to household food security in near real-time during COVID-19 pandemic. IFPRI Blog: Guest post. 17 November 2020.