Rooms and Technology

The e-examination room in the “Blauer Turm” was put into operation in March 2013 and can be used by all faculties of the University of Göttingen. The room had previously been used for a departmental library and was then adapted to the special conditions of an examination room by extensive remodelling. In the beginning of 2019, the room was expanded from the original 100 to 112 workplaces.
Due to the room’s optimised design for e-exams and the resultant conduct of both in-semester assessment tasks as well as end-of-semester exams, the e-examination room is, however, not suitable for lectures. Throughout the semester, seminars can only take place in exceptional cases. Examinations and trial exams always have priority and can displace previously booked courses.
Get an impression of the progress made in the expansion, furnishing and further development of the e-examination room. We document all work and changes in our construction blog (only in German):
In the central campus area, there are also four additional computer rooms with in total 120 workstations available for conducting e-examinations, unless they are reserved for other courses. As these are public computer rooms with upright monitors, screen walls will be positioned to ensure equal examination conditions in all rooms.

During an e-examination the examination system is run on all computers using the Safe Exam Browser (SEB). This is a browser that is specially-configured for legally-secure e-examinations, which prevents use of programmes that are not authorised for the examination or access to data carriers and the Internet. The special situation of an attended examination should moreover be allowed for by use of quiet computers and keyboards, as well as monitors and privacy filters.