Sponsors of our Research

In our empirical research at the chair, we utilize software from
Event Study Metrics for the calculation of:

  • Cumulative Abnormal Returns

  • Buy-and-hold Abnormal Returns

  • Fama-French Calendar Time Portfolios

Product Description:

"Event Study Metrics allows you to perform state-of-the-art event study analyses (for stocks, bonds, and CDS) within minutes. No programming is needed. You can select different estimation methods and test statistics to conduct your analyses: Event Study Metrics allows you to apply the cumulative abnormal return method, the buy-and-hold method, and the calendar time portfolios approach. For each method, different return models and parametric as well as non-parametric test statistics are available."

More detailed information about the tool and its application can be found here.


Chair of Management and Control

Georg-August University of Göttingen

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3

Oeconomicum, Room 2.114

37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-27275