Degree Programs
In Göttingen you can attend the following Bachelor's programmes (teaching language = German):
Geographie (B.Sc.)
Geowissenschaften (B.Sc.)
Erdkunde (2-Fächer B.A., Profil Lehramt)
Ökosystemmanagement (B.Sc.)
The following Master's programmes are offered in Göttingen:
Geographie: Ressourcenanalyse und -management (M.Sc.) [teaching language = German with elective parts in English]
Geowissenschaften/Geoscience (M.Sc.) [teaching language = English & German]
Erdkunde im Master of Education (M.Ed.) [teaching language = German]
Doctoal studis
If you are pursuing a doctorate, the following pages will help you find out about our doctoral degree programmes in the Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS):
- Geography (Dr. rer. nat./Ph.D. - doctoral programme)
- Geoscience (Dr. rer. nat./Ph.D. - doctial programme)
- Doctoral students who started BEFORE WS 13/14
Minor students
If you want to study a subject of the Faculty of Geoscience and Geography as a minor, you can find information on the following page: