PD Dr. Jan Logemann

Im Buchhandel / Books at display

Jan Logemann / Stefanie Middendorf / Laura Rischbieter (Hg.), Schulden Machen. Praktiken der Staatsverschuldung im langen 20. Jahrhundert (Campus 2023).

Schulden Machen - LogemannWie und von wem aber werden Staatsschulden tatsächlich »gemacht«? Und wie stellt sich dies in der historischen Perspektive dar? Die Essays dieses Bandes machen das abstrakte Phänomen der öffentlichen Verschuldung und die verborgenen Prozesse hinter den Schuldenquoten zugänglich. Prägende Praktiken der Staatsverschuldung verdeutlichen die Beiträge anhand von fünf Kategorien: den beteiligten Akteuren, den konkreten Artefakten, den politischen Debatten, den globalen Relationen sowie der Zeitlichkeit der Verschuldung der öffentlichen Haushalte.

Jan Logemann und Reinhild Kreis, Seminar Geschichte: Konsumgeschichte (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022)

Konsumgeschichte, Logemann & KreisDer Band eröffnet Studierenden einen konzisen Überblick über die europäische, transatlantisch geprägte Konsumgeschichte seit der Frühen Neuzeit. Er führt dabei über ausgewählte Quellen grundlegend in die Quellenarbeit sowie in geschichtswissenschaftliche Methoden und Fragestellungen ein. Er vermittelt prüfungsrelevantes Basiswissen und regt über Aufgaben und kommentierte Lektüreempfehlungen zur selbständigen Weiterarbeit an.

Jan Logemann und Christian Kleinschmidt (eds.), Konsum im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020)

Konsum_kleinDas Handbuch betrachtet soziale und wirtschaftliche Aspekte des Konsums in der Breite, setzt dabei starke Akzente im Bereich der Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte und berücksichtigt auch transnationale Bezüge. Dabei wird die Entwicklung der Konsumgesellschaft seit der Industrious Revolution ebenso in den Blick genommen wie der Konsum der Hochmoderne und „nach dem Boom".

Jan Logemann, Engineered to Sell: European Émigrés and the Making of Consumer Capitalism (Chicago University Press, 2020)

Logemann, Jan, Engineered to Sell: European Emigres and the Making of Consumer Capitalism (Chicago University Press, Oct. 2019)Forever immortalized in the television series Mad Men, the mid-twentieth century marketing world influenced nearly every aspect of American culture—music, literature, politics, economics, consumerism, race relations, gender, and more. In Engineered to Sell, Jan Logemann traces the transnational careers of consumer engineers in advertising, market research and commercial design who transformed capitalism, from the 1930s through the 1960s.

Jan Logemann, Gary Cross & Ingo Köhler (eds.), Consumer Engineering, 1920s–1970s: Marketing between Expert Planning and Consumer Resposiveness (Palgrave: New York, 2019)

Logemann, Jan, Consumer Engineering, 1920s–1970s, New York, 2019This collection considers consumer engineering in the context of the longer history of transatlantic marketing. Contributors offer case studies on the roles of individual consumer engineers on both sides of the Atlantic, the impact of such marketing practices on European economies during World War II and after, and the conflicted relationship between consumer activists and the ideas of consumer engineering. By connecting consumer engineering to a web of social processes in the twentieth century, this volume contributes to a reassessment of consumer history more broadly.

Jan Logemann, Hartmut Berghoff and Felix Römer (eds.), Consumption on the Home Front During the Second World War: A Transnational Perspective (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017)

Consumption on the Home FrontThis volume explores the history of the home fronts in the Second World War from a comparative and transnational perspective, focusing on the role of the consumer and civilian morale in Nazi Germany, Japan, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. The volume covers a wide range of aspects. It compares the belligerents' efforts in securing civilian food and nutrition. It analyses the role of advertising and commercial entertainment in creating 'virtual consumption' to compensate for wartime hardships. It highlights fashion as a means of offering distraction and promoting promises of future consumption. And it enquires into the impact of the wartime consumer regimes on the post-war period and long-term developments.

Jan Logemann, Donna Gabaccia and Sally Gregory Kohlstedt (eds.), Europe, Migration and Identity: Connecting Migration Experiences and Europeanness, Edited Volume with (London: Routledge, 2014)

Logemannn_MigrationThis volume explores connections between migration studies and research in the history of Europeanization and Europeaness. The collection asks what "Europe" meant to migrants abroad ? particularly within the transatlantic context ? and within the continent during the 20th century. Can we trace the emergence of European identieis among different groups of migrants and - if so what forms did they take?

Jan Logemann, Trams or Tailfins: Public and Private Prosperity in Postwar West Germany and the United States (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012)

Logemann_TramsTailfinsIn the years that followed World War II, both the United States and the newly formed West German republic had an opportunity to remake their economies. Since then, much has been made of a supposed ?Americanization? of European consumer societies?in Germany and elsewhere. Arguing against these foggy notions, this book takes a comparative look at the development of postwar mass consumption in West Germany and the United States and the emergence of discrete consumer modernities.

Jan Logemann (ed.), The Development of Consumer Credit in Global Perspective: Business, Regulation, and Culture (New York: Palgrave, 2012)

Logemann_CreditThe financial crisis of 2007-2009 underscored the centrality of consumer credit for modern economies. While some Europeans were quick to blame unsustainable American patterns of borrowing and consumption, consumer indebtedness became a growing problem in other countries, too. At the same time, important differences in cultures of credit were evident in the seemingly homogenous global world of finance and consumption. This book explores the history of consumer credit in Europe, the United States, and Japan. It focuses on the period after World War II but also reaches further back, and it integrates anthropological and economic perspectives.