Access requirements (summary)

If you want to do a doctorate at the Göttingen Faculty of Theology, you must meet the access requirements for the doctoral programme, i.e., you have to furnish proof of

a) good knowledge of German (on a level with "DSH-2"; see;

b) membership of a Protestant church;

c) a master's degree in Theology or related studies, with a final grade of at least "2.5" (German gradation; if the final grade falls short of 2.5, you have the opportunity to compensate for this with an exposé);

d) 240 credit points (ECTS) in Theology or related studies, inclusive of 98 credit points in "Old Testament", "New Testament (with a knowledge of Greek)", "Church History", "Systematic Theology (Dogmatics/Ethics)", "Practical Theology" and "Religions/Missiology" (if you have less than 98 but more than 67 credit points in those six disciplines, you can make up leeway during the doctoral programme; please note that it is not possible to do a doctorate if the extent of the achievements which have not yet been completed amounts to more than 30 credit points);

e) good knowledge of Latin, Greek and Hebrew (it is possible to submit the relevant certificates later, i.e., by the 5th doctoral semester);

f) your doctoral adviser's consent to supervise your PhD thesis (the doctoral adviser must be a member of the Theological Faculty).

All the proofs and certificates mentioned above require validation by the Theological Faculty.