Ariel Fernando Neri Winter

Research focus:
Forestry & Forest Monitoring, Forest Structure, Geomatics, Remote Sensing, Spaceborne LiDAR, GEDI, Airborne LiDAR, Photogrammetry, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Geographic information Systems (GIS), Spatial Data Analysis, Workflow Automation.

Research associate in the joint project KLIMNEM – Comparison of temperate deciduous forests in the northern and southern hemisphere for an implementation of trans-hemispherical and sustainable forests management.

in cooperation with:
- CIEFAP Esquel (Argentina)
- Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts HAWK (Germany)

PhD Thesis (provisional title):
“3D Structural characterization of North-Patagonian forest ecosystems from multi-platform remote sensing: An integration of LiDAR, SAR and optical satellite sources”

Barasch Y, Cuerda F, Neri Winter AF, et al (2022) Sistema de alerta temprana de deforestación en la región Bosque Andino Patagónico. In: VI JORNADAS FORESTALES PATAGÓNICAS. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Bariloche, Argentina, p 29
Neri Winter AF, Callow N, Diaz GM (2022) Predicción de variables forestales de bosques de lenga a partir de datos de fotogrametría digital aérea. In: VI JORNADAS FORESTALES PATAGÓNICAS. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Bariloche, Argentina, p 206
Díaz GM, Gonzalez C, Neri Winter AF, Gindre F, Gorbatik E (2017) Buen Ojo, gamificación en Geomática. In: Patagonia Forestal, Esquel vol 23 p.34 - 35