CRC Science


In order to gain control of the elementary energy conversion steps, we work with materials systems, where excitation spectra and excitation interactions can be tuned by materials design or by active control. Three different types of elementary conversion steps are selected, along which we have aligned our projects in three topical areas (to be found in "Topical Areas and Projects"; A,B,C) so that they form an entire conversion chain: Control of dissipation (A), conversion of optical excitations (B), and photon- and electron driven reactions (C).
In the first CRC period, we demonstrated structural and active control tactics in different tuneable materials systems using a number of highly advanced atomic-resolution, ultrafast, spectroscopic and theoretical methods. In the second CRC period, we focused on the most promising systems, i.e. complex oxides, two-dimensional systems and molecular metal complexes, where we have achieved several exciting breakthroughs. In all three selected material systems, a large impact on pathways and efficiencies of energy conversion is found in tuning strongly correlated phases and highly correlated excitations.
In the third SFB period starting in July 2021, we aim to develop the new paradigm of control of energy conversion by tunable correlations. To this end, the examples of control by correlations identified in the second period will be substantiated to create a coherent and predictive picture of energy conversion in material systems with strongly correlated excitations. This comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms will result in scientific guidelines for the development of novel technological applications and solutions.