Peer-reviewed publications
CHEN, Y., WANG, M.-Q., PAN, X., LIANG, C., XIE, Z., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M., CHEN, J. (2024) Season affects soil oribatid mite communities more than tree diversity in subtropical forests. Geoderma, in press
GONG, X., SUN, X., THAKUR, M.P., QIAO, Z., YAO, H., LIU, M., SCHEU, S., ZHU, Y.-G. (2024) Urbanization simplifies soil nematode communities and coincides with decreased ecosystem stability. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 190, 109297,
JUNGGEBAUER, A. (2024) Temporal variation of soil microarthropods in different forest types and regions of Central Europe. Oikos 2024, e10513.
JUNGGEBAUER, A., GERICKE, N.M., KRAKAU, L.K., BLUHM, S.A., MARAUN, M., POLLIERER, M.M., SCHEU, S. (2024) Effects of forest gap formation and deadwood enrichment on oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) vary between regions. Forest Ecology and Management 565, 122015.
KARBSTEIN, K., KÖSTERS, L., HODAC, L., HOFMANN, M., HÖRANDL, E., TOMASELLO, S., WAGNER, N., EMERSON, B., ALBACH, D.C., SCHEU, S., BRADLER, S., DE VRIES, J., IRISARRI, I., LI, H., SOLTIS, P., MÄDER, P., WÄLDCHEN, J. (2024) Species delimitation 4.0: Integrative taxon-omics and artificial intelligence. Trends in Ecology and Evolution,
LIU, Q., EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S., ANGST, G., BÜCKER, M., HUANG, Y., MEADOR, T.B., SCHÄDLER, M. (2024) Climate-dependent plant responses to earthworms in two land-use types. Oecologia,
LU, J.Z., BLUHM, C., FOLTRAN, E., RIVERA PEREZ, C.A., AMMER, C., CARUSO, T., GLATTHORN, J., LAMERSDORF, N., POLLE, A., SANDMANN, D., SCHAEFER, I., SCHULDT, A., MARK MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2024) Functional traits in soil-living oribatid mites unveil trophic reorganization in belowground communities by introduced tree species. Geoderma 448, 11694
LUX, J., XIE, Z., SUN, X., WU, D., SCHEU, S. (2024) Trophic niches of Collembola communities change with elevation, but also with body size and life form. Oecologia,
LUX, J., XIE, Z., SUN, X., WU, D., POLLIERER, M., SCHEU, S. (2024) Trophic positions of soil microarthropods in forests increase with elevation, but energy channels remain unchanged. Ecosphere15, e4747.
MÖLLERKE, A., BRASSE, G., BELLO, J., MONTES VIDAL, D., DETTNER, K., ZETTEL, J., BERG, M.P., SCHEU, S., LEINAAS, H.P., SCHULZ, S. (2024) The unique epicuticular chemistry of Collembola – a cross-species analysis. iScience, in press
MUELBAIER, H., ARTHEN, F., COLLINS, G., HICKLER, T., HOHBERG, K., LEHMITZ, R., PAUCHET, Y., PFENNINGER, M., POTAPOV, A., ROMAHN, J., SCHAEFER, I., SCHEU, S., SCHNEIDER, C., EBERSBERGER, I., BALINT, M. (2024) Genomic evidence for the wide-spread presence of lignocellulases among soil invertebrates. Molecular Ecology,
NOSKE, J.E., LU, J.-Z., SCHAEFER, I., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., CHEN, T.-W. (2024) Niche dimensions in soil oribatid mite community assembly under native and introduced tree species. Ecology and Evolution 14, e11431.
PENA, R., BLUHM, S.L., AMMERSCHUBERT, S., AGÜI-GONZALEZ, P., RIZZOLI, S.O., SCHEU, S., POLLE, A. (2024) Mycorrhizal C/N ratio determines plant-derived carbon and nitrogen allocation to symbiosis. Communications Biology 6,
POTAPOV, A., … (85 co-authors) … SCHEU, S. (2024) Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure. Scientific Data 11, 22.
POTAPOV, A.M., DRESCHER, J., DARRAS, K., WENZEL, A., JANOTTA, N., NAZARRETA, R., KASMIATUN, LAURENT, V., MAWAN, A., UTARI, E.H., POLLIERER, M.M., REMBOLD, K., WIDYASTUTI, R., BUCHORI, D., HIDAYAT, P., TURNER, E., GRASS, I., WESTPHAL, C., TSCHARNTKE, T., SCHEU, S. (2024) Rainforest transformation reallocates energy from green to brown food webs. Nature 627, 116–122,
SHANGGUAN, H. Y., GEISEN, S., LI, Z. P., YAO, H. F., LI, G., BREED, M. F., SCHEU, S., SUN, X. (2024) Urban greenspaces shape soil protist communities in a location-specific manner. Environmental Research 240, 117485.
SUSANTI, W.I., KRASHEVSKA, V., WIDYASTUTI, R., STIEGLER, C., GUNAWAN, D., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, A. (2024) Seasonal fluctuations of litter and soil Collembola and their drivers in rainforest and plantation systems. PeerJ 12:e17125.
URFI DHIYA‘ULHAQ, N., DUPERRE, N., BUCHORI, D., SCHEU, S., DRESCHER, J. (2024) Four new species of Utivarachna Kishida, 1940 (Araneae: Trachelidae) from Sumatra. Zootaxa,
WENZEL, A., WESTPHAL, C., BALLAUFF, J., BERKELMANN, D., BRAMBACH, F., BUCHORI, D., CAMARRETTA, N., CORRE, M.D., DANIEL, R., DARRAS, K., ERASMI, S., FORMAGLIO, G., HÖLSCHER, D., IDDRIS, N.A.-M., IRAWAN, B., KNOHL, A., KOTOWSKA, M.M., KRASHEVSKA, V., KREFT, H., MULYANI, Y., MUßHOFF, O., PATERNO, G., POLLE, A., POTAPOV, A., RÖLL, A., SCHEU, S., SCHLUND, M., SCHNEIDER, D., SIBHATU, K.T., STIEGLER, C., SUNDAWATI, L., TJOA, A., TSCHARNTKE, T., VELDKAMP, E., WAITE, P.-A., WOLLNI, M., ZEMP, D.C., GRASS, I. (2024) Balancing economic and ecological functions in smallholder and industrial oil palm plantations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA,
WU, Y., XIE, Z., WU, D., SCHEU, S. (2024) Body size - abundance relationships in Collembola vary among forest habitats along an altitudinal gradient. Applied Soil Ecology, in press
XIAO, T., ZHANG, B., ZHAO, H., XIE, Z., ZHANG, Y., WU, D., CHEN, T.-W., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I. (2024) Differential changes in body size and stoichiometry in cryptic species of the earthworm Eisenia nordenskioldi with elevation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, in press
XIE, Z., LUX, J., WU, Y., SUN, X., CHEN, T.-W., ZHU, J., ZHANG, J., WU, D., SCHEU, S. (2024) Intraspecific variability and species turnover drive variations in Collembola body size along a temperate-boreal elevation gradient. Geoderma, in press
ZHANG, P., ZHOU, Z., LIU, W., WU, D., SCHEU, S. (2024) Detritivores maintain stoichiometric homeostasis, but alter body size and population density in response to altitude induced stoichiometric mismatches. Geoderma 446, 116897
ZHONG, L., LARSEN, T., SCHEU, S., POLLIERER, M. (2024) Root-derived resources fuel earthworms predominantly via bacterial and plant energy channels – Insights from bulk and compound-specific isotope analyses. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 191, 109324.
ZHOU, Z., LU, J-Z., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, A., KRASHEVSKA, V. (2024) Plant roots are more strongly linked to microorganisms in leaf litter rather than in soil across tropical land-use systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 190, 109320. equal last author position.
ANTUNES, A.C., GAUZENS, B., BROSE, U., POTAPOV, A.M., JOCHUM, M., SANTINI, L., EISENHAUER, E., FERLIAN, O., CESARZ, S., SCHEU, S., HIRT, M.R. (2023) Environmental drivers of local abundance-mass scaling in soil animal communities. Oikos 2023, e09735.
BANIN, L., RAINE, E.H., ROWLAND, L.M., CHAZDON, R.L., SMITH, S.W., RAHMAN, N.E.B., BUTLER, A., PHILIPSON, C., APPLEGATE, G.G., AXELSSON, E.P., BUDIHARTA, S., CHUA, S.C., CUTLER, M.E.J., ELLIOTT, S., GEMITA, E., GODOONG, E., GRAHAM, L.L.B., HAYWARD, R.M., HECTOR, A., ILSTEDT, U., JENSEN, J., KASINATHAN, S., KETTLE, C.J., LUSSETTI, D., MANOHAN, B., MAYCOCK, C., NGO, K.M., O'BRIEN, M.J., OSURI, A.M., REYNOLDS, G., SAUWAI, Y., SCHEU, S., SILALAHI, M., SLADE, E.M., SWINFIELD, T., WARDLE, D.A., WHEELER, C., YEONG, K.L., BURSLEM, D.F.R.P. (2023) The road to recovery: a synthesis of outcomes from ecosystem restoration in tropical and sub-tropical Asian forests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378, 20210090.
ERMILOV, S.G., SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S. (2023) New Otocepheidae (Acari, Oribatida) from Indonesia. International Journal of Acarology 49, 196-202.
ERMILOV, S.G., SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S. (2023) New species of Pulchroppia (Acari, Oribatida, Oppiidae) from Indonesia. Acarologia 63, 725-734.
ERMILOV, S.G., SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S. (2023) New species of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) with auriculate pteromorphs from Indonesia. Systematic and Applied Acarology 28, 1043–1055.
GAVÍN-CENTOL, M.P., SERRANO-CARNERO, D., MONTSERRAT, M., MEYER, S., SCHEU, S., KUNDEL, D., FLIESSBACH, A., TRUU, J., BIRKHOFER, K., SÁNCHEZ-MORENO, S., MOYA-LARAÑO, J. (2023) Severe drought and conventional farming affect detritivore feeding activity and its vertical distribution. Basic and Applied Ecology 69, 49-59.
GLATTHORN, J., APPLEBY, S., BALKENHOL, N., KRIEGEL, P., LIKULUNGA, L.E., LU, J-Z., MATEVSKI, D., POLLE, A., RIEBL, H., RIVERA PÉREZ, C.A., SCHEU, S., SEINSCHE, A., SCHALL, P., SCHULDT, A., WINGENDER, S., AMMER, C. (2023) Species diversity of forest-floor biota in non-native Douglas fir stands is similar as in native stands. Ecosphere 14, e4609.
GONG, X., SUN, X., THAKUR, M.P., QIAO, Z., YAO, H., LIU, M., SCHEU, S., ZHU, Y.-G. (2023) Climate and edaphic factors drive soil nematode diversity and community composition in urban ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 180, 109010.
HEIMBURGER, B., KLEIN, A., ROTH, A., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N., SCHAEFER, I. (2023) Population structure and genetic variance among local populations of a non-native earthworm species in Minnesota, USA. Biological Invasions 25, 2361-2375.
IDDRIS, N.A.-A., FORMAGLIO, G., PAUL, C., VON GROß, V., CHEN, G., ANGULO-RUBIANO, A., BERKELMANN, D., BRAMBACH, F., DARRAS, K.F.A., KRASHEVSKA, V., POTAPOV, A., WENZEL, A., IRAWAN, B., DAMRIS, M., DANIEL, R., GRASS, I., KREFT, H., SCHEU, S., TSCHARNTKE, T., VELDKAMP, E., CORRE M.D. (2023) Mechanical weeding enhances ecosystem multifunctionality and profit in industrial oil palm. Nature Sustainability 6, pages 683–695.
JÜDS, M., HEIDEMANN, K., EITZINGER, B., SCHEU, S. (2023) Testing the effectiveness of different wash protocols to remove body surface contaminants in invertebrate food web studies. PeerJ 11, e16018.
KASMIATUN, HARTKE, T.R., BUCHORI, D., HIDAYAT, P., SIDDIKAH, F., AMRULLOH, R., HIOLA, M.S., NAJMI, L., NOERDJITO, W.A., SCHEU, S., DRESCHER, J. (2023) Rainforest conversion to smallholder cash crops leads to varying declines of beetles (Coleoptera) on Sumatra. Biotropica 55, 119-131.
LI, Z.-P., GEISEN, S., SHANGGUAN, H.-J., TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S., ZHU, Y.-G., SUN, X. (2023) Land use decouples parasite-metazoan host biodiversity associations in soils across subtropical and temperate zones in China. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32, 2164–2176.
MARAUN, M., THOMAS, T., FAST, E., TREIBERT, N., CARUSO, T., SCHAEFER, I., LU, J.-Z., SCHEU, S. (2023) New perspectives on soil animal trophic ecology through the lenses of stable isotopes (15N, 13C) of oribatid mites. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 177, 108890.
MONTOYA-SÁNCHEZA, V., KREFT, H., ARIMOND, I., BALLAUFF, J., BERKELMANN, D., BRAMBACH, F., DANIEL, R., GRASS, I., HINES, J., HÖLSCHER, D., IRAWAN, B., KRAUSE, A., POLLE, A., POTAPOV, A., SACHSENMAIER, L., SCHEU, S., SUNDAWATIO, L., TSCHARNTKE, T., ZEMP, D.C., GUERRERO-RAMÍREZ, N.R. (2023) Landscape heterogeneity and soil biota are central to multi-taxa diversity for landscape restoration. Communications Earth and Environment 4, 209.
PAN, X., XIE, Z., SUN, X., WU, D., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2023) Changes in oribatid mite community structure along two altitudinal gradients in Asia and Europe as related to environmental factors. Applied Soil Ecology 189, 104912.
PAN, X., XIE, Z., ZHENG, Z., SUN, X., LIU, D., WU, D., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2023) Variations in trophic niches of soil microarthropods with elevation in two distant mountain regions in Eurasia as indicated by stable isotopes (15N, 13C). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 185, 109162.
POLLIERER, M., DRESCHER, J., POTAPOV, A., KASMIATUN, MAWAN, A., MUTIARI, M., NAZARRETA, R., HIDAYAT, P., BUCHORI, D., SCHEU, S. (2023) Rainforest conversion to plantations fundamentally alters energy fluxes and functions in canopy arthropod food webs. Ecology Letters 26, 1663-1675.
POTAPOV, A., … (85 co-authors) … SCHEU, S. (2023) Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails. Nature Communications 14, 674.
RINKE, M., LOHMUS, K., PIECK, D., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2023) Channelling of basal resources and use of allochthonous marine carbon by soil arthropods of the Wadden Sea salt marsh. Marine Ecology Progress Series 706, 57-71.
SCHULZ, G., CAMENZIND, T., SANCHEZ-GALINDO, L.M., SCHNEIDER, D., SCHEU, S., KRASHEVSKA, V. (2023) Response of protists to nitrogen addition, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi manipulation, and mesofauna reduction in a tropical montane rainforest in southern Ecuador. Eukaryotic Microbiology 70, e12996.
SHANGGUAN, H.Y., GEISEN, S., LI, Z.-P., YAO, H.-F., LI, G., BREED, M.F., SCHEU, S., SUN X. (2024) Urban greenspaces shape soil protist communities in a location-specific manner. Environmental Research 240, 117485.
SUN, X., LIDDICOAT, C., TIUNOV, A., WANG, B., ZHANG, Y., LU, C., LI, Z., SCHEU, S., BREED, M., GEISEN, S., ZHU, Y.-G. (2023) Harnessing soil biodiversity to promote human health in cities. Urban Sustainability 3, 5.
VAN DER PLAS, F., SCHRÖDER-GEORGI, T., WEIGELT, A., … SCHEU, S., … WIRTH, C. (2023) Reply to: Plant traits alone are good predictors of ecosystem properties when used carefully. Nature Ecology and Evolution 7, 335-336.
WANG, B., ZHANG, S., QIAO, Z., YAN, Q., SCHEU, S., SUN, X. (2023) Small urban fragments maintain complex food webs of litter-dwelling arthropods in a subtropical city in China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 185, 109150.
WANG, P., ERKTAN, A., FU, L., PAN, Y., SUN, X., CAO, W., TANG, L., SCHEU, S., WANG, Z. (2023) Regulation of agronomic traits of bean by soil decomposer animals depends on cropping system and genotype. Plant and Soil 2023, 1-13.
WARNKE, L., HERTEL, D., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2023) Opening up new niche dimensions: the stoichiometry of soil microarthropods in European beech and Norway spruce forests. Ecology and Evolution 13, e10122.
WILDERMUTH, B., FARDIANSAH, R., MATEVSKI, D., LU, J.Z., KRIEGEL, P., SCHEU, S., SCHULDT, A. (2023) Conifers and non-native tree species shift trophic niches of generalist arthropod predators in Central European beech forests. BMC Ecology and Evolution 23, 3.
WILDERMUTH, B., DÖNGES, C., MATEVSKI, D., PENANHOAT, A., SEIFERT, C.L., SEIDEL, D., SCHEU, S., SCHULDT, A. (2023) Tree species identity, canopy structure and prey availability differentially affect canopy spider diversity and trophic composition. Oecologia 203, 37-51.
WU, Y., HAO, C., CHEN, T.W., XIE, Z., ZHANG, Y., GUAN, P., WU, D., SCHEU, S. (2023) Environmental distances are more important than geographic distances for predicting earthworm gut bacterial community composition. European Journal of Soil Biology 118, 103520.
WU, Y., XIE, Z., WAN, Z., JI, Q.Q., YANG, J., CHEN, T.-W., WU, D., SCHEU, S. (2023) Elevational changes in canopy Collembola community composition are primarily driven by species turnover. Biodiversity and Conservation 32, 4853-4872.
YANG, J., TIAN, K., LU, J-Z., KONG, X., LIA, Q., YE, R., ZENG, X., CAO, T., HU, H., JI, Y., TIAN, X., SCHEU, S. (2023) Earthworms increase forest litter mass loss irrespective of deposited compounds – A field manipulation experiment in subtropical forests. Ecology and Evolution 13, e10047.
YANG, J., LU, J., YANG, Y., TIAN, K., KONG, X., TIAN, X., SCHEU, S. (2023) Earthworms neutralize the influence of components of particulate pollutants on soil extracellular enzymatic functions in subtropical forests. PeerJ Life and Environment 11, e15720.
ZHANG, Y., ZHANG, A., SCHEU, S., BHUSAL, D.R., LUO, R., QIANG, W., WANG, M., PAN, X. (2023) Phosphorus addition increases the total abundance and favours microbivorous Collembola in subalpine plantation forest. Applied Soil Ecology 189, 104948.
ZHOU, Z., LU, J.-Z., PREISER, J., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, A. (2023) Plant roots fuel tropical soil animal communities. Ecology Letters 26, 742–753.
ANGST, G., FROUZ, J., VAN GROENIGEN, J.-W., SCHEU, S., KÖGEL-KNABNER, I., EISENHAUER, N. (2022) Earthworms as catalysts in the formation and stabilization of soil microbial necromass. Global Change Biology 28, 4775-4782.
AZHAR, A., HARTKE, T., BÖTTGES, L., LANG, T., LARASATI, A., NOVIANTI, N., TAWAKKAL, I., HIDAYAT, P., BUCHORI, D., SCHEU, S., DRESCHER, J. (2022) Rainforest conversion to cash crops reduces abundance, biomass and species richness of parasitoid wasps in Sumatra, Indonesia. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 24, 506–515.
BAUER, B., BERTI, E., RYSER, R., GAUZENS, B., HIRT, M.R., ROSENBAUM, B., DIGEL, C., OTT, D., SCHEU, S., BROSE, U. (2022) Biotic filtering by species’ interactions constrains food‐web variability across spatial and abiotic gradients. Ecology Letters 25, 1225-1236.
CABALLERO, A., POTAPOV, A., RUEDA-RAMÍREZ, D., SCHEU, S. (2022) Five new records of soil scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) for Indonesia. Soil Organisms 94, 85-98.
HANISCH, J., ENGELL, I., LINSLER, D., SCHEU, S., POTTHOFF, M. (2022) The role of Collembola for litter decomposition under minimum and conventional tillage. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 185, 529-538.
HEIMBURGER, B., BRANDT, A., SCHARDT, L., SCHEU, S., HARTKE, T.R. (2022) Rapid radiation of the Australian Amitermes group during Late Miocene and Pliocene climate change. Ecography.
HEIMBURGER, B., SOTO MAURER, S., SCHARDT, L., SCHEU, S., HARTKE, T.R. (2022) Historical and future climate change fosters expansion of Australian harvester termites, Drepanotermes. Evolution 76, 2145-2161.
KLIMES, P., DRESCHER, J., BUCHORI, D., HIDAYAT, P., NAZARRETA, R., POTOCKY, P., RIMANDAI, M., SCHEU, S., MATOS-MARAVI, P. (2022) Uncovering cryptic diversity in the enigmatic ant genus Overbeckia and insights into the phylogeny of Camponotini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae). Invertebrate Systematics 36, 557-579.
KLUSMANN, C., CESARZ, S., CIOBANU, M., FERLIAN, O., JOCHUM, M., SCHÄDLER, M., SCHEU, S., SÜNNEMANN, M., WALL, D.H., EISENHAUER, N. (2022) Climate-change effects on the sex ratio of free-living soil nematodes – perspective and prospect. Soil Organisms 94, 15-28.
KRASHEVSKA, V., STIEGLER, C., JUNE, T., WIDYASTUTI, R., KNOHL, A., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, A. (2022) Land-use change shifts and magnifies seasonal variations of the decomposer system in lowland tropical landscapes. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9020.
LI, Z., BLUHM, S., SCHEU, S., POLLIERER, M.M. (2022) Amino acid isotopes in functional assemblages of Collembola reveal the influence of vertical resource heterogeneity and root energy supply on trophic interactions in soil food webs. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 174, 108815.
LU, J.-Z., CORDES, H.-P., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2022) High consistency of trophic niches in generalist arthropod species (Oribatida, Acari) across soil depth and forest type. Ecology and Evolution 12, e9572.
LUX, J., XIE, Z., SUN, X., WU, D., SCHEU, S. (2022) Changes in microbial community structure and functioning with elevation are linked to local soil characteristics as well as climatic variables. Ecology and Evolution 12, e9632.
MARAUN, M., BISCHOF, P.S.P., KLEMP, F.L., POLLACK, J., RAAB, L., SCHMERBACH, J., SCHAEFER, I., SCHEU, S., CARUSO, T. (2022) ‘Jack-of-all-trades’ is parthenogenetic. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9036.
MAWAN, A., HARTKE, T.R., DEHARVENG, L., ZHANG, F., BUCHORI, D., SCHEU, S., DRESCHER, J. (2022) Response of arboreal Collembola communities to the conversion of lowland rainforest into rubber and oil palm plantations. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22, 144.
MEYER, S., KUNDEL, D., BIRKHOFER, K., FLIESSBACH, A., SCHEU, S. (2022) Trophic niche but not abundance of Collembola and Oribatida changes with drought and farming system. PeerJ Life and Environment 10, e12777.
POTAPOV, A.M., BEAULIEU, F., BIRKHOFER, K., BLUHM, S.L., BRYNDOVA, M., DEGTYAREV, M.I., DEVETTER, M., GONCHAROV, A.A., GONGALSKY, K.B., KLARNER, B., KOROBUSHKIN, D.I., LIEBKE, D.F., MARAUN, M., MC DONNELL, R.J., POLLIERER, M.M., SCHAEFER, I., SHRUBOVYCH, J., SEMENYUK, I.I., SENDRA, A., TUMA, J., VASSILIEVA, A.B., CHEN, T.-W., GEISEN, S., SCHMIDT, O., TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2022) Feeding habits and multifunctional classification of soil-associated consumers from protists to vertebrates. Biological Reviews 97, 1057-1117.
POTAPOV, A.M., SUN, X., BRIONES, M.J.I., BROWN, G.G., CAMERON, E.K., CORTET, J., EISENHAUER, N., FUJII, S., GEISEN, S., GONGALSKY, K.B., GUERRA, C., HANDA, I.T., JANION-SCHEEPERS, C., LINDO, Z., MATHIEU, J., MURVANIDZE, M., NIELSEN, U.N., SCHEU, S., SCHMIDT, O., SCHNEIDER, C., SEEBER, J., TUMA, J., TIUNOV, A.V., ZAITSEV, A.S., WALL, D.H. (2022) Global monitoring of soil animal communities using a common methodology. Soil Organisms 94, 55-68.
QIAO, Z., WANG, B., YAO, H., LI, Z., SCHEU, S., ZHU, Y.-G., SUN, X. (2022) Urbanization and greenspace type as determinants of species and functional composition of collembolan communities. Geoderma 428, 116175.
RAMOS, D., HARTKE, T.R., BUCHORI, D., DUPÉRRÉ, N., HIDAYAT, P., LIA, M., HARMS, D., SCHEU, S., DRESCHER, J. (2022) Rainforest conversion to rubber and oil palm reduces abundance, biomass and diversity of canopy spiders. PeerJ Life and Environment 10, e13898.
RINKE, M., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2022) Spatial and temporal variations in salt marsh microorganisms of the Wadden Sea. Ecology and Evolution 12, e8767.
RINKE, M., BENDISCH, P., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2022) Trophic structure and origin of resources of soil macrofauna in the salt marsh of the Wadden Sea: a stable isotope (15N, 13C) study. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22, 85.
SANCHEZ-GALINDO, L.M., SANDMANN, D., MARIUAN, F., LAUERMANN, T., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2022) Differences in leaf and root litter decomposition in tropical montane rainforests are mediated by soil microorganisms not by decomposer microarthropods. PeerJ Life and Environment 10, e14264.
WANG, Z.-Y., LU, J.-Z., ERKTAN, A., FU, L.-B., CHEN, H., YIN, M., CAO, W.-D., SCHEU, S. (2022) Crop productivity, resource allocation and nitrogen concentration as affected by soil decomposers, mixed cropping and crop genotype. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 175, 108855.
XIE, Z., CHANG, L., SCHEU, S., SUN, X. (2022) Taxonomic and functional diversity of Collembola in litter and soil along an altitudinal gradient at Changbai Mountain, China. Acta Ecologica Sinica 12, e8559. (in Chinese)
XIE, Z., SUN, X., LUX, J., CHENG, T.-W., POTAPOV, M., WU, D., SCHEU, S. (2022) Drivers of Collembola assemblages along an altitudinal gradient in northeast China. Ecology and Evolution 12, e8559.
XIE, Z., CHENG, T.-W., POTAPOV, M., ZHANG, F., WU, D., SCHEU, S., SUN, X. (2022) Ecological and evolutionary processes shape belowground springtail communities along an elevational gradient. Journal of Biogeography 49, 469–482.
YIN, H., SU, Y., LIU, S., LI, X., LI, X., FAN, C., GUAN, P., XIE, Z., WANG, S., SCHEU, S., KRASHEVSKA, V. (2022) Consistent response of nematode communities to management of coniferous plantations. Forest Ecosystems 9, 100045.
ZHANG, B., CHEN, H., DENG, M., LI, X., CHEN, T., LIU, L., SCHEU, S., WANG, S. (2022) Multidimensional stoichiometric mismatch explains differences in detritivore biomass across three forest types. Journal of Animal Ecology 92, 454-465.
ZHOU, Z., KRASHEVSKA, V., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, A. (2022) Tropical land use alters functional diversity of soil food webs and leads to monopolization of the detrital energy channel. eLife, 11, e75428.
BAUER, B., KLEYER, M., ALBACH, D.C., BLASIUS, B., BROSE, B., FERREIRA-ARRUDA, T., FEUDEL, U., GERLACH, G., HOF, C., KREFT, H., KUCZYNSKI, L., LOHMUS, K., MOORTHI, S., SCHERBER, C., SCHEU, S., ZOTZ, G., HILLEBRAND, H. (2021) Functional trait dimensions of trophic metacommunities. Ecography 43, 1486-1500
BIRKHOFER, K., FLIESSBACH, A., GAVÍN‑CENTOL, M.P., HEDLUND, K., INGIMARSDÓTTIR, M., BRACHT JØRGENSEN, H., KOZJEK, K., MEYER, S., MONTSERRAT, M., SÁNCHEZ MORENO, S., MOYA LARAÑO, J., SCHEU, S., SERRANO‑CARNERO, D., TRUU, J., KUNDEL, D. (2021) Conventional agriculture and not drought alters relationships between soil biota and functions. Scientific Reports 11, 23975
BLUHM, S.L., EITZINGER, B., BLUHM, C., FERLIAN, O., HEIDEMANN, K., CIOBANU, M., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2021) The impact of root-derived resources on forest soil invertebrates depends on body size and trophic position. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change 4, 622370
BRANDT, A., TRAN-VAN, P., BLUHM, C., ANSELMETTI, Y., DUMAS, Z., FIGUET, E., FRANÇOIS, C.M., GALTIER, N., HEIMBURGER, B., JARON, K.S., LABÉDAN, M., MARAUN, M., PARKER, D.J., ROBINSON-RECHAVI, M., SCHAEFER, I., SIMION, P., SCHEU, S., SCHWANDER, T., BAST, J. (2021) Haplotype divergence supports long-term asexuality in the oribatid mite Oppiella nova. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA 118, 38 e2101485118; shared last authorship of Scheu, Schwander and Bast
GLATTHORN, J., ANNIGHÖFER, P., BALKENHOL, N., LEUSCHNER, C., POLLE, A., SCHEU, S., SCHULDT, A., SCHULDT, B., AMMER, C. (2021) An interdisciplinary framework to describe and evaluate the functioning of forest ecosystems. Basic and Applied Ecology 52, 1-14
HOEFFNER, K., BEYLICH, A., CLUZEAU, D., DASCALU, D., GRAEFE, U., GUZMÁN, G., HALLAIRE, V., HANISCH J., LANDA, B.B., LINSLER, D., MENASSERI, S., ÖPIK, M., POTTHOFF, M., SANDOR, M., SCHEU, S., SCHMELZ, R.M., ENGELL, I., SCHRADER, S., VAHTER, T., BANSE, M., NICOLAÏ, A., PLAAS, E., RUNGE, T., ROSLIN, T., CHABBI, A., DECAU, M.-L., SEPP, S.-K., ARIAS-GIRALDO, L.F., ROUCAUTE, M., PÉRÈS, G. (2021) Legacy effects of temporary grassland in annual crop rotation on soil ecosystem Services. Science of the Total Environment 780, 146140
JUNGGEBAUER, A., HARTKE, T., RAMOS, D., SCHAEFER, I., BUCHORI, D., HIDAYAT, P., SCHEU, S., DRESCHER, J. (2021) Changes in diversity and community assembly of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) after rainforest conversion to rubber and oil palm plantations. PeerJ Life and Environment 9, e11012
KRAUSE, A., SANDMANN, D., POTAPOV, A.M., ERMILOV, S., WIDYASTUTI, R., HANEDA, N.F., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2021) Variation in community-level trophic niches of soil microarthropods with conversion of tropical rainforest into plantation systems as indicated by stable isotopes (15N, 13C). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 592149
KREIDER, J.J., CHEN, T.W., HARTKE, T.R., BUCHORI, D., HIDAYAT, P., NAZARRETA, R., SCHEU, S., DRESCHER, J. (2021) Rainforest conversion to monocultures favours generalist ants with large colonies. Ecosphere 12, e03717
LI, Z., SHI, L., KUZYAKOV, Y., PAUSCH, J., SCHEU, S., POLLIERER, M. (2021) The flux of root-derived carbon via fungi and bacteria into soil microarthropods (Collembola) differs markedly between cropping systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 160, 108336
LIEBKE, D.F., HARMS, D., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, A.V. (2021) Impact of rainforest conversion into monoculture plantation systems on pseudoscorpion density, diversity and trophic niches. Soil Organisms 93, 83-95
LIU, Q., YIN, R., TAN, B., YOU, C., ZHANG, L., ZHANG, J., XU, Z., SCHÄDLER, M., SCHEU, S. (2021) Nitrogen addition and plant functional type independently modify soil mesofauna effects on litter decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 160, 108340
LU, J., SCHEU, S. (2021) Response of soil microbial communities to mixed beech-conifer forests varies with site conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 155, 108155
MEYER, S., KUNDEL, D., BIRKHOFER, K., FLIESSBACH, A., SCHEU, S. (2021) Soil microarthropods respond differently to simulated drought in organic and conventional farming systems. Ecology and Evolution 11, 10369-10380
NAE, I., NAE, A., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2021) Oribatid mite communities in mountain scree: stable isotopes (15N, 13C) reveal three trophic levels of exclusively sexual species. Experimental and Applied Acarology 83, 375–386
PACHL, P., UUSITALO, M., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I., MARAUN, M. (2021) Repeated convergent evolution of parthenogenesis in Acariformes (Acari). Ecology and Evolution 11, 321-337
POLLIERER, M.M., SCHEU, S. (2021) Stable isotopes of amino acids indicate that soil decomposer microarthropods predominantly feed on saprotrophic rather than ectomycorrhizal fungi. Ecosphere 12(3): e03425
POLLIERER, M.M., KLARNER, B., OTT, D., DIGEL, C., EHNES, R.B., EITZINGER, B., ERDMANN, G., BROSE, U., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2021) Diversity and functional structure of soil animal communities suggest soil animal food webs to be buffered against changes in forest land use. Oecologia 196, 195-209
POTAPOV, A., SCHAEFER, I., JOCHUM, M., WIDYASTUTI, R., EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S. (2021) Oil palm and rubber expansion facilitates earthworm invasion in Indonesia. Biological Invasions 23, 2783-2795
SANCHEZ-GALINDO, L.M., SANDMANN, D., MARIAN, F., KRASHEVSKA, V., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2021) Leaf litter identity rather than diversity shapes microbial functions and microarthropod abundance in tropical montane rainforests. Ecology and Evolution 11, 2360-2374
STRECKER, T., JESCH, A., BACHMANN, D., JÜDS, M., KRABSTEIN, K., RAVENEK, J., ROSCHER, C., WEIGELT, A., EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S. (2021) Incorporation of mineral nitrogen into the soil food web as affected by plant community composition. Ecology and Evolution 11, 4295–4309
SUSANTI, W.I., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, A. (2021) Trophic niche differentiation and utilization of food resources in Collembola is altered by rainforest conversion to plantation systems. PeerJ Life and Environment 9, e10971
SUSANTI, W.I., BARTELS, B., KRASHEVSKA, V., WIDYASTUTI, R., DEHARVENG, L., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, A. (2021) Conversion of rainforest into oil palm and rubber plantations affects the functional composition of litter and soil Collembola. Ecology and Evolution 11, 10686-10708
TARKKA, M.T., GRAMS, T.E.E., ANGAY, O., KURTH, F., MABOREKE, H.R., MAILÄNDER, S., BÖNN, M., FELDHAHN, L., FLEISCHMANN, F., RUESS, L., SCHÄDLER, M., SCHEU, S., SCHREY, S.D., BUSCOT, F., HERRMANN, S. (2021) Ectomycorrhizal fungus supports endogenous rhythmic growth and corresponding resource allocation in oak during various below- and aboveground biotic interactions. Scientific Reports 11, 23680
WALLIS, C.I.P., TIEDE, Y.C., BECK, E., BÖHNING-GAESE, K., BRANDL, R., DONOSO, D.A., ESPINOSA, C.I., FRIES, A., HOMEIER, J., INCLAN, D., LEUSCHNER, C., MARAUN, M., MIKOLAJEWSKI, K., NEUSCHULZ, E.L., SCHEU, S., SCHLEUNING, M., SUÁREZ, J.P., TINOCO, B.A., FARWIG, N., BENDIX, J. (2021) Biodiversity and ecosystem functions depend on environmental conditions and resources rather than the geodiversity of a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Scientific Reports 11, 24530
ASSELMANN, M., SOBCZYK, L., WEINER, J., SCHEU, S., ROZEN, A. (2020) Does metal pollution affect the stoichiometry of soil-litter food webs? Pedobiologia 80, 150649
BUZHDYGAN, O.Y., MEYER, S.T., WEISSER, W.W., EISENHAUER, N., EBELING, A., BORRETT, S.R., BUCHMANN, N., CORTOIS, R., DE DEYN, G.B., DE KROON, H., GLEIXNER, G., HERTZOG, L.R., HINES, J., LANGE, M., MOMMER, L., RAVENEK, J., SCHERBER, C., SCHERER-LORENZEN, M., SCHEU, S., SCHMID, B., STEINAUER, K., STRECKER, T., TIETJEN, B., VOGEL, A., WEIGELT, A., PETERMANN, J.S. (2020) Biodiversity increases multitrophic energy use efficiency, flow and storage in grasslands. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4, 393-405
DING, S., LANGE, M., LIPP, J., SCHWAB, VALÉ.F., CHOWDHURY, S., POLLIERER, M.M., KRAUSE, K., LI, D., KOTHE, E., SCHEU, S., WELTI, R., HINRICHS, K.-U., GLEIXNER, G. (2020) Characteristics and origin of intact polar lipids in soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 151, 108045
ERKTAN, A., OR, D., SCHEU, S. (2020) The physical structure of soil: Determinant and consequence of trophic interactions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 17, 4961–4980
ERKTAN, A., POLLIERER, M.M., SCHEU, S. (2020) Soil ecologists as detectives discovering who eats whom or what in the soil. Frontiers for Young Minds 08, 544803 (reviewed by young reviewers!)
ERKTAN, A., RILLIG, M.C., CARMINATI, A., JOUSSET, A., SCHEU, S. (2020) Protists and collembolans alter microbial community composition, C dynamics and soil aggregation in simplified consumer - prey systems. Biogeosciences 17, 4961–4980
GRASS, I., KUBITZA, C., KRISHNA, V.V., CORRE, M.D., MUßHOFF, O., PÜTZ, P., DRESCHER, J., REMBOLD, K., ARIYANTI, E.S., BARNES, A.D., BRINKMANN, N., BROSE, U., BRÜMMER, B., BUCHORI, D., DANIEL, R., DARRAS, K.F.A., FAUST, H., FEHRMANN, L., HEIN, J., HENNINGS, N., HIDAYAT, P., HÖLSCHER, D., JOCHUM, M., KNOHL, A., KOTOWSKA, M.M., KRASHEVSKA, V., KREFT, H., LEUSCHNER, C., LOBITE, N.J.S., PANJAITAN, R., POLLE, A., POTAPOV, A.M., PURNAMA, E., QAIM, M., RÖLL, A., SCHEU, S., SCHNEIDER, D., TJOA, A., TSCHARNTKE, T., VELDKAMP, E., WOLLNI, M. (2020) Trade-offs between multifunctionality and profit in tropical smallholder landscapes. Nature Communications 11, 1186
HAYNERT, K., GLUDERER, F., POLLIERER, M.M., SCHEU, S., WEHRMANN, A. (2020) Food spectrum and habitat-specific diets of benthic foraminifera from the Wadden Sea – a fatty acid biomarker approach. Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 510288
HÖRANDL, E., BAST, J., BRANDT, A., SCHEU, S., BLEIDORN, C., CORDELLIER, M., NOWROUSIAN, M., BEGEROW, D., STURM, A., VERHOEVEN, K., BOENIGK, J., FRIEDL, T., DUNTHORN, M. (2020) Genome evolution of asexual organisms and the paradox of sex in eukaryotes. In: PONTAROTTI, P. (ed.), Evolutionary Biology: a Transdisciplinary Approach. Springer, New York, pp. 133-167
JOCHUM, M., FISCHER, M., ISBELL, F., ROSCHER, C., VAN DER PLAS, F., BOCH, S., BOENISCH, G., BUCHMANN, N., CATFORD, J., CAVENDER-BARES, J., EBELING, A., EISENHAUER, N., GLEIXNER, G., HÖLZEL, N., KATTGE, J., KLAUS, V.H., KLEINEBECKER, T., LANGE, M., LE PROVOST, G., MEYER, S., MOLINA-VENEGAS, R., MOMMER, L., OELMANN, Y., PENONE, C., PRATI, D., REICH, P., RINDISBACHER, A., SCHÄFER, D., SCHEU, S., SCHMID, B., TILMAN, D., TSCHARNTKE, T., VOGEL, A., WAGG, C., WEIGELT, A., WEISSER, W.W., WILCKE, W., MANNING, P. (2020) The results of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments are realistic. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4, 1485-1494
LAMA, S., VELESCU, A., LEIMER, S., WEIGELT, A., CHEN, H., EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S., OELMANN, Y., WILCKE, W. (2020) Plant diversity influenced gross nitrogen mineralization, microbial ammonium consumption and gross inorganic N immobilization in a grassland experiment. Oecologia 193:731–748
LAMA, S., KUHN, T., LEHMANN, M.F., MÜLLER, C., GONZALES, O., EISENHAUER, N., LANGE, M., SCHEU, S., OELMANN, Y., WILCKE, W. (2020) The biodiversity - N cycle relationship: a 15N tracer experiment with soil from plant mixtures of varying diversity to model N pool sizes and transformation rates. Biology and Fertility of Soils 56, 1047-1061
LANGE, M., ROTH, V.-N., EISENHAUER, N., ROSCHER, C., DITTMAR, T., FISCHER, C., GONZÁLEZ MACÉ, O., HILDEBRANDT, A., MILCU, A., MOMMER, L., ORAM, N., RAVENEK, J., SCHEU, S., SCHMID, B., STRECKER, T., WAGG, C., WEIGELT, A., GLEIXNER, G. (2020) Plant diversity enhances production and downward transport of biodegradable dissolved organic matter. Journal of Ecology 10, 1284-1297
LI, Z., SCHEUNEMANN, N., POTAPOV, A.M., SHI, L., PAUSCH, J., SCHEU, S., POLLIERER, M.M. (2020) Incorporation of root-derived carbon into soil microarthropods varies between cropping systems. Biology and Fertility of Soils 56:839–851
MARAUN, M., AUGUSTIN, D., POLLIERER, M.M., SCHEU, S. (2020) Variation in trophic niches of oribatid mites in temperate forest ecosystems as indicated by neutral lipid fatty acid patterns. Experimental and Applied Acarology 81, 103-115
MARIAN, F., RAMIREZ CASTILLO, P., INIGUEZ ARMIJOS, C., GÜNTER, S., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2020) Conversion of Andean montane forests into plantations: Effects on soil characteristics, microorganisms, and microarthropods. Biotropica 52, 1143-1155
MELGUIZO-RUIZ, N., JIMÉNEZ-NAVARRO, G., DE MAS, E., PATO, J., SCHEU, S., AUSTIN, A., WISE, D.H., MOYA-LARANO, J. (2020) Field exclusion of large soil predators impacts lower trophic levels, and decreases leaf-litter decomposition in dry forests. Journal of Animal Ecology 89, 334-346
NAZARRETA, R., HARTKE, T.R., HIDAYAT, P., SCHEU, S., BUCHORI, D., DRESCHER, J. (2020) Rainforest conversion to smallholder plantations of rubber or oil palm leads to species loss and community shifts in canopy ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News 30, 175-186
POLLIERER, M.M., SCHEU, S., TIUNOV, A.V. (2020) Isotope analyses of amino acids in fungi and fungal feeding Diptera larvae allow differentiating ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi-based food chains. Functional Ecology 34, 375–2388
POTAPOV, A.M., DUPÉRRÉ, N., JOCHUM, M., DRECZKO, K., KLARNER, B., BARNES, A.D., KRASHEVSKA, V., REMBOLD, K., KREFT, H., BROSE, U., WIDYASTUTI, R., HARMS, D., SCHEU, S. (2020) Functional losses in ground spider communities due to habitat-structure degradation under tropical land-use change. Ecology 101, e02917
POTAPOV, A., BONNIER, R., SANDMANN, D., WANG, S., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU. S., KRASHEVSKA, V. (2020) Above-ground refugia for below-ground fauna in oil palm plantations. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18, 181-186
QUINTERO-GUTIÉRREZ, E.J., SANDMANN, D., KLARNER, B., WIDYASTUTI, R., CÓMBITA-HEREDIA, O., SCHEU, S. (2020) A new species of the genus Lasioseius (Acari: Blattisociidae) inhabiting litter of secondary rainforest in Sumatra, Indonesia. Acarologia 60, 338-352
QUINTERO-GUTIÉRREZ EJ, SANDMANN D, CÓMBITA-HEREDIA O, KLARNER B, WIDYASTUTI R, SCHEU S (2020) Review of the mite genus Krantzolaspína Datta & Bhattacharjee (Mesostigmata, Parholaspididae) with re-description of K. angustatus comb. nov. (Ishikawa) from Indonesia. ZooKeys 997, 47–68
RADERMACHER, N., HARTKE, T.R., VILLAREAL, S., SCHEU, S. (2020) Spiders in rice-paddy ecosystems shift from aquatic to terrestrial prey and use carbon pools of different origin. Oecologia 192, 801-812
SALAMON, J.-A., WISSUWA, J., FRANK, T., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, A.M. (2020) Trophic level and basal resource use of soil animals are hardly affected by local plant associations in abandoned arable land. Ecology and Evolution 10, 8279–8288
SUN, X., DEHARVENG, L., BEDOS, A., CHANG, L., SCHEU, S., WU, D. (2020) Changes in diversity and body size of Onychiurinae (Collembola: Onychiuridae) along an altitudinal gradient in Changbai Mountain, China. Soil Ecology Letters 2, 230-239
SUN, X., MARIAN, F., BLUHM, C., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2020) Response of Collembola to the addition of nutrients along an altitudinal gradient of tropical montane rainforests. Applied Soil Ecology 147, 103382
VAN DER PLAS, F., SCHRÖDER-GEORGI, T., WEIGELT, A., SCHEU, S., WIRTH, C. (2020) Plant traits alone are poor predictors of ecosystem properties and long-term ecosystem functioning. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4, 1602-1611
XIE, Z., YAO, H., POTAPOV, M., DONG, J., WU, D., SCHEU, S., SUN, X. (2020) The complete mitochondrial genome of an enigmatic predaceous springtail Metisotoma macnamarai from northeast China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 5, 506-508
ZHANG, P., SCHEU, S., LI, B., LIN, G., ZHAO, J., WU, J. (2020) Litter C transformations of invasive Spartina alterniflora affected by litter type and soil source. Biology and Fertility of Soils 56, 369–379
ZHOU, S., BUTENSCHOEN, O., BARANTAL, S., HANDA, T., MAKKONEN, M., VOS, V., AERTS, R., BERG, M., MCKIE, B., VAN RUIJVEN, J., HATTENSCHWILER, S., SCHEU, S. (2020) Decomposition of leaf litter mixtures across biomes: The role of litter identity, diversity and soil fauna. Journal of Ecology 108, 2283–2297
ZUEV, A., HEIDEMANN, K., LEONOV, V., SCHAEFER, I., SCHEU, S., TANASEVITCH, A., TIUNOV, A., TSURIKOV, S., POTAPOV, A. (2020) Different groups of ground-dwelling spiders share similar trophic niches in temperate forests. Ecological Entomology 45, 1346–1356
BEAULIEU, F., QUINTERO-GUTIÉRREZ, E.J., SANDMANN, D., KLARNER, B., WIDYASTUTI, R., CÓMBITA-HEREDIA, O., SCHEU, S. (2019) Review of the mite genus Ololaelaps (Acari: Laelapidae) and redescription of O. formidabilis Berlese. ZooKeys 853, 1–36
BLUHM, C., BUTENSCHOEN, O., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2019) Effects of root and leaf litter identity and diversity on oribatid mite abundance, species richness and community composition. PLoS One 14(7): e0219166
BLUHM, S., EITZINGER, B., FERLIAN, O., BLUHM, C., SCHRÖTER, K., PENA, R., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2019) Deprivation of root-derived resources affects microbial biomass but not community structure in litter and soil. PLoS One 14(3): e0214233
BLUHM, S., POTAPOV, A.M., SHRUBOVYCH, J., AMMERSCHUBERT, S., POLLE, A., SCHEU, S. (2019) Protura are unique: First evidence of specialized feeding on ectomycorrhizal fungi in soil invertebrates. BMC Ecology 19:10
BRANDT, A., BAST, J., SCHEU, S., MEUSEMANN, K., DONATH, A., SCHÜTTE, K., MACHIDA, R., KRAIJEVELD, K. (2019) No signal of deleterious mutation accumulation in conserved gene sequences of extant asexual hexapods. Scientific Reports 9: 5338
CAMENZIND, T., SCHEU, S., RILLIG, M.C. (2019) Expanding the toolbox of nutrient limitation studies: Novel method of soil microbial in-growth bags to evaluate nutrient demands in tropical forests. Functional Ecology 33, 1536-1548
DARRAS, K.F.A., CORRE, M.D., FORMAGLIO, G., TJOA, A., POTAPOV, A., BRAMBACH, F., SIBHATU, K.T., GRASS, I., RUBIANO, A.A., BUCHORI, D., DRESCHER, J., FARDIANSAH, R., HÖLSCHER, D., IRAWAN, B., KNEIB, T., KRASHEVSKA, V., KRAUSE, A., KREFT, H., LI, K., MARAUN, M., POLLE, A., RYADIN, A.R., REMBOLD, K., STIEGLER, C., SCHEU, S., TARIGAN, S., VALDÉS-URIBE, A., YADI, S., TSCHARNTKE, T., VELDKAMP, E. (2019) Reducing fertilizer and avoiding herbicides in oil palm plantations – Ecological and economic valuations. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2: 65, 1-15
EISENHAUER, N., BONKOWSKI, M., BROSE, U., BUSCOT, F., DURKA, W., EBELING, A., FISCHER, M., GLEIXNER, G., HEINTZ-BUSCHART, A., HINES, J., JESCH, A., LANGE, M., MEYER, S., ROSCHER, C., SCHEU, S., SCHIELZETH, H., SCHLOTER, M., SCHULZ, S., UNSICKER, S., VAN DAM, N.M., WEIGELT, A., WEISSER, W.W., WIRTH, C., WOLF, J., SCHMID, B. (2019) Biotic interactions, community assembly, and ecoevolutionary dynamics as drivers of long-term biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. Research Ideas and Outcomes – RIO, 5: e47042
ERMILOV, S., SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S. (2019) New species and records of oribatid mites of the genus Protoribates (Acari, Oribatida, Haplozetidae) from Indonesia. Systematic and Applied Acarology 24, 1236-1248
ERMILOV, S., SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S. (2019) Contribution to the knowledge of the oribatid mite genus Kalloia (Acari, Oribatida, Carabodidae), with description of a new species from Indonesia. Acarologia 59, 323-334
ERMILOV, S., SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S. (2019) New and interesting species of sacculonotic Haplozetidae (Acari, Oribatida, Haplozetidae) from Indonesia. Zootaxa 4656, 459-474
FARDIANSAH, R., DUPERRE, N., WIDYASTUTI, R., POTAPOV, A., SCHEU, S., HARMS, D. (2019) Description of four new species of armoured spiders (Araneae, Tetrablemmidae) from Sumatra, Indonesia. Zookeys 820, 95-118
GONG, X., WANG, S., WANG, Z., JIANG, Y., HU, Z., ZHENG, Y., CHEN, X., LI, H., HU, F., LIU, M., SCHEU, S. (2019) Earthworms modify soil bacterial and fungal communities through enhancing aggregation and buffering pH. Geoderma 347, 59-69
GONZALEZ MACE, O., EBELING, A., EISENHAUER, N., CESARZ, S., SCHEU, S. (2019) Variations in trophic niches of generalist predators with plant community composition as indicated by stable isotopes and fatty acids. Soil Organisms 91, 45-59
GRAF, M., BÖNN, M., FELDHAHN, L., KURTH, F., GRAMS, T.E.E., HERRMANN, S., TARKKA, M., BUSCOT, F., SCHEU, S. (2019) Collembola interact with mycorrhizal fungi in modifying oak morphology, C and N incorporation and transcriptomics. Royal Society Open Science 6: 181869.
HINES, J., EBELING, A., BARNES, A., BROSE, U., SCHERBER, C., SCHEU, S., TSCHARNTKE, T., WEISSER, W.W., GILING, D.P. (2019) Mapping change in biodiversity and ecosystem function research: Food webs foster integration of experiments and science policy. Advances in Ecological Research 61, 297-322.
KRASHEVSKA, V., KUDRIN, A.A., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S. (2019) Changes in nematode communities and functional diversity with the conversion of rainforest into rubber and oil palm plantations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 487
KRAUSE, A., SANDMANN, D., BLUHM, S.L., ERMILOV, S., WIDYASTUTI, R., HANEDA, N.F., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2019) Shift in trophic niches of soil microarthropods with conversion of tropical rainforest into plantations as indicated by stable isotopes (15N, 13C). PLoS One 14(10): e0224520
LANGE, G., SCHMITT, J.A., KRÖNCKE, I., MOORTHI, S.D., ROHDE, S., SCHEU, S., SCHUPP, P.J. (2019) The role of invasive marine plants for macrofauna nutrition in the Wadden Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 512, 1-11
MARAUN, M., CARUSO, T., HENSE, J., LEHMITZ, R., MUMLADZE, L., MURVANIDZE, M., NAE, I., SCHULZ, J., SENICZAK, A., SCHEU, S. (2019) Parthenogenetic vs. sexual reproduction in oribatid mite communities. Ecology and Evolution 9:7324-7332
MARIAN, F., BROWN, L, SANDMANN, D., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2019) Roots, mycorrhizal fungi and altitude as determinants of litter decomposition and soil animal communities in tropical montane rainforests. Plant and Soil 438, 1-18
POLLIERER, M.M., LARSEN, T., POTAPOV, A., BRÜCKNER, A., HEETHOFF, M., DYCKMANS, J., SCHEU, S. (2019) Compound-specific isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to uncover trophic chains in soil food webs. Ecological Monographs 89, e01384
POTAPOV, A.M., TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2019) Uncovering the trophic positions and food resources of soil animals using bulk natural stable isotope composition. Biological Reviews 94, 37-59
POTAPOV, A.M., SCHEU, S., TIUNOV, A.V. (2019) Trophic consistency of supraspecific taxa in belowground invertebrate communities: comparison across lineages and taxonomic ranks. Functional Ecology 33, 1172-1183
POTAPOV, A.M., BROSE, U., SCHEU, S., TIUNOV, A.V. (2019) Trophic position of consumers and size structure of food webs across aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The American Naturalist 194, 823-839
POTAPOV, A.M., KLARNER, B., SANDMANN, D., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S. (2019) Linking size spectrum, energy flux and trophic multifunctionality in soil food webs of tropical land-use systems. Journal of Animal Ecology 88, 1845-1859. Featured in Ehnes, R.B. (2019) Land-use change affects size spectra, energy flux and ecosystem functions in litter and soil invertebrates. Journal of Animal Ecology 88, 1828-1831
POTAPOV, A.M., TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S., LARSEN, T., POLLIERER, M.M. (2019) Combining bulk and amino acid stable isotope analyses to quantify trophic level and basal resources of detritivores: a case study on earthworms. Oecologia 189, 447-460
SANCHEZ‑GALINDO, L.M., CAMENZIND, T., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2019) Impacts of core rotation, defaunation and nitrogen addition on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, microorganisms and microarthropods in a tropical montane rainforest. Tropical Ecology 60, 350-361
SCHULZ, G., SCHNEIDER, D., BRINKMANN, N., NUR, E., DANIEL, R., POLLE, A., SCHEU, S., KRASHEVSKA, V. (2019) Changes in trophic groups of protists with conversion of rainforest into rubber and oil palm plantations. Frontiers in Microbiology 10:240
SCHYRA, J., SCHEU, S., KORB, J. (2019) Cryptic niche differentiation in West African savannah termites as indicated by stable isotopes. Ecological Entomology 44, 190-196
SUSANTI, W.I., POLLIERER, M.M., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, V. (2019) Conversion of rainforest to oil palm and rubber plantations alters energy channels in soil food webs. Ecology and Evolution 9: 9027–9039.
VOGEL, A., EBELING, A., GLEIXNER, G., ROSCHER, C., SCHEU, S., CIOBANU, M., KOLLER-FRANCE, E., LANGE, M., LOCHNER, A., MEYER, S.T., OELMANN, Y., WILCKE, W., SCHMID, B., EISENHAUER, N. (2019) A new experimental approach to test why biodiversity effects strengthen as ecosystems age. Advances in Ecological Research 61, 221-264
XIE, Z., YAO, H., POTAPOV, M., DONG, J., WU, D., SCHEU, S., SUN, X. (2019) The complete mitochondrial genome of an enigmatic predaceous springtail Metisotoma macnamarai from northeast China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 5:1, 506-508
YANG, N., BUTENSCHOEN, O., RANA, R., KÖHLER, R., HERTEL, D., LEUSCHNER, C., SCHEU, S., POLLE, A., PENA, R. (2019) Leaf litter species identity influences biochemical composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza 29, 85-96
ZHANG, B., CHEN, T.-W., MATEOS, E., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I. (2019) DNA-based approaches uncover cryptic diversity in the European Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus species group (Collembola: Entomobryidae). Invertebrate Systematics 33, 661-670
ZHANG, F., DING, Y., ZHU, C., ZHOU, X., ORR, M.C., SCHEU, S., LUAN, Y.-X. (2019) Phylogenomics from low-coverage whole-genome sequencing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10, 507-517
EISENHAUER, N., VOGEL, A., JENSEN, B., SCHEU, S. (2018) Decomposer diversity increases biomass production and shifts aboveground-belowground biomass allocation of common wheat. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 17894.
EITZINGER, B., RALL, B.C., TRAUGOTT, M., SCHEU, S. (2018) Testing the validity of functional response models using molecular gut content analysis for prey choice in soil predators. Oikos 127, 915-926
FARDIANSAH, R., DUPERRE, N., WIDYASTUTI, R., POTAPOV, A., SCHEU, S., HARMS, D. (2018) Description of three new species of Aposphragsima Thoma, 2014 (Araneae: Oonopidae) from Sumatra, Indonesia. ZooKeys 797, 71-85
GONG, X., JIANG, Y., ZHENG, Y., CHEN, X., LI, H., HU, F., LIU, M., SCHEU, S. (2018) Earthworms differentially modify the microbiome of arable soils varying in residue management. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 121, 120-129
GONG, X., CHEN, T.-W., ZIEGER, S.L., BLUHM, C., HEIDEMANN, K., SCHAEFER, I., MARAUN, M., LIU, M., SCHEU, S. (2018) Phylogenetic and trophic determinants of gut microbiota in soil oribatid mites. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 123, 155-164
GONZÁLEZ-MACÉ, O., SCHEU, S. (2018) Response of collembola and acari communities to summer flooding in a grassland plant diversity experiment. PLoS One, 13(8), e0202862.
GUILLAUME, T., KOTOWSKA, M.M., HERTEL, D., KNOHL, A., KRASHEVSKA, V., MURTILAKSONO, K., SCHEU, S., KUZYAKOV, Y. (2018) Carbon costs and benefits of tropical land-use intensification. Nature Communications 9, 2388
HENKES, G.J., KANDELER, E., MARHAN, S., SCHEU, S., BONKOWSKI, M. (2018) Interactions of mycorrhiza and protists in the rhizosphere systemically alter microbial community composition, plant shoot-to-root ratio and within-root system nitrogen allocation. Frontiers in Environmental Science 6: 117
KRASHEVSKA, V., MALYSHEVA, E., KLARNER, B., MAZEI, Y., MARAUN, M., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S. (2018) Micro-decomposer communities and decomposition processes in tropical lowlands as affected by land-use and litter type. Oecologia 187, 255-266
KUNDEL, D., MEYER, S., BIRKHOFER, H., FLIESSBACH, A., MÄDER, P., SCHEU, S., VAN KLEUNEN, M., BIRKHOFER, K. (2018) Design and manual to construct rainout-shelters for climate change experiments in agroecosystems. Frontiers in Environmental Science 6: 14
LANGE, G., HAYNERT, K., DINTER, T., SCHEU, S., KRÖNCKE, I. (2018) Adaptation of benthic invertebrates to food sources along marine-terrestrial boundaries as indicated by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Journal of Sea Research 131, 12-21
MARIAN, F., SANDMANN, D., KRASHEVSKA, V., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2018) Altitude and decomposition stage rather than litter origin structure soil microarthropod communities in tropical montane rainforests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 125, 263–274
MEYER, S.T., PTACNIK, R., HILLEBRAND H., BESSLER, H., BUCHMANN, N., EBELING, A., EISENHAUER, N. ENGELS, C., FISCHER, M., HALLE, S., KLEIN, A.-M. OELMANN, Y., ROSCHER, C., ROTTSTOCK, T., SCHERBER, C., SCHEU, S., SCHMID, B., SCHULZE, E.-D., TEMPERTON, V.M., TSCHARNTKE, T., VOIGT, W., WEIGELT, A., WILCKE, W., WEISSER, W.W. (2017) Biodiversity–multifunctionality relationships depend on identity and number of measured functions. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2, 44-49
MILCU, A., PUGA-FREITAS, A., ELLISON, A.M., BLOUIN, M., SCHEU, S., FRESCHET, G.T., ROSE, L., BAROT, S., CESARZ, S., EISENHAUER, N., GIRIN, T., ASSANDRI, G., BONKOWSKI, M., BUCHMANN, N., BUTENSCHOEN, O., DEVIDAL, S., GLEIXNER, G., GESSLER, A., GIGON, A., GREINER, A.,, GRIGNANI, C., HANSART, A., KAYLER, Z., LANGE, M., LATA, J.C., LE GALLIARD, J.-F., LUKAC, M., MANNERHEIM, N. MÜLLER, M.E.H., PANDO, A., ROTTER, P., SCHERER-LORENZEN, M., SEYHUN, R., URBAN-MEAD, K., WEIGELT, A., ZAVATTARO, L., ROY, J. (2018) Genotypic variability enhances the reproducibility of an ecological study. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2, 279-287
PAUSCH, J., HÜNNINGHAUS, M., KRAMER, S., SCHARROBA, A., SCHEUNEMANN, N., BUTENSCHOEN, O., MARHAN, S., BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S., KUZYAKOV, Y., RUESS, L. (2018) Carbon budgets of top- and subsoil food webs in an arable system. Pedobiologia 69, 29-33
RAMÍREZ CASTILLO, P., MARIAN, L., MARIAN, F., ESPINOSA, C.I., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2018) Response of oribatid mites to reforestation of degraded tropical montane pasture land. European Journal of Soil Biology 84, 35-41
SCHULZ, G., MARAUN, M., VÖLCKER, E., SCHEU, S., KRASHEVSKA, V. (2018) Evaluation of morphological characteristics to delineate taxa of the genus Trigonopyxis (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida). Protist 169, 190-205
SETTELE, J., HEONG, K.L., KÜHN, I., (...), SCHEU, S., (…), ZHU, Z., WIEMERS, M. (2018) Rice ecosystem services in South-east Asia. Paddy and Water Environment 16, 211-24.
SOHLSTRÖM, E.H., MARIAN, L., BARNES, A.D., HANEDA, N.F., SCHEU, S., RALL, B.C., BROSE, U., JOCHUM, M. (2018) Applying generalised allometric regressions to predict live body mass of tropical and temperate arthropods. Ecology and Evolution 8, 12737-12749
STEINWANDTER, M., RIEF, A., SCHEU, S., TRAUGOTT, M., SEEBER, J. (2018) Structural and functional characteristics of high alpine soil macro-invertebrate communities. European Journal of Soil Biology 86, 72-80
WINTER, M., HAYNERT, K., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2018) Seasonal dynamics and changing sea level as determinants of the community and trophic structure of oribatid mites in a salt marsh of the Wadden Sea. PLoS One 13(11), e0207141
ZHANG, B., CHEN, T.-W., MATEOS, E., SCHEU, S., SCHÄFER, I. (2018) Cryptic species in Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus (Collembola: Entomobryidae) are sorted by habitat type. Pedobiologia 68, 12-19
ZHOU, S., HUANG, C., XIANG, Y., TIE, L., HAN, B., SCHEU, S. (2018) Effects of reduced precipitation on litter decomposition in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in western China. Forest Ecology and Management 430, 219-227
ZIEGER, S., SCHEU, S. (2018) Effects of storage and handling on neutral lipid fatty acid profiles of two woodlice (Isopoda, Crustacea) species differing in size. Applied Soil Ecology 130, 178-184
BIRKHOFER, K., GOSSNER, M., DIEKÖTTER, T., DREES, C., FERLIAN, O., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., WEISSER, W.W., WOLTERS, V., WURST, S., ZAITSEV, A., SMITH, H. (2017) Land-use type and intensity differentially filter traits in above- and belowground arthropod communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 86, 511-520.
BRANDT, A., SCHAEFER, I., GLANZ, J., SCHWANDER, T., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., BAST, J. (2017) Effective purifying selection in ancient asexual oribatid mites. Nature Communications 8(1), 873.
CHEN, T.-W., SANDMANN, P., SCHAEFER, I., SCHEU, S. (2017) Neutral lipid fatty acid composition as trait and constraint in Collembola evolution. Ecology and Evolution 7, 1-16.
CHEN, H., ORAM, N.J., BARRY, K.E., MOMMER, L., VAN RUIJVEN, J., DE KROON, H., EBELING, A., EISENHAUER, N., FISCHER, C., GLEIXNER, G., GESSLER, A., GONZÁLEZ MACÉ, O., HACKER, N., HILDEBRANDT, A., LANGE, M., SCHERER-LORENZEN, M., SCHEU, S., OELMANN, Y., WAGG, C., WILCKE, W., WIRTH, C., WEIGELT, A. (2017) Root chemistry and soil fauna but not soil abiotic conditions explain the effects of plant diversity on root decomposition. Oecologia 185, 499-511.
CORTOIS, R., VEEN, G.F., DUYTS, H., ABBAS, M., STRECKER, T., EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S., GLEIXNER, G., DE DUYN, G.B., VAN DER PUTTEN, W.H. (2017) Mechanisms underlying abundance and diversity responses of nematode communities to plant diversity. Ecosphere 8(5), e01719.
EISENHAUER, N., LANOUE, A., STRECKER, T., SCHEU, S., STEINAUER, K., THAKUR, M.P., MOMMER, L. (2017) Root biomass and exudates link plant diversity with soil microbial communities. Scientific Reports 7:44641.
GLAVATSKA, O., MÜLLER, K., BUTENSCHOEN, O., SCHMALWASSER, A., KANDELER, E., SCHEU, S., TOTSCHE, K.U., RUESS, L. (2017) Disentangling the root- and detritus-based food chain in the micro-food web of an arable soil by plant removal. PLoS One 12(7), 0180264.
HAYNERT, K., KIGGEN, M., KLARNER, B., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2017) The structure of salt marsh soil mesofauna food webs - the prevalence of disturbance. PLoS One 12(12): e0189645.
JOCHUM, M., BARNES, A.D., OTT, D., LANG, B., KLARNER, B., FARAJALLAH, A., SCHEU, S., BROSE, U. (2017) Decreasing stoichiometric resource quality drives compensatory feeding and consumer species loss across trophic levels in tropical litter invertebrate communities. American Naturalist 190, 131-145.
KLARNER, B., WINKELMANN, H., KRASHEVSKA, V., MARAUN, M., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S. (2017) Trophic niches, diversity and community composition of invertebrate top predators (Chilopoda) as affected by conversion of tropical lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia). PLoS One 12(8): e0180915.
KRASHEVSKA, V., MARIAN, F., SANDMANN, D., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2017) Leaf litter chemistry drives the structure and composition of soil testate amoeba communities in a tropical montane rainforest of the Ecuadorian Andes. Microbial Ecology 74, 681-690.
KLEIN, A., CAMERON, E.K., HEIMBURGER, B., EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I. (2017) Changes in the genetic structure of an invasive earthworm species (Lumbricus terrestris, Lumbricidae) along an urban – rural gradient in North America. Applied Soil Ecology 120, 265 - 272.
MABOREKE, H.R., GRAF, M., GRAMS, T.E.E., HERRMANN, S., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L. (2017) Multitrophic interactions in the rhizosphere of a temperate forest tree affect plant carbon flow into the belowground food web. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 115, 526-536.
MARIAN, F., SANDMANN, D., KRASHEVSKA, V., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2017) Leaf and root litter decomposition is discontinued at high altitude tropical montane rainforests contributing to carbon sequestration. Ecology and Evolution 7, 6432–6443.
MELGUIZO-RUIZ, N., JIMÉNEZ-NAVARRO, G., ZIEGER, S.L., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., MOYA-LARAÑO, J. (2017) Complex effects of precipitation and basal resources on the trophic ecology of soil oribatid mites: implications for stable isotope analysis. European Journal of Soil Biology 82, 98-107.
PACHL, P., LINDL, A.C., KRAUSE, A., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I., MARAUN, M. (2017) The tropics as an ancient cradle of oribatid mite diversity. Acarologia 57, 309–322.
POLLIERER, M., SCHEU, S. (2017) Driving factors and temporal fluctuation of Collembola communities and reproductive mode across forest types and regions. Ecology and Evolution 2017, 1-14.
SOMMER, J., DIPPOLD, M.A., ZIEGER, S.L., HANDKE, A., SCHEU, S., KUZYAKOV, Y. (2017) The tree species matters: Belowground carbon input and utilization in the myco-rhizosphere. European Journal of Soil Biology 81, 100-107.
STEINAUER, K., FISCHER, F.M., ROSCHER, C., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2017) Spatial plant resource acquisition traits explain plant community effects on soil microbial properties. Pedobiologia 65, 50-57.
SUN, X., WEINER, W.M., MARIAN, F., SCHEU, S. (2017) Agraphorura xuae sp. nov., the first record of Onychiuridae (Collembola) from continental Ecuador, with a key to the known species of the genus. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa) 67, 253-259.
TIAN, L., KOLVENBACH, B., CORVINI, N., WANG, S., TAVANAIE, N., WANG, L., MA, Y., SCHEU, S., CORVINI, P.F.X., JI, R. (2017) Mineralisation of 14C-labelled polystyrene plastics by Penicillium variabile after ozonation pre-treatment. New Biotechnology 38, 101-105.
TRAUNSPURGER, W., REIFF, N., KRASHEVSKA, V., MAJDI, N., SCHEU, S. (2017) Diversity and distribution of soil micro-invertebrates across an altitudinal gradient in a tropical montane rainforest of Ecuador, with focus on free living nematodes. Pedobiologia 62, 28-35.
VON SALTZWEDEL, H., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I. (2017) Genetic structure and distribution of Parisotoma notabilis (Collembola) in Europe: cryptic diversity, split of lineages and colonization patterns. PLoS One 12(2): e0170909.
WEISSER, W.W., ROSCHER, C., MEYER, S.T., EBELING, A., LUO, G., ALLAN, E., BEßLER, H., BARNARD, R.L., BUCHMANN, N., BUSCOT, F., ENGELS, C., FISCHER, C., FISCHER, M., GESSLER, A., GLEIXNER, G., HALLE, S., HILDEBRANDT, A., HILLEBRANDT, H., DE KROON, H., LANGE, M., LEIMER, S., LE ROUX, X., MILCU, A., MOMMER, L., NIKLAUS, P.A., OELMANN, Y., PROULX, R., ROY, J., SCHERBER, C., SCHERER-LORENZEN, M., SCHEU, S., TSCHARNTKE, T., WACHENDORF, M., WAGG, C., WEIGELT, A., WILCKE, W., WIRTH, C., SCHULZE, E.-D., SCHMID, B., EISENHAUER, N. (2017) Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in a 15-year grassland experiment: Patterns, mechanisms, and open questions. Basic and Applied Ecology 23, 1-73.
ZIEGER, S.L., HOLCZINGER, A., SOMMER, J., RATH, M., KUZYAKOV, Y., POLLE, A., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2017) Beech trees fuel soil animal food webs via root-derived nitrogen. Basic and Applied Ecology 22, 28-35.
ZIEGER, S.L., AMMERSCHUBERT, S., POLLE, A., SCHEU, S. (2017) Root-derived carbon and nitrogen from beech and ash trees differentially fuel soil animal food webs of deciduous forests. PLoS One 12(12): e0189502.
BAST, J., SCHAEFER, I., SCHWANDER, T., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., KRAAJEVELD, K. (2016) No accumulation of transposable elements in asexual arthropods. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33, 697-706
BLUHM, C., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2016) Temporal fluctuations in oribatid mites indicate that density-independent factors favour parthenogenetic reproduction. Experimental and Applied Acarology 68, 387-407
BONATO, L., KLARNER, B., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S. (2016) The first geophilid centipedes from Malesia: a new genus with two new species from Sumatra (Chilopoda, Geophilidae). ZooKeys 605, 53-71
CLOUGH, Y., KRISHNA, V.V., CORRE, M.D., DARRAS, K., DENMEAD, L.H., MEIJIDE, A., MOSER, S., MUSSHOFF, O., STEINEBACH, S., VELDKAMP, E., ALLEN, K., BARNES, A.D., BREIDENBACH, N., BROSE, U., BUCHORI, D., DANIEL, R., FINKELDEY, R., HARAHAP, I., HERTEL, D., HOLTKAMP, A.M., HÖRANDL, E., IRAWAN, B., SURATI JAYA, I.N., JOCHUM, M., KLARNER, B., KNOHL, A., KOTOWSKA, M.M., KRASHEVSKA, V., KREFT, H., KURNIAWAN, S., LEUSCHNER, C., MARAUN, M., MELATI, D.N., OPFERMANN, N., PÉREZ-CRUZADO, C., PRABOWO, W.E., REMBOLD, K., RIZALI, A., RUBIANA, R., SCHNEIDER, D., TJITROSOEDIRDJO, S.S., TJOA, A., TSCHARNTKE, T., SCHEU, S. (2016) Land-use choices, profitability, and consequences for biodiversity and ecological functions in Indonesian smallholder landscapes. Nature Communications 7, 13137
DRESCHER, J., REMBOLD, K., ALLEN, K., BECKSCHÄFER, P., BUCHORI, D., CLOUGH, Y., FAUST, H., FAUZI, A.M., GUNAWAN, D., HERTEL, D., IRAWAN, B., JAYA, I.N.S., KLARNER, B., KLEINN, C., KNOHL, A., KOTOWSKA, M.M., KRASHEVSKA, V., KRISHNA, V., LEUSCHNER, C., LORENZ, W., MEIJIDE, A., MELATI, D., NOMURA, M., PÉREZ-CRUZADO, C., QAIM, M., SIREGAR, I.Z., STEINEBACH, S., TJOA, A., TSCHARNTKE, T., WICK, B., WIEGAND, K., KREFT, H., SCHEU, S. (2016) Ecological and socioeconomic functions across tropical land-use systems after rainforest conversion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371, 1-8
DUDENHÖFFER, J.-H., SCHEU, S., JOUSSET, A. (2016) Systemic enrichment of antifungal traits in the rhizosphere microbiome after pathogen attack. Journal of Ecology 104, 1566-1575
FERNANDEZ-MONTIEL, I., SIDRACH-CARDONA, R., GABILONDO, R., PEDESCOLL, A., SCHEU, S., BECARES, E. (2016) Soil communities are affected by CO2 belowground emissions at a natural vent in Spain. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 97, 92-98
GONZALEZ MACE, O., STEINAUER, K., JOUSSET, A., EISENHAUER, J., SCHEU, S. (2016) Flood-induced changes in soil microbial functions as modified by plant diversity. PLoS One 11(11): e0166349
GRUBERT, D., BUTENSCHÖN, O., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2016) Understanding earthworm - collembola interactions and their importance for ecosystem processes needs consideration of species identity. European Journal of Soil Biology 77, 60-67
HEETHOFF, M., SCHEU, S. (2016) Reliability of isotopic fractionation (15N, 13C) for the delimitation of trophic levels of oribatid mites: Diet strongly affects 13C but not 15N. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 101, 124-129
HERRMANN, S., GRAMS, T.E.E., TARKKA, M.T., ANGAY, O., BACHT, M., BÖNN, M., FELDHAHN, L., GRAF, M., KURTH, F., MABOREKE, H., MAILANDER, S., RECHT, S., FLEISCHMANN, F., RUESS, L., SCHÄDLER, M., SCHEU, S., SCHREY, S., BUSCOT, F. (2016) Endogenous rhythmic growth, a trait suitable for the study of interplays between multitrophic interactions and tree development. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 19, 40–48
HINES, J., VAN DER PUTTEN, W.H., DE DEYN, G.B., WAGG, C., VOIGT, W., MULDER, C., WEISSER, W.W., ENGEL, J., MELIAN, C., SCHEU, S., BIRKHOFER, K., EBELING, A., SCHERBER, C., EISENHAUER, N. (2016) Towards an integration of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning and food-web theory to evaluate relationships between multiple ecosystem services. Advances in Ecological Research 53, 161-199
JOUSSET, A., EISENHAUER, N., MERKER, M., MOUQUET, N., SCHEU, S. (2016) High functional diversity stimulates diversification in experimental microbial communities. Science Advances 2, e1600124
KRASHEVSKA, V., KLARNER, B., WIDYASTUTI, R., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2016) Changes in structure and functioning of protist (testate amoebae) communities due to conversion of lowland rainforest into rubber and oil palm plantations. PLoS One 11(7): e0160179
KRAUSE, A., PACHL, P., SCHULZ, G., LEHMITZ, R., SENICZAK, A., SCHAEFER, I., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2016) Convergent evolution of aquatic life by sexual and parthenogenetic oribatid mites. Experimental and Applied Acarology 70, 439-453
LATZ, E., EISENHAUER, N., RALL, B.C., SCHEU, S., JOUSSET, A. (2016) Unravelling linkages between plant community composition and the pathogen-suppressive potential of soils. Scientific Reports 6:23584
LEIMER, S., OELMANN, Y., EISENHAUER, N., MILCU, M., ROSCHER, C., SCHEU, S., WEIGELT, A., WIRTH, C., WILCKE, W. (2016) Mechanisms behind plant diversity effects on inorganic and organic N leaching from temperate grassland. Biogeochemistry 131, 339–353
MEYER, S., EBELING, A., EISENHAUER, N., HERTZOG, L., HILLEBRANDT, H., MILCU, A., POMPE, S., ABBAS, M., BESSLER, H., BUCHMANN, N., DE LUCA, E., ENGELS, C., FISCHER, M., GLEIXNER, G., HUDENWENZ, A., KLEIN, A.-M., DE KROON, H., LEIMER, A., LORANGER, H., MOMMER, L., OELMANN, Y., RAVENEK, J.M., ROSCHER, C., ROTTSTOCK, T., SCHERBER, C., SCHERER-LORENZEN, M., SCHEU, S., SCHMID, B., SCHULZE, E.-D., STAUDLER, A., STRECKER, T., TEMPERTON, V., TSCHARNTKE, T., VOGEL, A., VOIGT, W., WEIGELT, A., WILCKE, W., WEISSER, W.W. (2016) Effects of biodiversity strengthen over time as ecosystem functioning declines at low and increases at high biodiversity. Ecosphere 7(12), e01619
MÜLLER, K., KRAMER, S., HASLWIMMER, H., MARHAN, S., SCHEUNEMANN, N., BUTENSCHÖN, O., SCHEU, S., KANDELER, E. (2016) Carbon transfer from maize roots and litter into bacteria and fungi depends on soil depth and time. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 93, 79-89
PAUSCH, J., KRAMER, S., SCHARROBA, A., SCHEUNEMANN, N., BUTENSCHOEN, O., KANDELER, E., MARHAN, S., RIEDERER, M., SCHEU, S., KUZYAKOV, Y., RUESS, L. (2016) Small but active – pool size does not matter for carbon incorporation in below-ground food webs. Functional Ecology 30, 479-489
SCHEUNEMANN, N., PAUSCH, J., DIGEL, C., KRAMER, S., SCHARROBA, A., KUZYAKOV, Y., KANDELER, E., RUESS, L., BUTENSCHOEN, O., SCHEU, S. (2016) Incorporation of root C and fertilizer N into the food web of an arable field: Variations with functional group and energy channel. Food Webs 9, 39-45
SCHWARZ, M.T., BISCHOFF, S., BLASER, S., BOCH, S., GRASSEIN, F., KLARNER, B., SCHMITT, B., SOLLY, E.F., AMMER, C., MICHALZIK, B., SCHALL, B., SCHEU, S., SCHÖNING, I., SCHRUMPF, M., SCHULZE, E.-D., SIEMENS, J., WILCKE, W. (2016) Drivers of nitrogen leaching from organic layers in Central European beech forests. Plant and Soil 403, 343-360
STEINAUER, K., JENSEN, B., STRECKER, T., DE LUCA, E., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2016) Convergence of soil microbial properties after plant colonization of an experimental plant diversity gradient. BMC Ecology 16, 19
STRECKER, T., GONZALEZ MACE, O., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2016) Functional composition of plant communities determines the spatial and temporal stability of soil microbial properties in a long-term plant diversity experiment. Oikos 125, 1743-1754
THE QUINTESSENCE CONSORTIUM (61 authors incl. S. Scheu) (2016) Networking our way to better Ecosystem Service provision. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31, 105-115
VON SALTZWEDEL, H., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I. (2016) Founder events and pre-glacial divergences shape the genetic structure of European Collembola species. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16 (1), 148
BLUHM, C., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2015) Oribatid mite communities on the bark of dead wood vary with log type, surrounding forest and regional factors. Applied Soil Ecology 889, 102-112
CESARZ, S., REICH, P.B., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L., SCHAEFER, M., EISENHAUER, N. (2015) Nematode functional guilds, not trophic groups, reflect shifts in soil food webs and processes in response to interacting global change factors. Pedobiologia 58, 23-32
ERMILOV, S.G., SANDMANN, D., KLARNER, B., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S. (2015) Contributions to the knowledge of oribatid mites of Indonesia. 1. The genus Allogalumna (Galumnidae) with descriptions of two new species (Acari, Oribatida). ZooKeys 529, 71-86
ERMILOV, S.G., SANDMANN, D., KLARNER, B., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S. (2015) Contributions to the knowledge of oribatid mites of Indonesia. 2. The genus Pergalumna (Galumnidae), with the description of a new species and key to known species in the Oriental region (Acari, Oribatida). ZooKeys 529, 87-103
ERMILOV, S.G., SANDMANN, D., KLARNER, B., WIDYASTUTI, R., SCHEU, S. (2015) Contribution to the knowledge of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of Indonesia. 3. The genus Galumna (Galumnidae), with description of a new subgenus and seven new species. ZooKeys 539, 11-51
FERLIAN, O., KLARNER, B., LANGENECKERT A.E., SCHEU, S. (2015) Trophic niche differentiation and utilisation of food resources in collembolans based on complementary analyses of fatty acids and stable isotopes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 82, 28-35
FISCHER, C., TISCHER, J., ROSCHER, C., EISENHAUER, N., RAVENEK, J., GLEIXNER, G., ATTINGER, S., JENSEN, B., DE KROON, H., MOMMER, L., SCHEU, S., HILDEBRANDT, A. (2015) Plant species diversity affects infiltration capacity in an experimental grassland through changes in soil properties. Plant and Soil 397, 1-16
HACKER, N., EBELING, A., GESSLER, A., GLEIXNER, G., GONZÁLEZ MACÉ, O., DE KROON, H., LANGE, M., MOMMER, L., EISENHAUER, N., RAVENEK, J., SCHEU, S., WEIGELT, A., WAGG, C., WILCKE, W., OELMANN Y. (2015) Plant diversity shapes microbe-rhizosphere effects on P mobilization from organic matter in soil. Ecology Letters 18, 1356-1365
KRASHEVSKA, V., KLARNER, B., WIDYASTUTI, R., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2015) Impact of tropical lowland rainforest conversion into rubber and oil palm plantations on soil microbial communities. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51, 697-705
KREIPE, V., CORRAL-HERNÁNDEZ, E., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I., MARAUN, M. (2015) Phylogeny and species delineation in European species of the genus Steganacarus (Acari, Oribatida) using mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Experimental and Applied Acarology 66, 173-186
LANGE, M., EISENHAUER, N., SIERRA, C., BESSLER, H., ENGELS, C., GRIFFITHS, R., MELLADO-VÁZQUEZ, P., MALIK, A., ROY, J., SCHEU, S., STEINBEISS, S., THOMSON, B., TRUMBORE S., GLEIXNER, G. (2015) Plant diversity increases soil microbial activity and soil carbon storage. Nature Communications 6, 6707
LATZ, E., EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S., JOUSSET, A. (2015) Plant identity drives the expression of biocontrol factors in a rhizosphere bacterium across a plant diversity gradient. Functional Ecology 29, 1225-1234
MAAß, S., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., RILLIG, M.C., CARUSO, T. (2015) Environmental filtering vs. resource-based niche partitioning in diverse soil animal assemblages. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 85, 145-152
POLLIERER, M.M., FERLIAN, O., SCHEU, S. (2015) Temporal dynamics and variation with forest type of phospholipid fatty acids in litter and soil of temperate forests across regions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 91, 248-257
RAMIREZ, K.S., DÖRING, M., EISENHAUER, N., GARDI, C., LADAU, J., LEFF, J-W., LENTENDU, G., LINDO, Z., RILLIG, M.C., RUSSELL, D., SCHEU, S., ST. JOHN, M.G., DE VRIES, F.T., WUBET, T., VAN DER PUTTEN, W.H., WALL, D.H. (2015) Towards a global platform for linking soil biodiversity data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 3, 91
SCHEUNEMANN, N., DIGEL, C., SCHEU, S., BUTENSCHOEN, O. (2015) Roots rather than shoot residues drive soil arthropod communities of arable fields. Oecologia, 179, 1135-1145 (equal contribution of last two authors)
SCHEUNEMANN, N., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., BUTENSCHOEN, O. (2015) The role of shoot residues vs. crop species for soil arthropod diversity and abundance of arable systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 81, 81-88
SCHNEIDER, D., ENGELHAUPT, E., ALLEN, K., KURNIAWAN, S., KRASHEVSKA, V., HEINEMANN, M., NACKE, H., WIJAYANTI, M., MERYANDINI, A., CORRE, M.D., SCHEU, S., DANIEL, R. (2015) Impact of lowland rainforest transformation on diversity and composition of soil prokaryotic communities in Sumatra (Indonesia). Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 01339
STRECKER, T., BARNARD, R.L., NIKLAUS, P.A., SCHERER-LORENZEN, M., WEIGELT, A., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2015) Effects of plant diversity, functional group composition, and fertilization on soil microbial properties in experimental grassland. PLoS One, 10 (5), e0125678
THAKUR, M.P., MILCU, A., MANNING, P., NIKLAUS, P.A., ROSCHER, C., POWER, S., REICH, P.B., SCHEU, S., TILMAN, D., AI, F., GUO, H., JI, R., PIERCE, S., RAMIREZ, N.G., RICHTER, A.N., STEINAUER, K., STRECKER, T., VOGEL, A., EISENHAUER, N. (2015) Plant diversity drives soil microbial biomass carbon in grasslands irrespective of global environmental change factors. Global Change Biology 21, 4076 – 4085
WEIDNER, S., KOLLER, R., LATZ, E., KOWALCHUK, G., BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S., JOUSSET, A. (2015) Bacterial diversity amplifies nutrient-based plant-soil feedbacks. Functional Ecology 29, 1341-1349
WRIGHT, A.J., EBELING, A., DE KROON, H., ROSCHER, C., WEIGELT, A., BUCHMANN, N., BUCHMANN, T., FISCHER, C., HACKER, N., HILDEBRANDT, A., LEIMER, S., MOMMER, S., OELMANN, I., SCHEU, S., STEINAUER, K., STRECKER, T., WEISSER, W., WILCKE, W., EISENHAUER, N. (2015) Flooding disturbances increase resource availability and productivity but reduce stability in diverse plant communities. Nature Communications 6, 6092
YANG, N., SCHÜTZENMEISTER, K., GRUBERT, D., JUNGKUNST, H.F., GANSERT, D., SCHEU, S., POLLE, A., PENA, R. (2015) Impacts of earthworms on nitrogen acquisition from leaf litter by arbuscular mycorrhizal ash and ectomycorrhizal beech trees. Environmental and Experimental Botany 120, 1-7
ZIEGER, S., EISSFELLER, V., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2015) Incorporation of carbon and nitrogen from leaf litter differing in structural compounds into soil microarthropods of a deciduous forest. Pedobiologia 58, 219-227
BROSE, U., SCHEU, S. (2014) Into darkness: unravelling the structure of soil food webs. Oikos 123, 1153-1156
BUTENSCHOEN, O., SCHEU, S. (2014) Climate change triggers effects of fungal pathogens and insect herbivores on litter decomposition. Acta Oecologica 60, 49-56
BUTENSCHOEN, O., KRASHEVSKA, V., MARAUN, M., MARIAN, F., SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S. (2014) Litter mixture effects on decomposition in tropical montane rainforests vary strongly with time and turn negative at later stages of decay. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 77, 121-128
EHNES, R.B., POLLIERER, M.M., ERDMANN, G., KLARNER, B., EITZINGER, B., DIGEL, C., OTT, D., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., BROSE, U. (2014) Lack of energetic equivalence in forest soil invertebrates. Ecology 95, 527-537
EITZINGER, B., UNGER, E.M., TRAUGOTT, M., SCHEU, S. (2014) Effects of prey quality and predator body size on prey DNA detection success in a centipede predator. Molecular Ecology 23, 3767-3776
FERLIAN, O., SCHEU, S. (2014) Shifts in trophic interactions with forest type in soil generalist predators as indicated by complementary analyses of fatty acids and stable isotopes. Oikos 123, 1182-1191
FERLIAN, O., CESARZ, S., MARHAN, S., SCHEU, S. (2014) Carbon food resources of earthworms of different ecological groups as indicated by 13C compound-specific stable isotope analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 77, 22-30
FISCHER, C., ROSCHER, C., JENSEN, B., EISENHAUER, N., BAADE, J., ATTINGER, S., SCHEU, S., SCHUMACHER, J., WEISSER, W.W., HILDEBRANDT, A. (2014) How do earthworms, soil texture and plant composition affect infiltration along an experimental plant diversity gradient in grassland? PLoS One 9(6): e98987
GÜNTHER, B., RALL, B., FERLIAN, O., SCHEU, S., EITZINGER, B. (2014) Variations in prey consumption of centipede predators in forest soils as indicated by molecular gut content analysis. Oikos 123, 1192-1198
HANDA, I.T., AERTS, R., BERENDSE, F., BERG, M.P., BRUDER, A., BUTENSCHOEN, O., CHAUVET, E., GESSNER, M.O., JABIOL, J., MAKKONEN, M., MCKIE, B.G., MALMQVIST, B., PEETERS, E.T.H.M., SCHEU, S., SCHMID, B., VAN RUIJVEN, J., VOS, V.C.A., HÄTTENSCHWILER, S. (2014) Consequences of biodiversity loss for litter decomposition across biomes. Nature 509, 218-221
HEIDEMANN, K., HENNIES, A., SCHAKOWSKE, J., BLUMENBERG, L., RUESS, L., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2014) Free-living nematodes as prey for higher trophic levels of forest soil food webs. Oikos 123, 1199-1211
HEIDEMANN, K., RUESS, L., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2014) Nematode consumption by mite communities varies in different forest microhabitats as indicated by molecular gut content analysis. Experimental and Applied Acarology 64, 49-60
JOUSSET, A., BECKER, J., CHATTERJEE, S., KARLOVSKY, P., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2014) Biodiversity and species identity shape the antifungal activity of bacterial communities. Ecology 95, 1184-1190
KLARNER, B., EHNES, R., ERDMANN, G., EITZINGER, B., POLLIERER, M.M., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2014) Trophic shift of soil animal species with forest type as indicated by stable isotope analysis. Oikos 123, 1173-1181
KRASHEVSKA, V., SANDMANN, D., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2014) Moderate changes in nutrient input alter tropical microbial and protist communities and belowground linkages. ISME Journal 8, 1126-1134
LANG, B., RALL, B., SCHEU, S., BROSE, U. (2014) Effects of environmental warming and drought on size-structured food webs. Oikos 123, 1224-1233
LANGE, M., HABEKOST, M., EISENHAUER, N., ROSCHER, C., BESSLER, H., ENGELS, C., OELMANN, Y., SCHEU, S., WILCKE, W., SCHULZE, E.-D., GLEIXNER, G. (2014) Biotic and abiotic properties mediating plant diversity effects on soil microbial communities in an experimental grassland. PLoS One 9(5): e96182
LEMANSKI, K., SCHEU, S. (2014) Incorporation of 13C labelled glucose into soil microorganisms of grassland: effects of fertilizer addition and plant functional group composition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 69, 38-45
LEMANSKI, K., SCHEU, S. (2014) Fertilizer addition lessens the flux of microbial carbon to higher trophic levels in soil food webs of grassland. Oecologia 176, 487-496
LEMANSKI, K., SCHEU, S. (2014) The influence of fertilizer addition, cutting frequency and herbicide application on soil organisms in grassland. Biology and Fertility of Soils 51, 197-205
MARAUN, M., AUGUSTIN, D., MÜLLER, J., BÄSSLER, C., SCHEU, S. (2014) Changes in the community composition and trophic structure of microarthropods in sporocarps of the wood decaying fungus Fomitopsis pinicola along an altitudinal gradient. Applied Soil Ecology 84, 16-23
OTT, D., DIGEL, C., KLARNER, B., MARAUN, M., POLLIERER, M., RALL, B., SCHEU, S., SEELIG, G., BROSE, U. (2014) Litter elemental stoichiometry and biomass densities of forest soil invertebrates. Oikos 123, 1212-1223
OTT, D., DIGEL, C., RALL, B., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., SEELIG, G., BROSE, U. (2014) Unifying elemental stoichiometry and metabolic theory in predicting species abundances. Ecology Letters 17, 1247-1256
VALTANEN, K., EISSFELLER, V., BEYER, F., HERTEL, D., SCHEU, S., POLLE, A. (2014) Carbon and nitrogen fluxes between beech and their ectomycorrhizal assemblage. Mycorrhiza 24, 645-650
VON SALTZWEDEL, H., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I. (2014) Evidence for frozen-niche variation in a cosmopolitan parthenogenetic soil mite species (Acari, Oribatida). PLoS One 9(11): e113268
WEHNER, K., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2014) Resource availability as driving factor of the reproductive mode in soil microarthropods (Acari, Oribatida). PLoS One 9(8): e104243
CESARZ, S., FENDER, A.-C., BEYER, F., VALTANEN, K., PFEIFFER, B., GANSERT, D., HERTEL, D., POLLE, A., DANIEL, R., LEUSCHNER, C., SCHEU, S. (2013) Roots from beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) differentially affect soil microorganisms and carbon dynamics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 61, 23-32
CESARZ, S., RUESS, L., JACOB, M., JACOB, A., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (2013) Tree species diversity versus tree species identity: Driving forces in structuring forest food webs as indicated by soil nematodes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 62, 36-45
DÖLL, K., CHATTERJEE, S., SCHEU, S., KARLOVSKY, P., ROHLFS, M. (2013) Fungal metabolite plasticity and sexual development mediate induced resistence to arthropod fungivory. Proceedings of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences 280, 20131219
EISENHAUER, N., SCHULZ, W., SCHEU, S., JOUSSET, A. (2013) Niche dimensionality links biodiversity and invasibility of microbial communities. Functional Ecology 27, 282-288
EISSFELLER, V., BEYER, F., VALTANEN, K., HERTEL, D., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2013) Incorporation of plant carbon and microbial nitrogen into the rhizosphere food web of beech and ash. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 62, 76-81
EISSFELLER, V., LANGENBRUCH, C., JACOB, A., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2013) Tree identity surpasses tree diversity in affecting the community structure of oribatid mites (Oribatida) of deciduous temperate forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 63, 154-162
EITZINGER, B., MICIC, A., KÖRNER, M., TRAUGOTT, M., SCHEU, S. (2013) Unveiling soil food web links: New PCR assays for detection of prey DNA in the gut of soil arthropod predators. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 943-945
HAMER, U., POTTHAST, K., WILCKE, W., WULLAERT, H., VALAREZO, C., SANDMANN, D., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., HOMEIER, J. (2013) Future regulating (supporting) services: Matter turnover and nutrient additions. In: BENDIX, J., BECK, E., BRÄUNING, A., MAKESCHIN, F., MOSANDL, R., SCHEU, S., WILCKE, W. (eds) Ecosystem services, biodiversity and environmental change in a tropical mountain ecosystem of south Ecuador. Ecological Studies 221, Springer, New York, pp. 297-313
HENKE, C., NICKEL, H., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I. (2013) Evidence for Wolbachia in leafhoppers of the genus Eupteryx (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae) with intersexual morphotypes. Bulletin of Insectology 66, 109-118
JOUSSET, A., EISENHAUER, N., MATERNE, E., SCHEU, S. (2013) Evolutionary history predicts the stability of cooperation in microbial communities. Nature Communications 4, 2573
JOUSSET, A., SCHULDES, J., KEEL, J., MAURHOFER, M., DANIEL, R., SCHEU, S., THUERMER, A. (2013) Full genome sequence of the plant-growth promoting bacterium Pseudomonas protegens CHA0. Genome Announcement genomeA00322-14R1
KLARNER, B., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2013) Trophic diversity and niche partitioning in a species rich predator guilde – Natural variations in stable isotope ratios (13C/12C, 15N/14N) of mesostigmatid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata) from Central European beech forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 327-333
KOLLER, R., SCHEU, S., BONKOWSKI, M., ROBIN, C. (2013) Protozoa stimulate N uptake and growth of arbuscular mycorrhizal plants. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 65, 204-210
KOLLER, R., ROBIN, C., BONKOWSKI, M., RUESS, L., SCHEU, S. (2013) Litter quality as driving factor for plant nutrition via grazing of protozoa on soil microorganisms. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 85, 241-250
KOLLER, R., RODRIGUEZ, A., ROBIN, C., SCHEU, S., BONKOWSKI, M. (2013) Protozoa enhance foraging efficiency of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for mineral nitrogen from organic matter in soil to the benefit of host plants. New Phytologist 199, 203-211
MARAUN, M., FRONCEK, S., MARIAN, F., SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S. (2013) More sex at higher altitudes: Changes in the frequency of parthenogenesis in oribatid mites in tropical montane rain forests. Pedobiologia 56, 185-190
MILCU, A., ALLAN, E., ROSCHER, C., JENKINS, T., MEYER, S.T., FLYNN, D., BESSLER, H., BUSCOT, F., ENGELS, C., GUBSCH, M., KÖNIG, S., LIPOWSKY, A., LORANGER, J., RENKER, C., SCHERBER, C., SCHMID, B., THÉBAULT, E., WUBET, T., WEISSER, W.W., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER N. (2013) Functionally and phylogenetically diverse plant communities key to soil biota. Ecology 94, 1878-1885
MÜLLER, S.A., SCHEU, S., JOUSSET, A. (2013) Protozoa drive the dynamics of culturable biocontrol bacteria. PLoS One 8(6): e66200
PERES, G., CLUZEAU, D., MENASSERI, S., SOUSSANA, J.F., BESSLER, H., ENGELS, C., HABEKOST, M., GLEIXNER, G., WEIGELT, A., WEISSER, W.W., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2013) Mechanisms linking plant community properties to soil aggregate stability in an experimental grassland plant diversity gradient. Plant and Soil, 373, 285-299
RILLIG, M., CAMENZIND, T., GAWLIK, J., HAUG, I., KRASHEVSKA, V., MARAUN, M., SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S. (2013) Diversity in soil fungi, protists and microarthropods. In: BENDIX, J., BECK, E., BRÄUNING, A., MAKESCHIN, F., MOSANDL, R., SCHEU, S., WILCKE, W. (eds) Ecosystem services, biodiversity and environmental change in a tropical mountain ecosystem of south Ecuador. Ecological Studies 221, Springer, New York, pp. 81-92
ROSENBERGER, M., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I. (2013) Pre- and post-glacial diversifications shape genetic complexity of a soil-living microarthropod. Pedobiologia 56, 79-87
TARKKA, M.T., HERRMANN, S., WUBET, T., FELDHAHN, L., RECHT, S., KURTH, F., MAILÄNDER, S., BÖNN, M., NEEF, M., ANGAY, O., BACHT, M., GRAF, M., MABOREKE, H., FLEISCHMANN, F., GRAMS, T.E.E., RUESS, L., SCHÄDLER, M., BRANDL, R., SCHEU, S, SCHREY, S.D., GROSSE, I., BUSCOT, F. (2013) OakContigDF159.1, a reference library for studying differential gene expression in Quercus robur L. during controlled biotic interactions: use for quantitative transcriptomic profiling of oak roots in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phytologist 199, 529-540
WERNER, F., BREHM, G., JANTZ, N., KRASHEVSKA, V., PETERS, T., BEHLING, H., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2013) Future preserving ecosystem services: Climate change effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In: BENDIX, J., BECK, E., BRÄUNING, A., MAKESCHIN, F., MOSANDL, R., SCHEU, S., WILCKE, W. (eds) Ecosystem services, biodiversity and environmental change in a tropical mountain ecosystem of south Ecuador. Ecological Studies 221, Springer, New York, 247-263
BECKER, J., EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S., JOUSSET, A. (2012) Increasing antagonistic interactions cause bacterial communities to collapse at high diversity. Ecology Letters 15, 468-474
BIRKHOFER, K., SCHÖNING, I., ALT, F., HEROLD, N., KLARNER, B., MARAUN, M., MARHAN, S., OELMANN, Y., WUBET, T., YURKOV, A., BEGEROW, D., BERNER, D., BUSCOT, F., DANIEL, R., DIEKÖTTER, T., EHNES, R.B., ERDMANN, G., FISCHER, C., FOESEL, B., GROH, J., GUTKNECHT, J., KANDELER, E., LANG, C., LOHAUS, G., MEYER, A., NACKE, H., NÖTHER, A., OVERMANN, J., POLLE, A., POLLIERER, M.M., SCHEU, S., SCHLOTER, M., SCHULZE, E.-D., SCHULZE, W., WEINERT, J., WEISSER, W.W., WOLTERS, V., SCHRUMPF, M. (2012) General relationships between abiotic soil properties and soil biota across spatial scales and different land-use types. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43292
EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S., JOUSSET, A. (2012) Bacterial diversity stabilizes community productivity. PLoS One 7(3), e34517
EISENHAUER, N., REICH, P.B., SCHEU, S. (2012) Increasing plant diversity effects on productivity with time due to delayed soil biota effects on plants. Basic and Applied Ecology 13, 571-578
ERDMANN, G., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2012) Regional rather than local factors associated with forest type drive the community structure of soil living oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida). Experimental and Applied Acarology 57, 157-169
FERLIAN, O., SCHEU, S., POLLIERER, M. (2012) Trophic interactions in centipedes (Chilopoda, Myriapoda) as indicated by fatty acid patterns: variations with life stage, forest age and season. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 52, 33-42
HOMEIER, J., HERTEL, D., CAMENZIND, T., CUMBICUS, N.L., MARAUN, M., MARTINSON, G.O., POMA, N.L., RILLIG, M.C., SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S., VELDKAMP, E., WILCKE, W., WULLAERT, H., LEUSCHNER, C. (2012) Tropical Andean forests are highly susceptible to nutrient inputs – Rapid effects of experimental N and P addition to an Ecuadorian montane forest. PLoS One 7(10): e47128
KRAMER, S., MARHAN, S., RUESS, L., ARMBRUSTER, W., BUTENSCHOEN, O., HASLWIMMER, H., KUZYAKOV, Y., PAUSCH, J., SCHOENE, J., SCHEUNEMANN, N., SCHMALWASSER, A., TOTSCHE, K.U., WALKER, F., SCHEU, S., KANDELER, E. (2012) Carbon flow into microbial and fungal biomass as a basis to understand the belowground food web in an agroecosystem. Pedobiologia 55, 111-119
KRASHEVSKA, V., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2012) How does litter quality affect the community of soil protists (testate amoebae) of tropical montane rainforests? FEMS Microbiology and Ecology 80, 603-607
KRASHEVSKA, V., SANDMANN, D., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2012) Consequences of exclusion of precipitation on microorganisms and microbial consumers in montane tropical rain forests. Oecologia 170, 1067-1076
LATZ, E., EISENHAUER, N., RALL, B.C., ALLAN, E., ROSCHER, C., SCHEU, S., JOUSSET, A. (2012) Plant diversity improves protection against soil-borne pathogens by fostering antagonistic bacterial communities. Journal of Ecology 100, 597-604; highlighted in The Scientist
LUMMER, D., SCHEU, S., BUTENSCHOEN (2012) Connecting litter quality, microbial community and nitrogen transfer mechanisms in decomposing litter mixtures. Oikos 121, 1649-1655
MARAUN, M., NORTON, R.A., EHNES, R.B., SCHEU, S., ERDMANN, G. (2012) Positive correlation between density and parthenogenetic reproduction in oribatid mites (Acari) supports the structured resource theory of sexual reproduction. Evolutionary Ecology Research 14, 311-323
PACHL, P., DOMES, K., SCHULZ, G., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, I., MARAUN, M. (2012) Convergent evolution of defense mechanisms in oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) shows no ‘ghosts of predation past’. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 65, 412-420
POLLIERER, M., DYCKMANS, J., SCHEU, S., HAUBERT, D. (2012) Carbon flux through fungi and bacteria into the forest soil animal food web as indicated by compound specific 13C fatty acid analysis. Functional Ecology 26, 978-990
SABAIS, A.C.W., EISENHAUER, N., KÖNIG, S., RENKER, C., BUSCOT, F., SCHEU, S. (2012) Soil organisms shape the competition between grassland plant species. Oecologia 170, 1021-1032
SCHARROBA, A., DIBBERN, D., HÜNNINGHAUS, M., KRAMER, S., MOLL, J., BUTENSCHOEN, O., BONKOWSKI, M., BUSCOT, F., KANDELER, E., KOLLER, R., KRÜGER, D., LUEDERS, T., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L. (2012) Effects of resource availability and quality on the structure of the micro-food web of an arable soil across depth. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 50, 1-11
SCHNEIDER, F.D., SCHEU, S., BROSE, U. (2012) Body mass constraints on feeding rates determine the consequences of predator loss. Ecology Letters 15, 436-443
SEIFERT, L., SCHEU, S. (2012) Linking aquatic and terrestrial food webs – Odonata in boreal systems. Freshwater Biology 57, 1449-1457
SONG, Y., SCHEU, S., DROSSEL, B. (2012) The ecological advantage of sexual reproduction in multicellular long-lived organisms. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25, 556-565
SONG, Y., SCHEU, S., DROSSEL, B. (2012) Life histories and Cope’s rule from an explicit resource–consumer model based on metabolic theory. Journal of Theoretical Biology 310, 175–182
STOETEFELD, L., SCHEU, S., ROHLFS, M. (2012) Fungal chemical defence alters density-dependent foraging behaviour and success in a fungivorous soil arthropod. Ecological Entomology 37, 323-329
VON BERG, K., TRAUGOTT, M., SCHEU, S. (2012) Scavenging and active predation in generalist predators: a mesocosm study employing DNA-based gut content analysis. Pedobiologia 55, 1-5
BIRKHOFER, K., FLIEßBACH, A., WISE, D., SCHEU, S. (2011) Arthropod food webs in organic and conventional wheat farming systems of an agricultural long-term experiment: a stable isotope approach. Agriculture and Forest Entomology 13, 197-204
BUTENSCHOEN, O., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2011) Interactive effects of warming, soil humidity and plant diversity on litter decomposition and microbial activity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 1902-1907
EISENHAUER, N., MIGUNOVA, V.D., ACKERMANN, M., RUESS, L., SCHEU, S. (2011) Changes in plant species richness induce functional shifts in soil nematode communities in experimental grassland. PLoSOne 6(9) e24087
EISENHAUER, N., MILCU, A., ALLEN, E., NITSCHKE, N., SCHERBER, C., TEMPERTON, V., WEIGELT, A., WEISSER, W.W., SCHEU, S. (2011) Impact of above- and below-ground invertebrates on temporal and spatial stability of grassland of different diversity. Journal of Ecology 99, 572-582
EISENHAUER, N., MILCU, A., SABAIS, A.C.W., BESSLER, H., BRENNER, J., ENGELS, C., KLARNER, B., MARAUN, M., PARTSCH, S., ROSCHER, C., SCHONERT, F., TEMPERTON, V.M., THOMISCH, K., WEIGELT, A., WEISSER, W.W., SCHEU, S. (2011) Plant diversity surpasses plant functional groups and plant productivity as driver of soil biota in the long term. PLoSOne 6(1) e16055
EISENHAUER, N., SABAIS, A.C.W., SCHEU, S. (2011) Collembola species composition and diversity effects on ecosystem functioning vary with plant functional group identity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 1697-1704
EISENHAUER, N., YEE, K., JOHNSON, E.A., MARAUN, M., PARKINSON, D., STRAUBE, D., SCHEU, S. (2011) Positive relationship between herbaceous layer diversity and the performance of soil biota in a temperate forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 462-465
ENDLWEBER, K., KROME, K., WELZL, G., SCHÄFFNER, A.R. SCHEU, S. (2011) Decomposer animals induce differential expression of defence and auxin responsive genes in plants. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 1130-1138
FOREY, E., BAROT, S., DECAËNS, T., LANGLOIS, E., LAOSSI, K.-R., MARGERIE, P., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2011) Document Importance of earthworm-seed interactions for the composition and structure of plant communities: A review. Acta Oecologica 37, 594-603
HAUBERT, D., POLLIERER, M., SCHEU, S. (2011) Fatty acid patterns as biomarker for trophic interactions: changes after dietary switch and starvation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 490-494
HEIDEMANN, K., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L., MARAUN, M. (2011) Molecular detection of nematode predation and scavenging in oribatid mites: Laboratory and field experiments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 2229-2236
HENKES, G.J., JOUSSET, A., BONKOWSKI, M., THORPE, M.R., SCHEU, S., LANOUE, A., SCHURR, U., RÖSE, U.S.R. (2011) Pseudomonas fluorescens CH0 maintains carbon delivery to Fusarium graminearum-infected roots and prevents reduction in biomass of barley shoots through systemic interactions. Journal of Experimental Botany 62, 4337-4344
JOUSSET, A., ROCHAT, L., LANOUE, A., BONKOWSKI, M., KEEL, C., SCHEU, S. (2011) Plants respond to pathogen infection by enhancing the antifungal gene expression of root-associated bacteria. Molecular Plant - Microbe Interactions 24, 352-356
JOUSSET, A., SCHULZ, W., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2011) Intraspecific genotypic richness and relatedness predict the invasibility of microbial communities. ISME Journal 2011, 1108-1114
JOUSSET, A., SCHMID, B., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2011) Genotypic richness and dissimilarity opposingly affect ecosystem functioning. Ecology Letters 14, 537-545
KÖNIG, T., KAUFMANN, R., SCHEU, S. (2011) The formation of terrestrial food webs in glacier foreland: Evidence for the pivotal role of decomposer prey and intraguild predation. Pedobiologia 54, 147-152
MARAUN, M., ERDMANN, G., FISCHER, B.M., POLLIERER, M.M., NORTON, R.A., SCHNEIDER, K., SCHEU, S. (2011) Stable isotopes revisited: Their use and limits for oribatid mite trophic ecology. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 877-882
MILCU, A., HEIM, A., ELLIS, R.J., SCHEU, S., MANNING, P. (2011) Identification of general patterns of nutrients and labile carbon control on soil carbon dynamics across a successional gradient. Ecosystems 14, 710-719
NEIDIG, N., PAUL, R.J., SCHEU, S., JOUSSET, A. (2011) Secondary metabolites of soil Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 drive complex non-trophic interactions with bacterivorous nematodes. Microbial Ecology 61, 853-859
SABAIS, A.C.W., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2011) Plant species richness drives the density and diversity of Collembola in temperate grassland. Acta Oecologica 37, 195-202
SONG, Y., SCHEU, S., DROSSEL, B. (2011) Geographic parthenogenesis in a consumer-resource model for sexual reproduction. Journal of Theoretical Biology 273, 55-62
SONG, Y., DROSSEL, B., SCHEU, S. (2011) Tangled Bank dismissed too early. Oikos 120, 1601-1607
STAADEN, S., MILCU, A., ROHLFS, M., SCHEU, S. (2011) Olfactory cues associated with fungal grazing intensity and secondary metabolite pathway modulate Collembola foraging behaviour. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 1411-1416
UVAROV, A.V., TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2011) Effects of seasonal and diurnal temperature fluctuations on population dynamics of two epigeic earthworm species in forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 559-570
ASSHOFF, R., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2010) Different earthworm ecological groups interactively impact seedling establishment. European Journal of Soil Biology 46, 330-334
BEZEMER, T.M., FOUNTAIN, M.T., BAREA, J.M., CHRISTENSEN, S., DEKKER, S.C., VAN HAL, R., HARVEY, J.A., HEDLUND, K., MARAUN, M., MIKOLA, J., MLADENOV, A.G., ROBIN, C., DE RUITER, P.C., SCHEU, S., SETÄLÄ, H., ŠMILAUER, P., VAN DER PUTTEN W.H. (2010) Divergent composition but similar function of soil food webs of individual plants: plant species and community effects. Ecology 91, 3027-3036
BIRKHOFER, K., SCHEU, S., WIEGAND, W. (2010) Assessing spatiotemporal predator-prey patterns in heterogeneous habitats. Basic and Applied Ecology 11, 486-494
EISENHAUER, N., BUTENSCHOEN, O., RADSICK, S., SCHEU, S. (2010) Earthworms as seedling predators: Importance of seeds and seedlings for earthworm nutrition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42, 1245-1252
EISENHAUER, N., HÖRSCH, V., MOESER, J., SCHEU, S. (2010) Synergistic effects of microbial and animal decomposers on plant and herbivore performance. Basic and Applied Ecology 11, 23-34
EISENHAUER, N., MILCU, A., BESSLER, H., ENGELS, C., GLEIXNER, G., HABEKOST, M., PARTSCH, S., SABAIS, A.C.W., SCHERBER, C., STEINBEISS, S., WEIGELT, A., WEISSER, W.W., SCHEU, S. (2010) Plant diversity effects on soil microorganisms support the singular hypothesis. Ecology 91, 485-496.
EISENHAUER, N., SABAIS, A.C.W., MIGUNOVA, V., KLIER, M., GASS, S., ACKERMANN, M., NITSCHKE, N., RUESS, L., WEISSER, W.W., SCHEU, S. (2010) Impacts of nematicide application on nematode communities and feedbacks on plant productivity depend on grassland plant community characteristics. Acta Oecologica 36, 477-483
EISENHAUER, N., SABAIS, A.C.W., SCHONERT, F., SCHEU, S. (2010) Soil insects beneficially rather than detrimentally impact plant performance in experimental grassland systems of different diversity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42, 1418-1424
FREYTH, K., JANOWITZ, T., NUNES, F., VOSS, M., HEINICK, A., BERTAUX, J., SCHEU, S., PAUL, R.J. (2010) Reproductive fitness and dietary choice behavior of the genetic model organism Caenorhabditis elegans under semi-natural conditions. Molecules and Cells 30, 347-353
ILLIG, J., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2010) Density and community structure of soil and bark living microarthropods along an altitudinal gradient in a tropical mountain rain forest. Experimental and Applied Acarology 52, 49-62
JANSSENS, T.K.S., STAADEN, S., SCHEU, S., MARIEN, J., YLASTRA, B., ROELOFS, D. (2010) Transcriptional responses of Folsomia candida upon exposure to Aspergillus nidulans secondary metabolites in single and mixed diets. Pedobiologia 54, 45-52
JOUSSET, A., ROCHAT, L., SCHEU, S., BONKOWSKI, M., KEEL, C. (2010) Predator-prey chemical warfare determines the expression of biocontrol genes by rhizosphere Pseudomonas fluorescens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76, 5263-5268
KRASHEVSKA, V., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2010) Micro- and macroscale changes in density and diversity of testate amoebae of tropical montane rain forests of southern Ecuador. Acta Protozoologica 49, 17-28
KRASHEVSKA, V., MARAUN, M., RUESS, L., SCHEU, S. (2010) Carbon and nutrient limitation of soil microorganisms and microbial grazers in a tropical montane rain forest. Oikos 119, 1020-1028
KROME, K., ROSENBERG, K., DICKLER, C., KREUZER, K., LUDWIG-MÜLLER, J., ULLRICH-EBERIUS, C., SCHEU, S., BONKOWSKI, M. (2010) Soil bacteria and protozoa affect root branching via effects on the auxin and cytokinin balance in plants. Plant and Soil 328, 191-201
MILCU, A., THEBAULT, E., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2010) Plant diversity enhances the reliability of belowground processes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42, 2102-2110
NEIDIG, N., JOUSSET, A., NUNES, F., BONKOWSKI, M., PAUL, R.J., SCHEU, S. (2010) Interference between bacterial feeding nematodes and amoebae relies on innate and inducible mutual toxicity. Functional Ecology 24, 1133-1138
OELBERMANN, K., SCHEU, S. (2010) Trophic guilds of generalist feeders in soil animal communities as indicated by stable isotope analysis (15N/14N). Bulletin of Entomological Research 100, 511-520
POLLIERER, M., SCHEU, S., HAUBERT, D. (2010) Taking it to the next level: Trophic transfer of marker fatty acids from basal resource to predators. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42, 919-925
PROULX, R., WIRTH, C., VOIGT, W., WEIGELT, A., ROSCHER, C., ATTINGER, S., BAADE, J., BARNARD, R.L., BUCHMANN, N., BUSCOT, F., EISENHAUER, N., FISCHER, M., GLEIXNER, G., HALLE, S., HILDEBRANDT, A., KOWALSKI, E., KUU, A., LANGE, M., MILCU, A., NIKLAUS, P.A., OELMANN, Y., ROSENKRANZ, S., SABAIS, A., SCHERBER, C., SCHERER-LORENZEN, M., SCHEU, S., SCHULZE, E.-D., SCHUMACHER, J., SCHWICHTENBERG, G., SOUSSANA, J.-F., TEMPERTON, V.M., WEISSER, W.W., WILCKE, W., SCHMID, B. (2010) Diversity promotes temporal stability across levels of ecosystem organization in experimental grasslands. PLoS One 5(10). e13382
SCHAEFER, I., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2010) Arthropod colonization of land – linking molecules and fossils in oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida). Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution 57, 113-121
SCHERBER, C., MWANGI, P.M., SCHMITZ, M., SCHERER-LORENZEN, M., BEßLER, H., ENGELS, C., EISENHAUER, N., MIGUNOVA; V.D., SCHEU, S., WEISSER, W., SCHULZE, E.-D., SCHMID, B. (2010) Biodiversity and belowground interactions mediate community invasion resistance against a tall herb invader. Journal of Plant Ecology 3, 99-108
SCHERBER, C., EISENHAUER, N., WEISSER, W.W., SCHMID, B., VOIGT, W., FISCHER, M., SCHULZE, E.-D., ROSCHER, C., WEIGELT, A., ALLAN, E., BEßLER, H., BONKOWSKI, M., BUCHMANN, N., BUSCOT, F., CLEMENT, L.W., EBELING, A., ENGELS, C., HALLE, S., KERTSCHER, I., KLEIN, A.-M., KOLLER, R., KÖNIG, S., KOWALSKI, E., KUMMER, V., KUU, A., LANGE, M., LAUTERBACH, D., MIDDELHOFF, C., MIGUNOVA, V.D., MILCU, A., MÜLLER, R., PARTSCH, S. PETERMANN, J.S., RENKER, C., ROTTSTOCK, T., SABAIS, A., SCHEU, S., SCHUMACHER, J., TEMPERTON, V.M., TSCHARNTKE, T. (2010) Bottom-up effects of plant diversity on multitrophic interactions in a biodiversity experiment. Nature 468, 553-556.
SCHEUNEMANN, N., SCHEU, S., BUTENSCHÖN, O. (2010) Incorporation of decade old soil carbon into the soil animal food web of an arable system. Applied Soil Ecology 46, 59-63
SCHÜTZ, K., KANDELER, E., NAGEL, P., SCHEU, S., RUESS, E. (2010) Functional microbial community response to nutrient pulses by artificial groundwater recharge practice in surface soils and subsoils. FEMS Microbiology and Ecology 72, 445-455
SONG, Y., DROSSEL, B., SCHEU, S. (2010) Temporal patterns of resource usage in an ecological model for sexual reproduction and geographic parthenogenesis. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12, 831-841
STAADEN, S., MILCU, A., ROHLFS, M., SCHEU, S. (2010) Fungal toxins affect the fitness and stable isotope fractionation of Collembola. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42, 1766-1773
VON BERG, K., THIES, C., TSCHARNTKE, T., SCHEU, S. (2010) Changes in herbivore control in arable weeds by detrital subsidies depend on predator species and vary in space. Oecologia 163, 1033-1042
VUČIĆ-PESTIĆ, O., BIRKHOFER, K., SCHEU, S., BROSE, U. (2010) Habitat structure, predator interference and prey aggregation determine the functional response of a soil predator-prey interaction. Pedobiologia 53, 307-312
WANG, Y., XU, J., SHEN, J., SCHEU, S., KE, X. (2010) Tillage, residue burning and crop rotation alter soil fungal community and water-stable aggregation in arable fields. Soil and Tillage Research 107, 71-79
BUTENSCHOEN, O., JI, R., SCHÄFFER, A., SCHEU, S. (2009) The fate of catechol in soil as affected by earthworms and clay. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 330-339
BUTENSCHOEN, O., MARHAN, S., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S. (2009) Carbon and nitrogen mobilization by earthworms of different functional groups as affected by soil sand content. Pedobiologia 52, 263-272
CHAHARTAGHI, M., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M., DOMES, K. (2009) Resource depletion and colonization: A comparison between parthenogenetic and sexual Collembola species. Pedobiologia 52, 181-189
EISENHAUER, N., SCHUY, M., BUTENSCHOEN, O., SCHEU, S. (2009) Direct and indirect effects of endogeic earthworms on plant seeds. Pedobiologia 52, 151-162
EISENHAUER, N., MILCU, A., SABAIS, A.C.W., BESSLER, H., WEIGELT, A., ENGELS, C., SCHEU, S. (2009) Plant community impacts on the structure of earthworm communities depend on season. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 2430-2443
EISENHAUER, N., KLIER, M., PARTSCH, S., SABAIS, A.C.W., SCHERBER, C., WEISSER, W.W., SCHEU, S. (2009) No interactive effects of pesticides and plant diversity on soil microbial parameters. Applied Soil Ecology 42, 31-36
EISENHAUER, N., KÖNIG, S., SABAIS, A.C.W., RENKER, C., BUSCOT, F., SCHEU, S. (2009) Impacts of earthworms and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (Glomus intraradices) on plant performance are not interrelated. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 561-567
EISENHAUER, N., STRAUBE, D., JOHNSON, E.A., PARKINSON, D., SCHEU, S. (2009) Exotic ecosystem engineers change the emergence of plants from the seed bank of a deciduous forest. Ecosystems 12, 1008-1019
EISENHAUER, N., MILCU, A., NITSCHKE, N., SABAIS, A.C.W., SCHERBER, C., SCHEU, S. (2009) Earthworm and belowground competition effects on plant productivity in a plant diversity gradient. Oecologia 161, 291-301
EISENHAUER, N., MILCU, A., SABAIS, A.C.W., SCHEU, S. (2009) Earthworms enhance plant regrowth in a grassland plant diversity gradient. European Journal of Soil Biology 45, 455-458
ENDLWEBER, K., RUESS, L., SCHEU, S. (2009) Collembola switch diet in presence of plant roots thereby functioning as herbivores. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 1151-1154
HAUBERT, D., BIRKHOFER, K., FLIEßBACH, A., GEHRE, M., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L. (2009) Trophic structure and major trophic links in conventional vs organic farming systems as indicated by carbon stable isotope ratios of fatty acids. Oikos 118, 1579-1589
HEETHOFF, M., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2009) Parthenogenesis in oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) and their adaptation and evolution without sex. In: SCHÖN, I., MARTENS, K. (eds) Lost sex – evolution of ancient asexuals. Springer, New York, pp. 241-257
JOUSSET, A., ROCHAT, L., PÉCHY-TARR, M., KEEL, C., SCHEU, S., BONKOWSKI, M. (2009) Predators promote defence of rhizosphere bacterial populations by selective feeding on non-toxic cheaters. ISME Journal 3, 666-674; featured in Nature Reviews Microbiology
KROME, K., ROSENBERG, K., BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S. (2009) Grazing of protozoa on rhizosphere bacteria alters growth and fitness of Arabidopsis thaliana. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 1866-1873
LOHMANN, M., SCHEU, S., MÜLLER, C. (2009) Decomposers and root feeders interactively affect plant defence in Sinapis alba. Oecologia 160, 289-298
MARAUN, M., ERDMANN, G., SCHULZ, G., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S., DOMES, K. (2009) Multiple convergent evolution of arboreal life in oribatid mites indicates the primacy of ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences 276, 3219-3227
NGOSONG, C., RAUPP, J., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L. (2009) Low importance for a fungal based food web in arable soils under mineral and organic fertilization indicated by Collembola. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 2308-2317
OELBERMANN, K., SCHEU, S. (2009) Control of aphids on wheat by generalist predators: effects of predator density and the presence of alternative prey. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 132, 225-231
POLLIERER, M., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2009) Compartmentalization of the soil animal food web as indicated by dual analysis of stable isotope ratios (15N/14N and 13C/12C). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 1221-1226
ROSENBERG, K., BERTAUX, J., KROME, K., HARTMANN, A., SCHEU, S., BONKOWSKI, M. (2009) Soil amoebae rapidly change bacterial community composition in the rhizosphere of Arabidopsis thaliana. ISME Journal 3, 675-684
SCHAEFER, M., MIGGE-KLEIAN, M., SCHEU, S. (2009) The role of soil fauna for decomposition of plant residues. In: Brumme, R., Khanna, P.K. (eds) Functioning and management of European Beech ecosystems. Ecological Studies (Springer, New York) 208, 207-230
STRAUBE, D., JOHNSON, E.D., PARKINSON, D., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N. (2009) Nonlinearity of effects of invasive ecosystem engineers on abiotic soil properties and soil biota. Oikos 118, 885-896
VON BERG, K., THIES, C., TSCHARNTKE, T., SCHEU, S. (2009) Cereal aphid control by generalist predators in presence of belowground alternative prey: complementary predation as affected by prey density. Pedobiologia 53, 41-48
AMENDT, I, SCHEU, S., DROSSEL, B. (2008) Influence of spatial structure on the maintenance of sexual reproduction. Journal of Theoretical Biology 254, 520-528
BIRKHOFER, K., WISE, D.H., SCHEU, S. (2008) Subsidy from the detrital food web, but not microhabitat complexity, affects the role of generalist predators in an aboveground herbivore food web. Oikos 117, 494-500
BIRKHOFER, K., FLIEßBACH, A., WISE, D.H., SCHEU, S. (2008) Generalist predators in organically and conventionally managed grass-clover fields: implications for conservation biological control. Annals of Applied Biology 153, 271-280
BIRKHOFER, K., GAVISH-REGEV, E., ENDLWEBER, K., LUBIN, Y.D., VON BERG, K., WISE, D.H., SCHEU, S. (2008) Cursorial spiders retard initial aphid population growth at low densities in winter wheat. Bulletin of Entomological Research 98, 249-255
BIRKHOFER, K., BEZEMER, T.M., BLOEM, J., BONKOWSKI, M., CHRISTENSEN, S., DUBOIS, D., EKELUND, F., FLIEßBACH, A., GUNST, L., HEDLUND, K., MÄDER, P., MIKOLA, J., ROBIN, C., SETÄLÄ, S., TATIN-FROUX, F., VAN DER PUTTEN, W.H., SCHEU, S. (2008) Long-term organic farming fosters below- and aboveground biota: Implications for soil quality, biological control and productivity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40, 2297–2308
BROSE, U., EHNES, R.B., RALL, B.C., VUČIĆ-PESTIĆ, O., BERLOW, E.L., SCHEU, S. (2008) Foraging theory predicts predator-prey energy fluxes. Journal of Animal Ecology 77, 1072-1078
BUTENSCHOEN, O., MARHAN, M., SCHEU, S. (2008) Response of soil microorganisms and endogeic earthworms to cutting of grassland plants in a laboratory experiment. Applied Soil Ecology 38, 152-160
DOMES, K., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., CAMERON, S.L. (2008) The complete mitochondrial genome of the sexual oribatid mite Steganacarus magnus: genome rearrangements and loss of tRNAs. BMC Genomics 9, 532
EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S. (2008) Invasibility of experimental grassland communities: the role of earthworms, plant functional group identity and seed size. Oikos 117, 1026-1036
EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S. (2008) Earthworms as drivers of the competition between grasses and legumes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40, 2650-2659
EISENHAUER, N., MARHAN, M., SCHEU, S. (2008) Anecic earthworms put to test: effects on wheat seed burial, seedling establishment, wheat growth and litter incorporation. Applied Soil Ecology 38, 79-82
EISENHAUER, N., STRAUBE, D., SCHEU, S. (2008) Efficiency of two widespread non-destructive extraction methods under dry conditions for different ecological earthworm groups. European Journal of Soil Biology 44, 141-145
EISENHAUER, N., MILCU, A., SABAIS, A.C.W., SCHEU, S. (2008) Animal ecosystem engineers modulate the diversity-invasibility relationship. PLoS ONE 3, e3489
EKSCHMITT, K., KANDELER, E., POLL, C., BRUNE, A., BUSCOT, F., FRIEDRICH, M., GLEIXNER, G., HARTMANN, A., KÄSTNER, M., KOPINKE, F.-D., SCHEU, S., WOLTERS, V. (2008) Soil carbon preservation through biological constraints of decomposer activity. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171, 27-35
HAASE, J., BRANDL, R., SCHEU, S., SCHÄDLER, M. (2008) Above- and belowground interactions are mediated by nutrient availability. Ecology 89, 3072-3081
HABEKOST, M., EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S., GLEIXNER, G. (2008) Seasonal changes of a microbial community in a grassland plant diversity gradient four years after establishment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40, 2588-2595
HAUBERT, D., HÄGGBLOM, M.M., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L. (2008) Effects of temperature and life stage on the fatty acid composition of Collembola. European Journal of Soil Biology 44, 213-219
HERDLER, S., KREUZER, K., SCHEU, S., BONKOWSKI, M. (2008) Interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices, Glomeromycota) and amoebae (Acanthamoeba castellanii, Protozoa) in the rhizosphere of rice (Oryza sativa). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40, 660-668
ILLIG, J., SCHATZ, H., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2008) Decomposition and colonization by micro-arthropods of two litter types in a tropical montane rain forest in southern Ecuador. Journal of Tropical Ecology 24, 157-167
JOUSSET, A., SCHEU, S., BONKOWSKI, M. (2008) Secondary metabolite production facilitates establishment of rhizobacteria by reducing both protozoan predation and the competitive effects of the indigenous bacteria. Functional Ecology 22, 714-719
KE, X., SCHEU, S. (2008) Earthworms, Collembola and residue management change wheat (Triticum aestivum) and herbivore pest performance (Aphidina: Rhophalosiphum padi). Oecologia 157, 603-617
KÖGEL-KNABNER, I., GUGGENBERGER, G., KLEBER, M., KANDELER, E., KALBITZ, K., SCHEU, S., EUSTERHUES, K., LEINWEBER, P. (2008) Organo-mineral associations in temperate soils: integrating biology, mineralogy and organic matter chemistry. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171, 61-82
KRASHEVSKA, V., BONKOWSKI, M., MARAUN, M., RUESS, L., KANDELER, E., SCHEU, S. (2008) Microorganisms as driving factors for the community structure of testate amoebae along an altitudinal gradient in tropical mountain rain forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40, 2427-2433
MARAUN, M., ILLIG, J., SANDMANN, D., KRASHEVSKA, V., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S. (2008) Soil fauna. In: BECK, E., BENDIX, J., KOTTKE, I., MAKESCHIN, F., MOSANDL, R. (eds) Gradients in a tropical mountain ecosystem of Ecuador. Ecological Studies 198, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 181-192
MILCU, A., PARTSCH, M., SCHERBER, C., WEISSER, W., SCHEU, S. (2008) Decomposers and litter decomposition in a plant species and functional group diversity gradient. Ecology 89, 1872-1882
OELBERMANN, K., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S. (2008) The role of prey out of the decomposer system for generalist predators of grassland. Oecologia 155, 605-617
SALAMON, J.-A., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (2008) The Collembola community of pure and mixed stands of beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce (Picea abies) of different age. Pedobiologia 51, 385-396
SCHUETZ, K., BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S. (2008) Effects of Collembola and fertilizers on plant performance (Triticium aestivum) and aphid reproduction (Rhopalosiphum padi). Basic and Applied Ecology 9, 182-188
SCHUETZ, K., DILL, A., NAGEL, P., SCHEU, S. (2008) Structure and functioning of earthworm communities in woodland flooding systems used for drinking water production. Applied Soil Ecology 39, 342-351
SEEBER, S., SEEBER, G.U.H., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S., MEYER, E. (2008) The effect of macro-invertebrates and plant litter of different quality on the release of N from litter to plant on alpine pastureland. Biology and Fertility of Soils 44, 783-790
VON BERG, K., TRAUGOTT, M., SYMONDSON, W.O.C., SCHEU, S. (2008) Impact of abiotic factors on predator-prey interactions: DNA-based gut content analysis in a microcosm experiment. Bulletin of Entomological Research 98, 257-261
VON BERG, K., TRAUGOTT, M., SYMONDSON, W.O.C., SCHEU, S. (2008) The effects of temperature on the detection of prey DNA in two species of carabid beetle. Bulletin of Entomological Research 98, 263-269
BERTAUX, J., GLOGER, U., SCHMID, M., HARTMANN, A., SCHEU S. (2007) Routine fluorescence in situ hybridization in soil. Journal of Microbiological Methods 69, 451-460
BIRKHOFER, K., SCHEU, S., WISE, D. (2007) Small scale spatial pattern of web-building spiders (Araneae) in alfalfa: relationship to disturbance from cutting; prey availability and intraguild interactions. Environmental Entomology 36, 801-810
BUTENSCHOEN, O., POLL, C., LANGEL, R., KANDELER, E., MARHAN, S., SCHEU, S. (2007) Endogeic earthworms alter carbon translocation by fungi at the soil–litter interface. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39, 2854-2864
DOMES, K., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2007) Resources and sex: Soil re-colonization by sexual and parthenogenetic oribatid mites. Pedobiologia 51, 1-11
DOMES, K., NORTON, R., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2007) Reevolution of sexuality brakes Dollo’s law. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA 104, 7139-7144
DOMES, K., ALTHAMMER, M., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2007) The phylogenetic relationship between Astigmata and Oribatida (Acari) as indicated by molecular markers. Experimental and Applied Acarology 42, 159-171
EISENHAUER, N., PARTSCH, S., PARKINSON, D., SCHEU, S. (2007) Invasion of a deciduous forest by earthworms: Changes in soil chemistry, microflora, microarthropods and vegetation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39, 1099-1110
ENDLWEBER, K., SCHEU, S. (2007) Interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and Collembola: effects on root structure of competing plant species. Biology and Fertility of Soils 43, 741-749
ERDMANN, G., OTTE, V., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2007) The trophic structure of bark-living oribatid mite communities analysed with stable isotopes (15N, 13C) indicates strong niche differentiation. Experimental and Applied Acarology 41, 1-10
HEETHOFF, M., DOMES, K., LAUMANN, M., MARAUN, M., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S. (2007) High genetic divergences indicate ancient separation of parthenogenetic lineages of the oribatid mite Platynothrus peltifer (Acari, Oribatida). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20, 392-402
KRASHEVSKA, V., BONKOWSKI, M., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2007) Testate amoebae (protista) of an elevational gradient in the tropical mountain rain forest of Ecuador. Pedobiologia 51, 319-331
LAUMANN, M., NORTON, R.A., WEIGMANN, G., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M., HEETHOFF, M. (2007) Speciation in the parthenogenetic oribatid mite genus Tectocepheus (Acari, Oribatida) as indicated by molecular phylogeny. Pedobiologia 51, 111-122
MARAUN, M., SCHATZ, H., SCHEU S. (2007) Awesome or ordinary? Global diversity patterns of oribatid mites. Ecography 30, 209-216
MARHAN, S., LANGEL, R., KANDELER, E., SCHEU, S. (2007) Use of stable isotopes (13C) for studying the mobilisation of old soil organic carbon by endogeic earthworms (Lumbricidae). European Journal of Soil Biology 43/1, S201-S208
MARHAN S, KANDELER E, SCHEU S (2007) Phospholipid fatty acid profiles and xylanase activity in particle size fractions of forest soil and casts of Lumbricus terrestris L. (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). Applied Soil Ecology 35, 412-422
POLLIERER, M., LANGEL, R., KÖRNER, C., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2007) The underestimated importance of belowground carbon input for forest soil animal food webs. Ecology Letters 10, 729-736; Featured in Science
POVEDA, K., STEFFAN-DEWENTER, I., SCHEU, S., TSCHARNTKE, T. (2007) Plant-mediated interactions between below- and aboveground processes: decomposition, herbivory, parasitism and pollination. In: Ohgushi T., Craig, T.P., Price, P.W. (eds) Indirect interaction webs: non trophic linkages through induced plant traits. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 147-163
RUESS, L., SCHÜTZ, K., MIGGE, S., HÄGGBLOM, M.M., KANDELER, E., SCHEU, S. (2007) Lipid composition of Collembola and their food resources in deciduous forest stands – implications for feeding strategies. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39, 1990-2000
SCHEU, S., DROSSEL, B. (2007) Sexual Reproduction prevails in a world of structured resources in short supply. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 274, 1225-1231
SCHNEIDER K, SCHEU S, MARAUN M (2007) Microarthropod density and diversity respond little to spatial isolation. Basic and Applied Ecology 8, 26-35
ALBERS, D., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (2006) Incorporation of plant carbon into the soil animal food web of an arable system. Ecology 87, 235-245
BIRKHOFER, K., HENSCHEL, J.R., SCHEU, S. (2006) Spatial-pattern analysis in a territorial spider: evidence for multi-scale effects. Ecography 29, 641-648
CHAHARTAGHI, M., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L. (2006) Sex ratio and mode of reproduction in Collembola of an oak-beech forest. Pedobiologia 50, 331-340
DEKKER, S.C., SCHEU, S., SCHRÖTER, D., SETÄLÄ, H., SZANSER, M., TRAAS T.P. (2006) Towards a new generation of dynamical soil decomposer food web models. In: De Ruiter, P., Wolters, V., Moore, J.C. (eds) Dynamic food webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp. 258-266
ENDLWEBER, K., SCHÄDLER, M., SCHEU, S. (2006) Effects of above- and belowground insecticide applications on the Collembola community in a plant succession experiment. Applied Soil Ecology 31, 136-146
ENDLWEBER, K., SCHEU, S. (2006) Establishing arbuscular mycorrhiza-free soil: A comparison of six methods and their effects on nutrient mobilization. Applied Soil Ecology 34, 276-279
ENDLWEBER, K., SCHEU, S. (2006) Effects of Collembola on root properties of two competing ruderal plant species. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38, 2025-2031
ERDMANN, G., FLOREN, A., LINSENMAIR, K.E., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2006) Little effect of forest age on oribatid mites on the bark of trees. Pedobiologia 50, 433-441
FRELICH, L.E., HALE, C.M., SCHEU, S., HOLDSWORTH, A.R., HENEGHAN, L., BOHLEN, P.J., REICH, P.B. (2006) Earthworm invasion into previously earthworm-free temperate and boreal forests. Biological Invasions 8, 1235-1245
HASSALL, M., ADL, S., BERG, M., GRIFFITHS, B.S., SCHEU, S. (2006) Soil fauna-microbe interactions: towards a conceptual framework for research. European Journal of Soil Biology 42, S54-S60
HAUBERT, D., HÄGGBLOM, M.M., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L. (2006) Trophic shift of stable isotopes and fatty acids in Collembola on bacterial diets. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38, 2004-2007
KREUZER, K., ADAMCZYK, J., IJIMA, M., WAGNER, M., SCHEU, S., BONKOWSKI, M. (2006) Grazing of common species of protozoa (Acanthamoeba castellanii) affects rhizosphere bacterial community composition and root architecture of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38, 1665-1672
KUPFER, A., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S., HIMSTEDT, W., MARAUN, M. (2006) Trophic ecology of a tropical aquatic and terrestrial food web: insights from stable isotope data (15N). Journal of Tropical Ecology 22, 469-476
MARHAN, M., SCHEU, S. (2006) Mixing of different mineral soil layers by endogeic earthworms affects carbon and nitrogen mineralization. Biology and Fertility of Soils 42, 308-314
MILCU, A., SCHUMACHER, J., SCHEU, S. (2006) Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) affect plant seedling recruitment and microhabitat heterogeneity. Functional Ecology 20, 261-268
MILCU, A., PARTSCH, S., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S. (2006) The response of decomposers (earthworms, springtails and microorganisms) to variations in species and functional group diversity of plants. Oikos 112, 513-524
PARTSCH, S., MILCU, A., SCHEU, S. (2006) The role of decomposer animals (Lumbricidae, Collembola) for plant performance in model grassland systems of different diversity. Ecology 87, 2548-2558
PESCHEL, K., NORTON, R., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2006) Do adult oribatid mites live in enemy-free space? Evidence from feeding experiments with the predatory mite Pergamasus septentrionalis. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38, 2985-2989
POVEDA, K., STEFFAN-DEWENTER, I., SCHEU, S., TSCHARNTKE, T. (2006) Belowground effects of organic and conventional farming on aboveground plant-herbivore and plant-pathogen interactions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 113, 162-167
RICKERS, S., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S. (2006) Dietary routing from prey to offspring in a generalist predator: effects of prey quality. Functional Ecology 20, 124-131
RICKERS, S., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S. (2006) Stable isotope analyses document intraguild predation in wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) and underline beneficial effects of alternative prey and microhabitat structure on intraguild prey survival. Oikos 114, 471-478
SALAMON, J., ALPHEI, J., RUF, A., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S., SCHNEIDER, K., SÜHRIG, A., MARAUN, M. (2006) Transitory dynamic effects in the soil invertebrate community in a temperate deciduous forest: effects of resource quality. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38, 209-221
SCHAEFER, I., DOMES, K., SCHNEIDER, K., HEETHOFF, M., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2006) No evidence for ’Meselson effect’ in oribatid mites. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19, 184-193
SCHERBER, C., MILCU, A., PARTSCH, S., SCHEU, S., WEISSER, W. (2006) The effects of plant diversity and insect herbivory on performance of individual plant species in experimental grassland. Journal of Ecology 94, 922-931
SEEBER, J., SCHEU, S., MEYER, E. (2006) Effect of macro-decomposers on litter decomposition and soil properties in alpine pastureland: a mesocosm experiment. Applied Soil Ecology 34, 168-175
UVAROV AV, TIUNOV AV, SCHEU S (2006) Long-term effects of seasonal and diurnal temperature fluctuations on carbon dioxide efflux from a forest soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38, 3387-3397
WURST, S., LANGEL, R., RODGER, S., SCHEU, S. (2006) Effects of belowground biota on primary and secondary metabolites in Brassica oleracea. Chemoecology 16, 69-73
CHAHARTAGHI, M., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L. (2005) Feeding guilds in Collembola based on nitrogen stable isotope ratios. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37, 1718-1725
HÄTTENSCHWILER, S., TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2005) Biodiversity and litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems. Annual Review Ecology Evolution Systematics 36, 191-208
HAUBERT, D., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L. (2005) Effects of food quality, starvation and life stage on stable isotope fractionation in Collembola. Pedobiologia 49, 229-237
ILLIG, J., LANGEL, R., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2005) Where are the decomposers? Uncovering the soil food web of a tropical montane rain forest in southern Ecuador using stable isotopes (15N). Journal of Tropical Ecology 21, 589-593
MARHAN, S., SCHEU, S. (2005) Effects of sand and litter availability on organic matter decomposition in soil and in casts of Lumbricus terrestris L. Geoderma 128, 155-166
MARHAN, S., SCHEU, S. (2005) The influence of mineral and organic fertilizers on the growth of the endogeic earthworm Octolasion tyrtaeum (Savigny). Pedobiologia 49, 239-249
POVEDA, K., STEFFAN-DEWENTER, I., SCHEU, S., TSCHARNTKE, T. (2005) Effects of decomposers and herbivores on plant performance and aboveground plant-insect interactions. Oikos 108, 503-510
POVEDA, K., STEFFAN-DEWENTER, I., SCHEU, S., TSCHARNTKE, T. (2005) Floral trait expression and plant fitness in response to below- and aboveground plant-animal interactions. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 7, 77-83
RICKERS, S., SCHEU, S. (2005) Cannibalism in Pardosa lugubris (Araneae, Lycosidae): effects of alternative prey, habitat structure, and density. Basic and Applied Ecology 6, 471-478
RUESS, L., SCHÜTZ, K., HAUBERT, D., HÄGGBLOM, M.M., SCHEU, S. (2005) Application of lipid analysis to understand trophic interactions in soil. Ecology 86, 2075-2082
RUESS, L., TIUNOV, A.V., HAUBERT, D., RICHNOW, H.H., HÄGGBLOM, M.M., SCHEU, S. (2005) Carbon stable isotope fractionation and trophic transfer of lipids in fungal based soil food chains. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37, 945-953
SCHEU, S. (2005) Linkages between tree diversity, soil fauna and ecosystem processes. In: M. SCHERER-LORENZEN, C. KÖRNER, E.-D. SCHULZE (eds) Forest diversity and function: Temperate and boreal systems. Ecological Studies 176, 211-233
SCHEU, S., RUESS, L., BONKOWSKI, M. (2005) Interactions between micro-organisms and soil micro- and mesofauna. In: Buscot, F., Varma, A. (eds) Soil Biology, Volume 3 - Microorganisms in soils: Roles in genesis and functions. Springer, New York, pp. 253-275
SEEBER, J., SEEBER, G.U.H., KÖSSLER, W., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S., MEYER, E. (2005) Abundance and trophic structure of macro-decomposers on alpine pastureland (Central Alps, Tirol): effects of abandonment of pasturing. Pedobiologia 49, 221-228
TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2005) Arbuscular mycorrhiza and Collembola interact in affecting community composition of saprotrophic microfungi. Oecologia 142, 636-642
TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2005) Facilitative interactions rather than resource partitioning drive diversity-functioning relationships in laboratory fungal communities. Ecology Letters 8, 618-625
UVAROV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2005) Effects of temperature regime on the regime on respiratory activity of the epigeic earthworm species Dendrobaena octaedra and Lumbricus rubellus (Lumbricidae). European Journal of Soil Biology 40, 163-167
WURST, S., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S. (2005) Do earthworms change plant competition? A microcosm study. Plant and Soil 271, 123-130
ALBERS, D., MIGGE, S., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (2004) Decomposition of beech leaves (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce needles (Picea abies) in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36, 155-164
BOHLEN, P., SCHEU, S., HALE, C., MCLEAN, M.A., MIGGE, S., GROFFMAN, P., PARKINSON, D. (2004) Non-native invasive earthworms as agents of change in northern temperate forests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2, 427-435
BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S. (2004) Biotic interactions in the rhizosphere: effects on plant growth and herbivore development. In: WEISSER, W., SIEMANN, E. (eds) Insects and ecosystem functions. Ecological Studies 173. Springer, Berlin, pp. 71-91
EGERT, M., MARHAN, S., WAGNER, B., SCHEU, S., FRIEDRICH, M.W. (2003) Molecular profiling of 16S rRNA genes reveals diet-related differences of microbial communities in soil, gut and casts of Lumbricus terrestris L. (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). FEMS Microbial Ecology 48, 187-197
HAUBERT, D., HÄGGBLOM, M., SCHEU, S., RUESS, L. (2004) Effects of fungal food quality and starvation on the fatty acid composition of Protaphorura fimata (Collembola). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B 138, 41-52
HEDLUND, K., GRIFFITHS, B., CHRISTENSEN, S., SCHEU, S., SETÄLÄ, H., TSCHARNTKE, T., VERHOEF, H.A. (2004) Trophic interactions in changing landscapes: responses of soil food webs. Basic and Applied Ecology 5, 495-503
HEETHOFF, M., ETZOLD, K, SCHEU, S. (2004) Mitochondrial COII sequences indicate that the parthenogenetic earthworm Octolasion tyrtaeum (Savigny, 1826) constitutes of two lineages differing in body size and genotype. Pedobiologia 48, 9-13
KREUZER, K., BONKOWSKI, M., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S. (2004) Decomposer animals (Lumbricidae, Collembola) and organic matter distribution affect the performance of Lolium perenne (Poaceae) and Trifolium repens (Fabaceae). Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36, 2005-2011
MARAUN, M., HEETHOFF, M., SCHNEIDER, K., SCHEU, S., WEIGMANN, G., CIANCIOLO, J., THOMAS, R.H., NORTON, R.A. (2004) Molecular phylogeny of oribatid mites (Oribatida, Acari): evidence for multiple radiations of parthenogenetic lineages. Experimental and Applied Acarology 33, 183-201
PARKINSON, D., MCLEAN, M.A., SCHEU, S. (2004) Impacts of earthworms on other soil biota in forest soils, with some emphasis on cool temperate montane forests. In: EDWARDS, C.A. (ed) Earthworm ecology, 2nd ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 241-259
RUESS, L., HÄGGBLOM, M.M., LANGEL, R., SCHEU, S. (2004) Nitrogen isotope ratios and fatty acid composition as indicators of animal diets in belowground systems. Oecologia 139, 336-346
SALAMON, J.-A., SCHAEFER, M., ALPHEI, J., SCHMID, B., SCHEU, S. (2004) Effects of plant diversity on Collembola in an experimental grassland ecosystem. Oikos 106, 51-60
SCHÄDLER, M., ALPHEI, J., SCHEU, S., BRANDL, R., AUGE, H. (2004) Resource dynamics in an early-successional plant community are influenced by insect exclusion. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36, 1817-1826
SCHEU, S., SIMMERLING, F. (2004) Growth and reproduction of fungal feeding Collembola as affected by fungal species and mixed diets. Oecologia 139, 347-353
SCHEU, S., FOLGER, M. (2004) Single and mixed diets in Collembola: effects on reproduction and stable isotope fractionation. Functional Ecology 18, 94-102
SCHNEIDER, K., MIGGE, S., NORTON, R.A., SCHEU, S., LANGEL, R., REINEKING, A., MARAUN, M. (2004) Trophic niche differentiation in soil microarthropods (Oribatida, Acari): evidence from stable isotope ratios (15N/14N). Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36, 1769-1774
TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2004) Carbon availability controls the growth of detritivores (Lumbricidae) and their effect on nitrogen mineralization. Oecologia 138, 83-90
UVAROV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2004) Effects of temperature regime on the respiratory activity of developmental stages of Lumbricus rubellus (Lumbricidae). Pedobiologia 48, 365-371
WURST, S., GUBASSA-DUGENA, D., SCHEU, S. (2004) Earthworms and litter distribution affect plant defensive chemistry. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30, 691-701
WURST, S., GUBASSA-DUGENA, D., LANGEL, R., BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S. (2004) Combined effects of earthworms and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza on plant growth and aphid performance. New Phytologist 163, 179-176
MARAUN, M., MIGGE, S., THEENHAUS, A., SCHEU, S. (2003) Adding to ‘the enigma of soil animal diversity’: fungal feeders and saprophagous soil invertebrates prefer similar food substrates. European Journal of Soil Biology 39, 85-95
MARAUN, M., HEETHOFF, M., SCHEU, S., NORTON, R.A., WEIGMANN, G., THOMAS, R.H. (2003) Radiation in sexual and parthenogenetic oribatid mites (Oribatida, Acari) as indicated by genetic divergence of closely related species. Experimental and Applied Acarology 29, 175-187
MARAUN, M., SALAMON, J.-A., SCHNEIDER, K., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (2003) Oribatid mite and collembolan diversity, density and community structure in a moder beech forest (Fagus sylvatica): effects of mechanical perturbations. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35, 1387-1394
POVEDA, K., STEFFAN-DEWENTER, I., SCHEU, S., TSCHARNTKE, T. (2003) Effects of below- and above-ground herbivores on plant growth, flower visitation and seed set. Oecologia 135, 601-605
SCHEU, S. (2003) Effects of earthworms on plant growth: patterns and perspectives. Pedobiologia 47, 846-856 (Review)
SCHEU, S., ALBERS, D., ALPHEI, J., BURYN, R., KLAGES, U., MIGGE, S., PLATNER, C., SALAMON, J.-A. (2003) The soil fauna community in pure and mixed stands of beech and spruce of different age: trophic structure and structuring forces. Oikos 101, 225-238 – Featured in Science 300
WURST, S., LANGEL, R., REINEKING, A., BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S. (2003) Effects of earthworms and organic litter distribution on plant performance and aphid reproduction. Oecologia 137, 90-96
OELBERMANN, K., SCHEU, S. (2002) Effects of prey type and mixed diets on survival, growth and development of a generalist predator, Pardosa lugubris (Araneae: Lycosidae). Basic and Applied Ecology 3, 285-291
OELBERMANN, K., SCHEU, S. (2002) Stable isotope enrichment (δ15N and δ13C) in a generalist predator (Pardosa lugubris): effects of prey quality. Oecologia 130, 337-344
SCHEU, S. (2002) The soil food web: structure and perspectives. European Journal of Soil Biology 38, 11-20 (Review)
SCHEU, S., SETÄLÄ, H. (2002) Multitrophic interactions in decomposer food webs. In: Hawkins, B.A., Tscharntke, T. (eds.) Multitrophic level interactions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 223-264 (Review)
SCHEU, S., SCHLITT, N., TIUNOV, A.V., NEWINGTON, J.E., JONES, T.H. (2002) Effects of presence and community composition of earthworms on microbial community functioning. Oecologia 133, 254-260
BONKOWSKI, M., JENTSCHKE, G., SCHEU, S. (2001) Contrasting effects of microbial partners in the rhizosphere: interactions between Norway Spruce seedlings (Picea abies Karst.), mycorrhiza (Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr.) and naked amoebae (Protozoa). Applied Soil Ecology 18, 193-204
MARAUN, M., ALPHEI, J., BESTE, P., BONKOWSKI, M., BURYN, R., MIGGE, S., PETER, M., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (2001) Indirect effects of carbon and nutrient amendments on the soil meso- and microfauna of a beechwood. Biology and Fertility of Soils 34, 222-229
MARTENS, H., ALPHEI, J., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (2001) Millipedes and earthworms increase the decomposition rate of 15N-labelled winter rape litter in an arable field. Isotopes in Environment and Health Studies 37, 43-51
SCHEU, S. (2001) Plants and generalist predators as mediators between the below-ground and the above-ground system. Basic and Applied Ecology 2, 3-13 (Review)
TIUNOV, A., BONKOWSKI, M., ALPHEI, J., SCHEU, S. (2001) Microflora, Protozoa and Nematoda in Lumbricus terrestris burrow walls: a laboratory experiment. Pedobiologia 45, 46-60
BONKOWSKI, M., CHENG, W., GRIFFITHS, B., ALPHEI, J., SCHEU, S. (2000) Microbial-faunal interactions in the rhizosphere and effects on plant growth. European Journal of Soil Biology 36, 135-147 (Review)
HEETHOFF, M., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2000) Genetische Variabilität der ribosomalen ITS1-Sequenzen bei der parthenogenetischen Hornmilbe Platynothrus peltifer (C.L. Koch, 1839). Berichte naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischer Verein Innsbruck 87, 339-354
MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2000) The structure of oribatid mite communities (Acari, Oribatida): patterns, mechanisms and implications for future research. Ecography 23, 374-383
SCHEU, S., FALCA, M. (2000) The soil food web of two beech forests (Fagus sylvatica) of contrasting humus form: stable isotope analysis of a macro- and mesofauna dominated community. Oecologia 123, 285-296. Featured in Trends in Ecology and Systematics 15 (2000).
TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2000) Microfungal communities in soil, litter and casts of Lumbricus terrestris L.: A laboratory experiment. Applied Soil Ecology 14, 17-26
TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (2000) Microbial biomass, biovolume and respiration in Lumbricus terrestris L. cast material of different age. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 32, 265-276
JOERGENSEN, R.G., SCHEU, S. (1999) Response of soil microorganisms to the addition of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus to a forest Rendzina. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 31, 859-866
JOERGENSEN, R.G., SCHEU, S. (1999) Depth gradients in microbial and chemical properties in moder soils under beech and spruce. Pedobiologia 43, 134-144
MARAUN, M., ALPHEI, J., BONKOWSKI, M., BURYN, R., MIGGE, S., PETER, M., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (1999) Middens of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris (Lumbricidae): microhabitats for micro- and mesofauna in forest soil. Pedobiologia 43, 276-287
SCHEU, S., ALPHEI, J., BONKOWSKI, M., JENTSCHKE, G. (1999) Soil food web interactions and ecosystem functioning: experimental approaches with systems of increasing complexity. In: N. RASTIN, J. BAUHUS (eds) Going underground – Ecological Studies in forest soils. Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India, pp. 1-32
SCHEU, S., THEENHAUS, A., JONES, T.H. (1999) Links between the detritivore and the herbivore system: effects of earthworms and collembolans on plant growth and aphid development. Oecologia 119, 541-551
THEENHAUS, A., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (1999) Contramensal interactions between two collembolan species (Onychiurus furcifer and Heteromurus nitidus) as effected by availability of resources: population development and effects on soil processes. Functional Ecology 13, 238-246
TIUNOV, A.V., SCHEU, S. (1999) Microbial respiration, biomass, biovolume and nutrient status in burrow walls of Lumbricus terrestris L. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 31, 2039-2049
WOLTER, C., SCHEU, S. (1999) Changes in bacterial numbers and hyphal lengths during the gut passage through Lumbricus terrestris (Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta). Pedobiologia 43, 891-900
BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (1998) Interactions of earthworms (Octolasion lacteum), millipedes (Glomeris marginata) and plants (Hordelymus europaeus) in a beechwood on a basalt hill: implications for litter decomposition and soil formation. Applied Soil Ecology 9, 161-166
JOERGENSEN, R.G., KÜNTZEL, H., SCHEU, S., SEITZ, D. (1998) Movement of faecal indicator organisms in earthworm channels under a loamy arable and grassland soil. Applied Soil Ecology 8, 1-10
MARAUN, M., MIGGE, S., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (1998) Selection of microfungal food by six oribatid mite species (Oribatida, Acari) from two different beech forests. Pedobiologia 42, 232-240
MARAUN, M., VISSER, S., SCHEU, S. (1998) Oribatid mites enhance the recovery of the microbial community after a strong disturbance. Applied Soil Ecology 9, 175-181
MIGGE, S., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (1998) The oribatid mite community (Acarina: Oribatida) of pure and mixed stands of beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce (Picea abies) of different age. Applied Soil Ecology 9, 115-121
SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (1998) Bottom-up control of the soil macrofauna community in a beechwood on limestone: manipulation of food resources. Ecology 79, 1573-1585
DYMOND, P., SCHEU, S., PARKINSON, D. (1997) Density and distribution of Dendrobaena octaedra (Lumbricidae) in an aspen and pine forest in the Canadian Rocky Mountains (Alberta). Soil Biology & Biochemistry 29, 265-273
BECK, T., JOERGENSEN, R.G., KANDELER, E., MAKESCHIN, F., OBERHOLZER, H.R., NUSS, H.W., SCHEU, S. (1997) An inter-laboratory comparison of ten different ways of measuring soil microbial biomass C. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 29, 1023-1032
SCHEU, S. (1997) Effects of litter (beech and stinging nettles) and earthworms (Octolasion lacteum) on carbon and nutrient cycling in beech forests on a basalt - limestone gradient: a laboratory experiment. Biology and Fertility of Soils 24, 384-393
THEENHAUS, A., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (1997) Substrate-induced respiration in forest and arable soils measured by O2-microcompensation: moisture conditions and respiratory quotient. Pedobiologia 41, 449-455
ALPHEI, J., BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S. (1996) Protozoa, Nematoda and Lumbricidae in the rhizosphere of Hordelymus europaeus (Poaceae): Faunal interactions, response of microorganisms and effects on plant growth. Oecologia 106, 111-126
MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (1996) Changes in microbial biomass, respiration and nutrient status of beech (Fagus sylvatica) leaf litter processed by millipedes (Glomeris marginata). Oecologia 107, 131-140
MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (1996) Seasonal changes in microbial biomass and activity in leaf litter layers of beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests on a basalt - limestone gradient. Pedobiologia 40, 21-31
SCHEU, S. (1996) Changes in the millipede (Diplopoda) community during secondary succession from a wheat field to a beechwood on limestone. In: GEOFFROY, J.J., MAURIÉS, J.-P., NGUYEN-DUYJAQUEMIN, M. (eds) Acta Myriapodologica. Mémoires du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) 169, 647-656
SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M., BONKOWSKI, M., ALPHEI, J. (1996) Microbial biomass and respiratory activity in soil aggregates of different size from three beechwood sites on a basalt hill. Biology and Fertility of Soils 21, 69-76
SCHEU, S., POSER, G. (1996) The soil macrofauna (Diplopoda, Isopoda, Lumbricidae and Chilopoda) near trunks in a beechwood on limestone: Effects of stemflow induced soil acidification on community structure. Applied Soil Ecology 3, 115-125
SCHEU, S., SCHULZ, E. (1996) Secondary succession, soil formation and development of a diverse community of saprophagous soil macro-invertebrates and oribatids. Biodiversity & Conservation 5, 235-250
THEENHAUS, A., SCHEU, S. (1996) Successional changes in microbial biomass and respiration in faecal material of the slug Arion rufus (Gastropoda). Soil Biology & Biochemistry 28, 569-577
THEENHAUS, A., SCHEU, S. (1996) The influence of slug (Arion rufus) mucus and cast materials on microbial biomass, respiration and nutrient cycling in beech leaf litter. Biology and Fertility of Soils 23, 80-85
ALPHEI, J., BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S. (1995) Application of the selective inhibition method to determine bacterial : fungal ratios in three beechwood soils rich in carbon - Optimization of inhibitor concentrations. Biology and Fertility of Soils 19, 173-176
JENTSCHKE, G., BONKOWSKI, M., GODBOLD, D.C., SCHEU, S. (1995) Soil protozoa and forest tree growth: Non-nutritional effects and interaction with mycorrhizae. Biology and Fertility of Soils 20, 263-269
MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (1995) Influence of beech litter fragmentation and glucose concentration on the microbial biomass in three different litter layers of a beechwood. Biology and Fertility of Soils 19, 155-158
SCHEU, S. (1995) Mixing of litter and soil by earthworms: Effects on carbon and nitrogen dynamics - a laboratory experiment. Acta Zoologica Fennica 196, 33-40
SCHEU, S., PARKINSON, P. (1995) Successional changes in microbial biomass, respiration and nutrient status during litter decomposition in an aspen and pine forest (Canada, Alberta). Biology and Fertility of Soils 19, 327-323
SCHEU, S. (1994) There is an earthworm mobilizable nitrogen pool in soil. Pedobiologia 38, 243-249
SCHEU, S. (1994) The influence of earthworms (Lumbricidae) on nitrogen mobilization in different ecosystems on limestone. Mitteilungen des Hamburger Zoologischen Instituts und Museums 89/2, 129-137
SCHEU, S., PARKINSON, D. (1994) Effects of earthworms on nutrient dynamics, carbon turnover, and microorganisms in soil from cool temperate forests of the Canadian Rocky Mountains - laboratory studies. Applied Soil Ecology 1, 113-125
SCHEU, S., PARKINSON, D. (1994) Changes in the bacterial and fungal biomass C, bacterial and fungal biovolume and ergosterol content after drying, remoistening and incubation of different layers of cool temperate forest soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 26, 1515-1525
SCHEU, S., PARKINSON, D. (1994) Effects of invasion of an aspen forest (Canada) by Dendrobaena octaedra on plant growth. Ecology 75, 2348-2361
SCHEU, S., SCHAUERMANN, J. (1994) Decomposition of roots and twigs: Effects of wood type (beech and ash), diameter, site of exposure and macrofauna exclusion. Plant and Soil 163, 13-24
SCHEU, S., SCHULZ, E. (1994) Simulation of mesofauna mediated changes in litter decomposition: Laboratory experiments with 14-C-labelled holocellulose. Pedobiologia 38, 353-360
SCHULZ, E., SCHEU, S. (1994) Oribatid mite mediated changes in litter decomposition: Model experiments with 14C-labelled holocellulose. Pedobiologia 38, 344-352
ALPHEI, J., SCHEU, S. (1993) Effects of biocidal treatments on biological and nutritional properties of a mull-structured woodland soil. Geoderma 56, 435-448
SCHEU, S. (1993) Analysis of the microbial nutrient status in soil microcompartments: Earthworm faeces from a basalt - limestone gradient. Geoderma 56, 575-586
SCHEU, S. (1993) Cellulose and lignin decomposition in soils of different ecosystems on limestone as affected by earthworm processing. Pedobiologia 37, 167-177
SCHEU, S. (1993) Litter microflora - soil macrofauna interactions in lignin decomposition: a laboratory experiment with 14-C-labelled lignin. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 25, 1703-1711
SCHEU, S., MCLEAN, M.A. (1993) The earthworm (Lumbricidae) distribution in Alberta (Canada). Megadrilogica 4, 175-180
SCHEU, S., WIRTH, S., EBERHARDT, U. (1993) Decomposition of cellulose in litter and soil of a beechwood on limestone: Short- and long-term incubations with three 14C-labelled cellulose substrates. Microbial Ecology 25, 287-304
SCHEU, S. (1992) Decomposition of lignin in soil microcompartments: A methodical study with three different 14-C-labelled lignin substrates. Biology and Fertility of Soils 13, 160-164
SCHEU, S. (1992) Automated measurement of the respiratory response of soil microcompartments: Active microbial biomass in earthworm faeces. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 24, 1113-1118
SCHEU, S. (1992) Changes in the lumbricid coenosis during secondary succession from a wheat field to a beechwood on limestone. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposion on Earthworm Ecology, Avignon 1990; Soil Biology & Biochemistry 24, 1641-1646
SCHEU, S. (1991) Mucus excretion and carbon turnover of endogeic earthworms. Biology and Fertility of Soils 12, 217-220
SCHEU, S., WOLTERS, V. (1991) Buffering of the effect of acid rain on decomposition of 14C-labelled beech leaf litter by saprophagous invertebrates. Biology and Fertility of Soils 11, 285-289
SCHEU, S., WOLTERS, V. (1991) The influence of fragmentation and bioturbation on the decomposition of carbon-14-labelled beech leaf litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23, 1029-1034
SCHEU, S. (1990) Changes in microbial nutrient status during secondary succession and its modification by earthworms. Oecologia 84, 351-358
SCHEU, S. (1987) The role of substrate feeding earthworms (Lumbricidae) for bioturbation in a beechwood soil. Oecologia 72, 192-196
SCHEU, S. (1987) The influence of earthworms (Lumbricidae) on the nitrogen dynamics in the soil litter system of a deciduous forest. Oecologia 72, 197-201
SCHEU, S. (1987) Microbial activity and nutrient dynamics in earthworm casts (Lumbricidae). Biology and Fertility of Soils 5, 230-234
Non-peer reviewed books, papers and abstracts
Scheu, S., Maraun, M. (2024) Bodenökologie: Eine Einführung. Springer Verlag, Berlin. 450 S.
JOCHUM, M., ZIZKA, V.M.A., SCHEU, S., EISENHAUER, N., POLLIERER, M.M. (2023) Global change in above-belowground multitrophic grassland communities. Research Ideas and Outcomes 9: e113960. doi: 10.3897/rio.9.e113960
BUCHORI, D., HIDAYAT, P., NAZARRETA, R., ARDIYANTI, R.M., SIDDIKAH, F., AMRULLOH, R., AZHAR, A., KASMIATUN, SCHEU, S., & DRESCHER, J. (2022) Keanekaragaman Serangga Hutan Hujan Tropis Dataran Rendah di Provinsi Jambi, Sumatra: Dampak Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan (A field guide to the butterflies of tropical rainforests of the province of Jambi, Sumatra). BRIN Press, Jakarta, Indonesis
HIDAYAT P, SIDDIKAH F, KASMIATUN, NOERDJITO WA, AMRULLOH R, HIOLA MS, NAJMI L, NAZARRETA R, SCHEU S, BUCHORI D, DRESCHER J (2022) Guidebook of beetles and weevils of Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia. e-Publishing Penerbit BRIN, ISBN-13 (15) 978-623-7425-71-7
NAZARRETA, R., BUCHORI, D., HASHIMOTO, Y., HIDAYAT, P., SCHEU, S., DRESCHER, J. (2021) A guide to the ants of Jambi (Sumatra, Indonesia) – Identification key to ant genera and images of the EFForTS collectioon. LIPI Press, Jakarta, Indonesia. DOI: 10.14203/press.273
PANJAITAN, R., HIDAYAT, P., PEGGIE, D., BUCHORI, D., SCHEU, S., DRESCHER, J. (2021) The butterflies of Jambi (Sumatra, Indonesia): An EFForTS field guide. LIPI Press, Jakarta, Indonesia
POLLIERER, M.M., SCHEU, S. (2021) Soil decomposer microarthropods predominantly feed on saprotrophic rather than ectomycorrhizal fungi. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 102, e01869
RIZQULLOH, M.N., DRESCHER, J., HARTKE, T.R., POTAPOV, A., SCHEU, S., HIDAYAT, P., WIDYASTUTI, R. (2021) Effects of rainforest transformation to monoculture cash crops on soil living ants (Formicidae) in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 771, 012031
PANJAITAN, R., BUCHORI, D., PEGGIE, D., HARAHAP, I.S., DRESCHER, J.,SCHEU, S., HIDAYAT, P. (2020) How will oil palm expansion affect to butterflies diversity in Jambi, Indonesia? The 3rd International Conference on Biosciences
POTAPOV, A.M., DUPÉRRÉ, N., JOCHUM, M., DRECZKO, K., KLARNER, B., BARNES, A.D., KRASHEVSKA, V., REMBOLD, K., KREFT, H., BROSE, U., WIDYASTUTI, R., HARMS, D., SCHEU, S. (2020) Ground spider communities under tropical land-use change. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101, e01668
ASRA, R., WITONO, J.R., FIJRIDIYANTO, I., ELVA, SCHEU, S. (2019) Community study of dragon’s blood palm (Daemonorops spp.) in Harapan Rainforest, Sumatra. Biodiversitas 20, 3632-3640
PANJAITAN, R., HIDAYAT, P., BUCHORI, D., PEGGIE, D., HARAHAP, I.S., DRESCHER, J., SCHEU, S. (2019) Diversity of butterflies (Lepidoptera) caught by using fruit traps in Bukit duabelas and Harapan Forest landscape, Jambi. AIP Conference Proceedings 2120, 070015;
SANDMANN, D., SCHEU, S., POTAPOV, A. (2019) Ecotaxonomy: Linking taxa with traits and integrating taxonomical and ecological research. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e37146
SETÄLÄ, J., SPANGENBERG, J.H., … SCHEU, S., … WIEMERS, M. (2019) Rice ecosystem services in South-East Asia: The LEGATO project, its approaches and main results with a focus on biocontrol services. In: Schröter, M., Bonn, A., Klotz, S., Seppelt, R., Baessler, C. (Eds.): Atlas of Ecosystem Services – Drivers, Risks and Responses. Springer, New York, pp. 373-382
SCHEU, S. (2018) Annelida, Ringelwürmer. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 25. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 111-124.
SCHEU, S. (2018) Myriapoda, Tausendfüßer. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 25. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 174-182.
SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (2018) Hexapoda, Insekten: Auchenorrhyncha, Zikaden. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 25. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 285-295.
SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (2018) Hexapoda, Insekten: Sternorrhyncha, Pflanzenläuse. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 25. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 296-309.
SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (2018) Hexapoda, Insekten: Heteroptera, Wanzen. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 25. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 310-338.
SCHEU, S. (2018) Hexapoda, Insekten: Diptera, Zweiflügler. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 25. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 502-553.
ORGIAZZI, A., BARDGETT, R.D., BARRIOS, E., BEHAN-PELLETIER, V., BRIONES, M.J.I., CHOTTE, J-L., DE DEYN, G.B., EGGLETON, P., FIERER, N., FRASER, T., HEDLUND, K., JEFFERY, S., JOHNSON, N.C., JONES, A., KANDELER, E., KANEKO, N., LAVELLE, P., LEMANCEAU, P., MIKO, L., MONTANARELLA, L., MOREIRA, F.M.S., RAMIREZ, K.S., SCHEU, S., SINGH, B.K., SIX, J., VAN DER PUTTEN, W.H., WALL, D.H. (Eds.) (2016) Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas. European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. 176 pp.
SCHEU, S. (2016) Annelida, Ringelwürmer. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 24. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 111-124.
SCHEU, S. (2016) Myriapoda, Tausendfüßer. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 24. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 174-182.
SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (2016) Hexapoda, Insekten: Auchenorrhyncha, Zikaden. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 24. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 285-295.
SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (2016) Hexapoda, Insekten: Sternorrhyncha, Pflanzenläuse. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 24. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 296-309.
SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (2016) Hexapoda, Insekten: Heteroptera, Wanzen. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 24. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 310-338.
SCHEU, S. (2016) Hexapoda, Insekten: Diptera, Zweiflügler. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 24. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 502-553.
MEHRAFROUZ MAYVAN, M., SHAYANMEHR, M., SCHEU, S. (2015) Depth distribution and inter-annual fluctuations in density and diversity of Collembola in an Iranian Hyrcanian forest. Soil Organisms 87, 239–247.
JOUSSET A, SCHULDES J, KEEL C, MAURHOFER M, DANIEL R, SCHEU S, THUERMER A (2014) Full-genome sequence of the plant growth-promoting bacterium Pseudomonas protegens CHA0. Genome Announc 2(2): 0
BENDIX, J., BECK, E., BRÄUNING, A., MAKESCHIN, F., MOSANDL, R., SCHEU, S., Hrsg. (2013) Ecosystem services, biodiversity and environmental change in a tropical mountain ecosystem of south Ecuador. Ecological Studies 221, Springer, Berlin
COLEMAN, D.C., EDWARDS, C., SCHEU, S. PRESCOTT, C. (2010) Resolution of respect for Professor Dennis Parkinson – Obituary. Pedobiologia 53, 219-220. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42, 1358-1359
COLEMAN, D.C., EDWARDS, C., SCHEU, S. (2010) Resolution of respect for Professor Dennis Parkinson – Obituary. Pedobiologia 53, 219-220
MUNK, K. (Hrsg.) Taschenlehrbuch Biologie: Ökologie – Evolution. Kap. 1-4 mit Steidle, J.L.M., Brose, U. & Kronberg, I. Thieme, Stuttgart
SCHEU, S. (2008) Stable isotopes as tools for food web analysis. In: Rossing, W.A.H., Poehling, H.-M., Van Helden, M. (Hrsg.) Landscape management for functional biodiversity. IOBC/wprs Bulletin 34, 93-96.
SCHEU, S., ILLIG, J., EISSFELLER, V., KRASHEVSKA, V., SANDMANN, D., MARAUN, M. (2008) The soil fauna of a tropical mountain rainforest in southern Ecuador: structure and functioning. In: Gradstein, S.R., Homeier, J., Gansert, D. (Hrsg.) The tropical mountain forest – Patterns and processes in a biodiversity hotspot. Biodiversity and Ecology Series 2 (Universitätsverlag Göttingen), 79-96.
MARAUN, M., DOMES, K., SCHAEFER, I., SCHEU, S. (2008) Molekulare Phylogenie von Oribatiden (Hornmilben). In: Jopp, F., Pieper, S. (Hrsg.) Bodenzoologie und Ökologie – 30 Jahre Umweltforschung an der Freien Universität Berlin. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp. 33-45.
ILLIG, J., SANDMANN, D., SCHATZ, H., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2007) Oribatida (mites) - Checklist Reserva Biologica San Francisco (Prov. Zamora-Chincipe, S. Ecuador). Ecotropical Monographs 4, 221-230.
KRASHEVSKA, V., BONKOWSKI, M., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2007) Testate amoebae – Checklist Reserva Biologica San Francisco (Prov. Zamora-Chincipe, S. Ecuador). Ecotropical Monographs 4, 231-236.
SCHEU, S. (2007) Perspektiven ökologischer Forschung. In: Wägele, W. (Hrsg.) Höhepunkte der zoologischen Forschung im deutschen Sprachraum – Festschrift zur 100. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft in Köln vom 21. bis 24. September 2007. Basilisken Presse, Marburg, pp. 309-320.
PURTAUF, T. SCHEU, S. (2006) Nutrient and resource dynamics and food webs – Understanding the mutual relationships between the dynamics of food webs, resources, and nutrients. Introduction to chapter 5. In: De Ruiter, P., Wolters, V., Moore, J.C. (eds) Dynamic food webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp. 198-200.
KOLLER, R., JUNG, K., SCHEU, S., ZIMMERMANN, G., RUTHER, J. (2005) Biocontrol of the forest cockchafer (Melolontha hippocastani): Experiments on the applicability of the “Catch and Infect”-Technique using a combination of attractant traps with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria brongniartii. IOBC/wprs Bulletin 28, 37-44
SCHEU, S. (2005) Insecta, Insekten: Diptera, Zweiflügler. In Schaefer, M. (Hrsg.) Brohmer – Fauna von Deutschland, 22. Aufl. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim, pp. 538-594.
SCHNEIDER, K., RENKER, C., SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (2005) Feeding biology of oribatid mites: a minireview. In: G. Weigmann, G. Alberti, A. Wohltmann, S. Ragusa (eds) Acarine Biodiversity in the Natural and Human Sphere. Phytophaga (Palermo) 14 (2004), 247-256.
EISENHAUER, N., SCHEU, S. (2005) Invasion europäischer Lumbriciden in einen kanadischen Espenwald: Auswirkungen auf Bodenchemie, Mikroflora, Bodenmesofauna und Vegetation. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 107, 7-8.
PARTSCH, S., MILCU, A., SCHEU, S. (2005) Einfluss von Regenwürmern und Collembolen auf Pflanzenperformance. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 107, 11-12.
POVEDA, K., STEFFAN-DEWENTER, I., SCHEU, S., TSCHARNTKE, T. (2004) Influence of root and leaf herbivores on plant growth, flower visitation and seed set. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 14, 59-62.
SCHEU, S., DROSSEL, B. (2004) Komplexität und Stabilität von Nahrungsnetzen. In D. Ipsen, S. Schmidt (Hrsg.) Dynamik der Nachhaltigkeit. Metropolis Verlag, Marburg, pp. 43-69
SCHEU, S., DROSSEL, B. (2003) Komplexität und Stabilität von Nahrungsnetzen. IANUS Arbeitsbericht, Technische Universität Darmstadt
AUGE, H., KIESEL, B., LIEBER, A., BRANDL, R., SCHÄDLER, M., SCHEU, S., ENDLWEBER, K., ALPHEI, J. (2003) Pflanzen zwischen Insekten und Mikroben. UFZ - Umweltdforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle in der Helmholzgemeinschaft: Forschen für die Umwelt, 4. Ausgabe, pp. 20-27
RICKERS, S., WALLUS, M., SCHEU, S. (2003) The food web of a xeric grassland: effects of invasion of Cynodon dactylon (Poaceae). Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 33, 147
POVEDA, K., STEFFAN-DEWENTER, I., SCHEU, S., TSCHARNTKE, T. (2003) Effects of decomposers, below- and aboveground herbivores on plant growth and herbivore-parasitoid interactions. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 33, 159
PLATNER, C., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (2003) Belowground effects of ants (Formicidae: Lasius flavus) on soil fauna and plant growth. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 33, 166
WURST, S., SCHEU, S. (2003) Earthworm effects on plant growth and competition. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 33, 167
SEEBER, J., MEYER, E., SCHEU, S. (2003) Abundance and trophic structure of macrofauna decomposers on alpine pastureland (Central Alps, Tyrol). Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 33, 409
PARTSCH, S., MILCU, A., SCHEU, S. (2003) Role of soil fauna for plant performance in a plant diversity gradient. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 33, 418
SCHEU, S. (2002) Biologische Vielfalt und Ökosystemfunktionen. In: HUMMEL, M., SCHEFFRAN, J., SIMON, H.-R. (Hrsg.) Konfliktfeld Biodiversität. Agenda Verlag, Münster, pp. 43-57
ALBERS, D., ALPHEI, J., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (2001) Trophische Diversität einer Ackerbodenzönose - Analyse der stabilen Isotope 13-C und 15-N. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 95, 3-6
PLATNER, C., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (2001) Der Einfluss von Ameisen (Formicidae, Lasius flavus) auf den Boden und die mikrobielle Gemeinschaft trockener Brachwiesen. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 95, 84-87
ALPHEI, J., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (2001) Der Einfluß experimentell manipulierter Faunendiversität auf die Gemeinschaftsstruktur freilebender Nematoden im Boden eines Mull-Buchenwaldes. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 95, 7-10
SCHEU, S. (1999) Biologische Vielfalt und Ökosystemfunktionen. In: HUMMEL, M.E., SIMON, H.-R., SCHEFFRAN, J. (Hrsg.) Konfliktfeld Biodiversität: Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt – Interdisziplinäre Problemstellung. IANUS Arbeitsbericht, Technische Universität Darmstadt, pp. 3-13
MARAUN, M., SALAMON, J., ALPHEI, J., SCHEU, S. (1999) Der Einfluß zunehmender funktioneller Diversität von Bodentieren auf die Dichte von Collembolen, Oribatiden, Gamasinen und Nematoden im Boden eines Mull-Buchenwaldes: Laborexperimente in Mikrokosmen. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 89, 269-272
PLATNER, C., SCHEU, S., SCHAEFER, M. (1999) Kurzfristige Auswirkungen kleinräumiger Klimaveränderungen auf Ameisen (Formicidae) und andere Bodentiere einer Grünlandbrache. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 89, 281-284
ALBERS, D., MIGGE, S., SCHEU, S. (1997) Messung der mikrobiellen Atmung in Fichtenstreu über Substrat-induzierte Respiration: Methodische Grundlagen. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 85/II, 457-460
MARAUN, M., MIGGE, S., SCHEU, S. (1997) Nahrungspräferenzen von Hornmilben. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 85/II, 553-556
PLATNER, C., SCHAUERMANN, J., SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (1997) Die Bodenmakrofauna in Rein- und Mischbeständen von Buche (Fagus sylvatica) und Fichte (Picea abies) unterschiedlichen Alters. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 85/II, 575-578
JENTSCHKE, G., BONKOWSKI, M., GODBOLD, D.L., SCHEU, S. (1996) Effects of protozoa on mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal spruce seedlings. In: AZCON-AGUILAR, C., BAREA, J.M. (Hrsg.) Mycorrhizas in integrated systems - From genes to plant development. European Commission, Luxembourg; pp. 642-645
MARAUN, M., PETER, M., SCHEU, S. (1996) Sind Oribatiden und Collembolen in der Streu und im Boden eines Buchenwaldes (Fagus sylvatica) durch das Nahrungsangebot (Biomasse der Mikroorganismen) limitiert? Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 81, 145-148.
MIGGE, S., ALBERS, D., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (1996) Oribatiden und Collembolen in einem Gradienten von Buche (Fagus sylvatica) zu Fichte (Picea abies): Mikrosukzession in alternder Streu und Beziehungen zur mikrobiellen Biomasse. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 81, 149-152
PLATNER, C., SCHEU, S., SCHAUERMANN, J., SCHAEFER, M. (1996) Die Bodenfauna eines 30- und eines 120-jährigen Mischwaldes in einem Gradienten von Fichte (Picea abies) zu Buche (Fagus sylvatica). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 81, 253-256
SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (1996) Wie sind Ökosysteme organisiert? Natürliche Stoffkreisläufe und Eingriffe des Menschen. Akademie-Journal (Mitteilungsblatt der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften) 1/96, 29-37
SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (1996) Animal oriented ecosystem research - the importance of long-term studies. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 89.2, 189-203
THEENHAUS, A., MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (1996) Messung der Substrat-induzierten Respiration in Wald- und Ackerböden über O2-Mikrokompensation: Feuchtebedingungen und respiratorischer Quotient. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 81, 105-108
MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (1995) Die zellulolytische Aktivität der Mikroflora in Buchenlaubstreu (Fagus sylvatica) und in Kotpellets des Diplopoden Glomeris marginata. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 75, 129-132
MARAUN, M., COENEN, H., BONKOWSKI, M., BURYN, R., ALPHEI, J., SCHEU, S. (1995) Bauten von Lumbricus terrestris als bedeutende Mikrohabitate im Waldboden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 75, 115-118
SCHEU, S. (1995) Bodenfauna und Bodenmikroflora in Buchenwäldern: Wechselwirkung von Populationen, Stoffflüsse und Pflanzenwachstum. Habilitationsschrift, Göttingen
SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S., ALPHEI, J., BONKOWSKI, M., MARAUN, M. (1994) Anwendung der O2-Mikro-kompensation in der Bodenanalytik. In: Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur: Niedersächsische Hochschulen auf der HANNOVER MESSE ‚94 20.-27. April 1994, S. 11
SCHEU, S., MARAUN, M. (1993) Streuzerkleinerung und Pelletierung von Buchenstreu durch saprophage Makroarthropoden: Einfluß auf den Nährstoffstatus der Mikroflora. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 71, 377-380
ALPHEI, J., BONKOWSKI, M., SCHEU, S. (1993) Optimierung und Anwendung der selektiven Hemmung in drei kohlenstoffreichen Buchenwaldböden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 71, 309-312
KOCH, M., SCHEU, S. (1993) Mikrobielle Biomasse in Bodenaggregaten unterschiedlicher Größe eines Buchenwaldes nach Exposition im Freiland. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 71, 347-350
MARAUN, M., SCHEU, S. (1993) Messung der mikrobiellen Biomasse in verschiedenen Streuhorizonten: Einfluß der Zerkleinerung. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 71, 361-364
SCHAEFER, M., SCHEU, S. (1992) Bodentiergemeinschaften (Saprophage, Zoophage) als Abbild der standörtlichen Bedingungen. Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme B 31, 129-144
SCHEU, S. (1991a) Der Einfluß von horizontalgrabenden Regenwürmern auf die Zersetzung von Polysacchariden. Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme B 22, 344-346
SCHEU, S., WOLTERS, V. (1991a) Influence of fragmentation and bioturbation on the decomposition of 14C labelled beech leaf litter. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 23, 1029-1034
SCHEU, S. (1990) Die saprophage Makrofauna (Diplopoda, Isopoda und Lumbricidae) in Lebensräumen auf Kalkgestein: Sukzession und Stoffumsatz. Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme A 57, 1-302
SCHEU, S., SPRENGEL, T. (1989) Die Rolle der endogäischen Regenwürmer im Ökosystem Kalkbuchenwald und ihre Wechselwirkung mit saprophagen Makroarthropoden. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 17, 237-243
SCHEU, S., WOLTERS, V. (1989) Die Wirkung von simuliertem sauren Regen auf die Leistung von Lumbriciden. International Congress of Forest Decline Research: State of Knowledge and Perspectives; Friedrichshafen 1989; Poster Abstracts Vol. 2, 276
POSER, T., SCHEU, S. (1989) Der Einfluß des Mikrostandortes „Stammfußbereich“ auf Struktur und Leistung der Bodenfauna eines Kalkbuchenwaldes. International Congress of Forest Decline Research: State of Knowledge and Perspectives; Friedrichshafen 1989; Poster Abstracts Vol. 2, 275-276
WOLTERS, V., SPRENGEL, T., VANSELOW, M., SCHEU, S. (1989) Bodentiere als Steuergrößen für die Zusammensetzung und Leistungsfähigkeit der Zersetzergemeinschaft von Waldökosystemen - Perspektiven für einen integrierten Forschungsansatz. Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme A 49, 153-157
WOLTERS, V., SCHEU, S. (1987) Die Wirkung von sauren Niederschlägen auf die Leistung von Bodentieren. Spezieller Bericht der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich 413, 336-340