
Pook, T., M. Tost, H. Simianer, 2025: Optimization of a maize rapid cycle breeding scheme using the Modular Breeding Program Simulator (MoBPS). preprint. DOI: 10.1101/2025.01.10.632416

Jayakodi M,  Zhang Hailin, Windhorst A,  Bornhofen E, Tulpova Z, Novak P, Macas J, Simkova H, Marcin N, Min Kom J, Cram D, Cao Yongguo, Konkin D, Sass O, Welna G, Himmelbach A, Mascher A, Link W, Kwon Soon-Jae, Andersen SU, Yang Tae-Jin, 2024.  Allelic variation at a single locus distinguishes spring and winter faba beans, 14 November 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square. DOI 10.21203/

Bornhofen E, Mouritzen T, Alves S, Robertson-Shersby-Harvie TR, Skovbjerg C, Windhorst A, Zhang Hailin, Jayakody T, Magnin-Robert JB, Aubert G, Floriot M, Guiziou Camille, Sass O, Welna G, Solís I, Nielsen, L, Gutiérrez N, Jayakodi M, Stoddard F, O’Sullivan D, Torres A, Link W, Tayeh N, Janss L, Andersen SU, 2024: Genetics of faba bean yield and yield stability, 13 November 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square. DOI 10.21203/

Windhorst, A, Kiel Skovbjerg C,  Angra D,  O'Sullivan DM,  Andersen SU,  Link W., 2024: Genome-wide association studies identify promising QTL for freezing tolerance in winter and early spring as a basis for in-depth genetic analysis and implementation in winter faba bean (Vicia faba L.) breeding. PREPRINT.

Psaroudakis D, Khayer A, Aiyesa L V, Bergau N, Tissier A, Lu Y, Wigge P A, Israeli A, Teboul N, Bräutigam A, and Szymański, J J., 2024: Identification of core, conditional and crosstalk components of tomato heat stress response using integrative transcriptomics and orthology, PREPRINT (V1).

Tost, M., C. Westhues, G. Morrison, D. Kaufmann, and T. Beissinger: Experimental evolution in maize with replicated divergent selection identifies plant-height associated SNPs. 

Brünjes L., Link, W.: Pollen production, pollen viability and autofertility in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and their relationship with realized paternal successs. 2023


Tost M, C Westhues, G Morrison, D Kaufmann, T Beissinger. (2025) Experimental evolution in maize with replicated divergent selection identifies two plant-height associated regions. GENETICS. DOI: 10.1093/genetics/iyaf012


Jung, C., H. Becker, W. Friedt, F. Frauen,  2024: Gerhard Röbbelen (1929-2024) - Memories of an eminent scientist and plant breeder. Journal für Kulturpflanzen 76, 120-123.

Ecke, W. and W. Link, 2024: Molecular and quantitative genetic analysis of seed size in faba bean (Vicia faba L). Final Project Report to DFG. Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Department of Crop Science.

Heiko Becker, 2024: 10 000 Jahre Pflanzenzüchtung. Alte Ziele, moderne Methoden. Journal Culinaire 38 (Edition Wurzer & Vilgis), 11-19.

Aichholz, Ch., H.C. Becker, and B. Horneburg, 2024: Effect of full-sib and S2-selection on a sweet corn population (Zea mays convar. saccharata). Plant Breeding (first published 26 April 2024).

Laidig, F., Feike, T., Lichthardt, C., Schierholt, A., H.P. Piepho: Breeding progress of nitrogen use efficiency of cereal crops, winter oilseed rape and peas in long-term variety trials. Theor Appl Genet 137, 45 (2024).


Brünjes L., Ecke, W., Windhorst, A., Laugel, H., Link, W.: Current faba bean research at Göttingen, Germany. Legume Perspectives 24, 18-20. 

2023 Brünjes et al Granada Legume_perspec_23.pdf (

Katche E.I., Schierholt A, Schiessl S-V, Fei He, Zhenling Lv, Batley J, Becker H.C, Mason A.S. Genetic factors inherited from both diploid parents interact to affect genome stability and fertility in resynthesized allotetraploid Brassica napus, G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, jkad136. 2023.

Skovbjerg C.K., Angra D., Robertson-Shersby-Harvie T., Kreplak J., Ecke W., Windhorst A., Nielsen L.K., Schiemann A., Knudsen J., Gutierrez N., Tagkouli V., Fechete L.I., Janss L., Stougaard J., Warsame A., Alves S., Khazaei H., Link W., Torres A.M., O'Sullivan D.M., Andersen S.U.: Genetic analysis of global faba bean germplasm maps agronomic traits and identifies strong selection signatures for geographical origin. Theor Appl Genet. 2023.

Windhorst A., Skovbjerg C.K., Andersen S.U., Link W.: Improving overwintering in times of climate change - a GWAS for late-frost tolerance of winter faba bean. Saatgut Austria. 2023.

Zhou Z., Windhorst A., Schenke D., Cai D.: RNAseq-based working model for transcriptional regulation of crosstalk between simultaneous abiotic UV-B and biotic stresses in plants. Genes. 2023.

Tran C.T., Beissinger T., Becker H.C., Horneburg B.; Genetic diversity of pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes differing in leaf type using SNP markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2023.

Kick D.R., Wallace J.G., Schnable J.C., Kolkman J.M., Alaca B., Beissinger T., Edwards J., Ertl D., Flint-Garcia S., Gage J.L., Hirsch C.N., Knoll J.E., de Leon N., Lima D.C., Moreta D.E., Singh M.P., Thompson A., Weldekidan T., Washburn J.D.: Yield prediction through integration of genetic, environment, and management data through deep learning. G3 Genes-Genomes-Genetics. 2023.

Katche E.I., Schierholt A., Becker H.C., Batley J., Mason A.S.: Fertility, genome stability, and homozygosity in a diverse set of resynthesized rapeseed lines. The Crop Journal. 2023.


Kirsch F., Haß, A.L., Link W., Westphal C.: Intercrops as foraging habitats for bees: Bees do not prefer sole legume crops over legume-cereal mixtures. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2023. 

Mahmoud M., Tost M., Ha N.T., Simianer H. and Beissinger T.: Ghat: An R package for identifying adaptive polygenic traits. G3 Genes-Genomes-Genetics. 2022.

Tran C.T., Beissinger T., Becker H.C., Horneburg B.: Genetic diversity of pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes differing in leaf type using SNP markers. Springer Link. 2022.

Griebel S., Thielsch A., Gibson P., Reiffenrath T., Beissinger T., Chiteka A.: Fostering active learning in an international joint classroom: a case study. Teaching & Learning Inquiry. 2022.

Niehoff T., Pook T., Gholami M., Beissinger T.: Imputation of low-density marker chip data in plant breeding: Evaluation of methods based on sugar beet. The Plant Genome. 2022. 

Westhues C., Simianer, H., Beissinger T.: learnMET. an R package to apply machine learning methods for genomic prediction using multi-environment trial data. G3. 2022.

Holzenkamp K., Link W., Möllers C.: Effect of a low seed lignin content on seed yield and quality in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Plant Breeding. 2022.

Aichholz C., Becker H.C., Horneburg B.: Recurrent haploid selection in a population of sweet corn (Zea mays convar. saccharata). Plant Breeding. 2022.

Tran C.T., Becker H.C., Horneburg B.: Agronomic performance of normal-leafed and semi-leafless pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes. Crop Science. 2022.

Tacke R., Ecke, W., M. Höfer, O. Sass, W. Link: Fine-mapping of the major locus for vicine and convicine in faba bean (Vicia faba) and marker-assisted breeding of a novel, low vicine and convicine winter faba bean population. Plant Breeding. 2022.

Puspitasari W., Allemann B., Angra D., Appleyard H., Ecke W., Möllers C., Nolte T., Purves R.W., Renner C.,  Robertson-Shersby-Harvie T., Tacke R., Windhorst A., Yaman S., Link W.: NIRS for vicine and convicine content of faba bean seed allowed GWAS to prepare for marker-assisted adjustment of seed quality of German winter faba beans. Journal of Cultivated Plants. 2022. 

Kaler, A.S.,  Purcell L.C., Beissinger T., Gillman J.D.: Genomic prediction models for traits differing in heritability for soybean, rice, and maize. BMC Plant Biology2022.

Hagenguth J., Kanski L., Kahle H., Naumann M., Pawelzik E., Becker H., Horneburg B.: Breeders' Sensory Test: A new tool for early selection in breeding for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) flavor. Plant Breeding. 2022.


Westhues C., Mahone G., Da Silva S., Thorwarth P., Schmidt M., Richter J.-C.,  Simianer H., Beissinger T.: Prediction of maize phenotypic traits with genomic and environmental predictors using gradient boosting frameworks. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021.

Mabry M., Turner-Hissong S., Gallagher E., McAlvay A., An H., Edger P., Moore J., Pink D., Teakle G., Stevens C., Barker G., Labate J., Fuller D., Allaby R., Beissinger T., Decker J., Gore M., Pires C.: The evolutionary history of wild, domesticated, and feral Brassica oleracea (Brassicaceae). Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2021.

Kumar R., Gyawali A.Morrison G.D., Saski C.A., Robertson D.J., Tharayil N., Schaefer R.J., Beissinger T.M., Sekhon R.S.: Genetic architecture of maize rind strength revealed by the analysis of divergently selected populations. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2021.

Adhikari, K., H. Khazaei., L. Ghaouti., F. Maalouf., A. Vandenberg, W.  Link, D. O'Sullivan: Conventional and molecular breeding tools for accelerating genetic gain in faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021.

Brünjes L.Link W.: Paternal outcrossing success differs among faba bean genotypes and impacts breeding of synthetic cultivars. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2021.

Jubin, C., Griebel S., Beissinger T.: Improving genomic tools for outcrossing crops. Molecular Plant. 2021.

Nelson W.C.D., Siebrecht-Schöll D.J., Hoffmann M.P., Rötter R.P., Whitbread A.M., Link W.: What determines a productive winter bean-wheat genotype combination for intercropping in central Germany? European Journal of Agronomy. 2021.

Hutchinson L.A., T.H. Oliver, T.D. Breeze, E.J. Bailes, L. Brünjes, A.J. Campbell, A. Erhardt, G.A. de Groot, R. Földesi, D. García, D. Goulson, H. Hainaut, P.A. Hambäck, A. Holzschuh, F. Jauker,  B.K. Klatt, A.-M. Klein, D. Kleijn, A. Kovács-Hostyánszki, E. Krimmer, M. McKerchar, M. Miñarro, B.B. Phillips, S.G. Potts, G. Pufal, R. Radzevičiūtė, S.P.M. Roberts, U. Samnegård, J. Schulze, R.F. Shaw, T. Tscharntke, N.J. Vereecken, D.B. Westbury, C. Westphal, A. Wietzke, B.A. Woodcock, M.P.D. Garratt: Using ecological and field survey data to establish a national list of the wild bee pollinators of crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2021.

Björnsdotter E., Nadzieja M., Chang W., Escobar-Herrera L., Mancinotti D., Angra D., Xia Xinxing, Tacke R., Khazaei H., Crocoll C., Vandenberg A., Link W., Stoddard F.L., O’Sullivan D.M., Stougaard J., Schulman A.H., Andersen S.U, Geu-Flores F.:  VC1 catalyzes a key step in the biosynthesis of vicine from GTP in faba bean. Nature Plants. 2021.


Faridi R., Koopman B., Schierholt A., Ali M.B., Apel S., Link W.: Genetic study of the resistance of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) against the fungus Ascochyta fabae through a genome-wide association analysis. Plant Breeding. 2021. 

Beche E., Gillman J.D., Song Q., Nelson R., Beissinger T.M., Decker J., Shannon G., Scaboo A.M.: Genomic prediction using training population design in interspecific soybean populations. Molecular Breeding. 2021.

W. Siegert, A. Ibrahim, W. Link, G. Lux, K. Schmidtke, J. Hartung, N. Nautscher, M. Rudehutscord: Amino acid digestibility and metabolisable energy of spring and winter faba beans grown on two sites and effects of dehulling in caecectomised laying hens. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2021.


Cut E., Griebel S., Naumann M., E. Pawelzik: Biodiversity in Tomatoes: Is it reflected in nutrient density and nutritional yields under organic outdoor production? Frontiers in Plant Science. 2020. 

Turner-Hissong, S., Bird, KA, Lipka, AE, King, EG, Beissinger T.M., Angelovici, R.: Genomic prediction informed by biological processes expands our understanding of the genetic architecture underlying free amino acid traits in dry arabidopsis seed. G3. 2020.


Heinrich, F., Gültas, M., Link, W., Schmitt, A.O.:  Genotyping by sequencing reads of 20 Vicia faba lines with high and low vicine and convicine content. MDPI data. 2020.


Heinrich, F., Wutke, M., Das, PP, Kamp, M., Gültas, M., Link, W., Schmitt, A.O.: Identification of regulatory SNPs associated with vicine and convicine content of Vicia faba based on genotyping by sequencing data using deep learning. MDPI Genes. 2020.


Nolte, T., Jansen, S., Weigend, S., Moerlein, D., Halle, I., Link, W., Hummel, J., Simianer, H., Sharifi, A.R.: Growth performance of local chicken breeds, a high-performance genotype and their crosses fed with regional faba beans to replace soy. MDPI Animals. 2020.


Schierholt,  A. , Holzenkamp,  K. , Hartwig,  H. , Gertz,  A. , Becker, H.: Winter oilseed rape semi - dwarf hybrids are not discriminated by front border effects in yield trials. Crop Science. 2020.


Turner-Hissong, S., Mabry, M., Beissinger, T.M., Ross-Ibarra, J., Pires, J.: Evolutionary insights into plant breeding. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2020.


Kaler, A.S., Gillman, J.D., Beissinger, T.M., Purcell, L.C.: Comparing different statistical models and multiple testing corrections for association mapping in soybean and maize. Frontiers in Plant Science2020.


Beche, E., Gillman, J.D., Song, Q., Nelson, R., Beissinger, T.M., Decker, J., Shannon, G., Scaboo, A.M.: Nested association mapping of important agronomic traits in three interspecific soybean populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics2020.



Brumlop S., Weedon O., Link W., Finckh M.R.: Effective population size (NE) of organically and conventionally grown composite cross winter wheat populations depending on generation. European Journal of Agronomy. 2019.


Gyawali A., Shrestha V., Guill K.E., Flint-Garcia S., Beissinger T.M.: Single-plant GWAS coupled with bulk segregant analysis allows rapid identification and corroboration of plant-height candidate SNPs. BMC Plant Biology2019.


Khazaei H., Link W., Street K., Stoddard F.L.: ILB 938, a valuable faba bean (Vicia faba L.) accession. Plant Genetic Resources. 2018.

Khazaei H., Purves R., Hughes J., Link W., O'Sullivan D., Schulman A., Björnsdotter, E., Geu-Flores, F., Nadzieja, M., Andersen , S., Stougaard, J., Vandenberg, A., Stoddard, F.: Eliminating vicine and convicine, the main anti-nutritional factors restricting faba bean usage. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2019.


Petrowsky P.F., King E.C., Beissinger T.M.: An R Framework for the partitioning of linkage disequilibrium between and within populations. Journal of Open Research Software2019.


Sekhon R.S., Saski C., Kumar R., Flinn B., Luo F., Beissinger T.M., Ackerman A.J., Breitzman M.W., Bridges W.C., de Leon, N., Kaeppler, S.M.: Integrated genome-scale analysis identifies novel genes and networks underlying senescence in maize. The Plant Cell2019.    


Mohammed A.E., Smit I., Pawelzik E., Keutgen A.J., Horneburg, B.: Organically grown outdoor tomato: fruit mineral nutrients and potential infection by phytophthora infestants. Organic Agriculture2019.