Research Assistant (Postdoc) (all genders welcome)

in the research project “Promoting biodiversity at the landscape level (KOOPERATIV)”. KOOPERATIV is funded in the Federal Program for Biological Diversity by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. The position should be filled mid-August 2025 and it is limited until 14.08.2028. The salary is in accordance with the German public service salary scale (TV-L E13) with 100%, which corresponds to 39.8 working hours per week ...more

Doctoral Researcher Position (all genders welcome)

within the research project “Habitat Evaluation and Assessment of Valuable Ecosystem services in Non-crop areas (HEAVEN)”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The position is to be filled as soon as possible, ideally by 01.05.2025. The salary is in accordance with the German public service salary scale (TV-L E13) at 65%, which corresponds to 25,87 working hours per week. ...more

Studentische Hilfskraft in "HEAVEN" gesucht ab Mai

We are looking for one motivated student assistant (f/m/d)
Tasks: Your responsibilities will include the installation, activation, and collection of pitfall traps.
Requirements: You should be interested in fieldwork and have a valid driving license in Germany.
Opportunities: You will gain experience in entomological fieldwork.
Period: May-Sept 2025; around 40 hours per month expected.

Studentische Hilfskraft für KOOPERATIV gesucht

We are looking for one motivated student assistant (f/m/d) to support us in these activities:
- visual surveys of insect pests in wheat fields
- exposing and collecting aphid cards for biocontrol quantifications
The fieldwork (6-8 hours per day) will take place in the district of Northeim, up to 1-hour drive from
Göttingen. We will use company cars. ...more

2 studentische Hilfskräfte für KOOPERATIV gesucht

In June-July 2025, we will use pitfall traps in different habitats per landscape (cereal fields, flower strips and grass strips) to measure the presence of ground-dwelling arthropods with a special focus on predators (especially spiders and carabids). We are looking for two motivated student assistants (f/m/d) ...more

Bachelorarbeit zum Thema "Do floral traits differ between cherry cultivars? (Can these differences be used to strategically attract pollinators?)"

Project significance: Alternatives to conventional agriculture are urgently needed to sustain ecosystem functions and services. Ecological intensification is a promising concept, aiming to improve agricultural system performance and efficiency through actively managing functional biodiversity to sustainably enhance delivery of production-supporting ecosystem services. ...more