Course Overview

E: In English, X: ends before Christmas, H: Hybrid digital and in person; W2024/25: sabbatical of Prof. Kis-Katos
Courses in Summer 2025
- Makroökonomik II Lecture, tutorials plus practicals for bachelor students in German (Kis-Katos, Jantos, Hellmundt)
- Unternehmen und Märkte 3 lectures for bachelor students in German (Kis-Katos, BWL)
- Empirical Political Economy Lecture and tutorial for master students in English (Kis-Katos, Barros)
- Macro-micro linkages in economic development Block method course for Phd (and master) students in English, in semester break (Kis-Katos)
- Design of Socio-Economic Surveys Seminar for master and PhD students (Kubik)
- Internal Research Seminar Seminar for master and doctoral students writing a thesis (Kis-Katos)
- Development Economics Seminar Research seminar for doctoral students (Fuchs, Ibanez, Kis-Katos, Barros, Jantos)
- Topics in Urban Economics Seminar for master students (Schlüter)
- Advanced Topics in Urban Economics Seminar (with double course-load) for master students (Schlüter)
- Current developments in central banking and capital markets Seminar for master students (Gehringer)
Topics and Literature (Update 20.03), Syllabus
Courses in Winter 2024/25
- Labor Economics Lecture plus tutorial for bachelor students in English (Barros, Jantos)
- Design of Socio-Economic Surveys Seminar for master students (Kubik)
- Internal Research Seminar Seminar for master and doctoral students writing a thesis (Kis-Katos)
- Experimental and Econometric Approaches for Food Systems Analysis Block course for doctoral students of the RTG 2654 (Kis-Katos, colleagues)
- Development Economics Seminar Research seminar for doctoral students (Fuchs, Ibanez, Kis-Katos, Barros, Jantos)
- Topics in Urban Economics Seminar for master students (Schlüter)
- Advanced Topics in Urban Economics Seminar (with double course-load) for master students (Schlüter)
Bachelor and master theses
We supervise bachelor and master theses in German and English language on a range of issues related to international economic policy, development economics, environmental economics, political economy and applied labor economics.Bachelor theses:
Here you find a list of suggested topics. All topics refer to current empirical literature in economics and require students to read, replicate, and discuss empirical papers (in the area of expertise of our team members). If you have a very specific topic in mind and are convinced that our team would be the best fit for supervising it, do not hesitate to contact us.
Master theses: We mainly supervise empirical (data) projects on selected issues. All master students are expected to present their research results in the Internal Research Seminar. (We only consider literature studies as an exception and only on topics that are directly commissioned by us and are relevant for our research.) If you are interested in working with us, please approach us directly. The topics for bachelor theses give you a good first overview of our areas of interest (plus of course our teaching and publications). Additionally, a few pre-defined topics from mostly external collaborations can be found here.
Past courses
- Summer 2024
- Unternehmen und Märkte 3 lectures for bachelor students in German (Kis-Katos, BWL)
- Urban Economics Lecture plus tutorial for bachelor students in English (Kis-Katos, Jantos)
- Migration Economics: Replication course Lecture plus tutorial for master students in English (Kis-Katos, Barros, Gasten)
- Internal Research Seminar Seminar for master and doctoral students writing a thesis (Kis-Katos)
- Development Economics Seminar Research seminar for doctoral students (Fuchs, Ibanez, Kis-Katos, Barros, Jantos)
- Topics in Urban Economics Seminar for master students (Schlüter)
- Advanced Topics in Urban Economics Seminar (with double course-load) for master students (Schlüter)
- Current Developments in Central Banking and Capital Markets Seminar for master students (Gehringer)
- Winter 2023/24
- Labor Economics Lecture plus tutorial for bachelor students in English (Kis-Katos, Gasten)
- International Economic Policy Lecture plus tutorial for bachelor students in English (Kis-Katos, Jantos)
- Empirical Political Economy Lecture plus tutorial for master students in English (Kis-Katos, Barros)
- Internal Research Seminar Seminar for master and doctoral students writing a thesis (Kis-Katos)
- Development Economics Seminar Research seminar for doctoral students (Fuchs, Ibanez, Kis-Katos)
- Topics in Urban Economics Seminar for master students (Schlüter)
- Advanced Topics in Urban Economics Seminar (with double course-load) for master students (Schlüter)
- Advanced Development Economics Lecture plus tutorial for PhD students, open for master students (Fuchs, Hartwig, Ibanez, Kis-Katos, Langlotz, Strulik)
- Summer 2023
- Urban Economics Lecture plus tutorial for bachelor students in English (Kis-Katos, Gasten)
- Migration Economics: Replication Course Lecture plus tutorial for master students in English (Kis-Katos, Gasten)
- Internal Research Seminar Seminar for master and doctoral students writing a thesis (Kis-Katos)
- Development Economics Seminar Research seminar for doctoral students (Fuchs, Ibanez, Kis-Katos)
- Topics in Urban Economics Seminar for master students (Schlüter)
- Advanced Topics in Urban Economics Seminar (with double course-load) for master students (Schlüter)
- Current Developments in Central Banking and Capital Markets Seminar for master students (Gehringer)