Vollständige Publikationsliste

Vollständige Publikationsliste:

[32] Gender and Cooperation in the Presence of Negative Externalities (mit Justus Haucap und Christina Heldman), Games and Economic Behavior 147, 148-169, 2024.

[31] Delayed Risk in Individual and Social Decisions (mit Stefan Trautmann und Asri Özgümüs), Journal of Economic Psychology 102, 102710, 2024.

[30] The Effects of Betrayal Aversion on Effort Provision when Incentives are Fragile (mit Volker Benndorf und Stephan Müller), Forthcoming in Management Science

[29] Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of 45 crowd-sourced experimental designs (mit Christoph Huber, Anna Dreber, Felix Holzmeister und vielen anderen), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (23) e2215572120, 2023

[28] The Team Allocator Game: Allocation Power in Public Goods Games (mit A. Karakostas, M. Kocher, D. Matzat, G. Riewe), Games and Economic Behavior 140, 73-87, 2023.

[27] Determinants of People's Motivations to Approach COVID-19 Vaccination Centers (mit C. Keser), Scientific Reports 13:5282, 2023

[26] Editorial: Gender Differences in Times of COVID-19 (mit M. Belot, S. Müller, und C. Schwieren), Frontiers in Psychology, 2022.

[25] Do I Care if You are Paid? Field Experiments and Expert Forecasts in Charitable Giving (mit Anya Samek und Lilia Zhurakhovska), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 195, 42-51, 2022.

[24] Either with us or Against us: Experimental Evidence on Partial Cartels (mit Georg Clemens), Theory and Decision, 93, 237-257, 2022.

[23] The Effects of Gift Vouchers and Environmental Certificates on the Demand for a Collective DRT System (mit Aljoscha Minnich und Jan Schlüter), Transportation 49, 1683-1714, 2022.

[22] Time Preferences in Decisions for Others, Economics Letters, 200, 109766, 2021.

[21] Economic Preferences and Compliance in the Social Stress Test of the COVID-19 Crisis (mit Stephan Müller), Journal of Public Economics 194, 104322, 2021.

[20] Procedural Unfair Wage Differentials and their Effects on Unethical Behavior (mit Kerstin Grosch), Economic Inquiry 58, 1689-1706, 2020.

[19] Gender Differences in Multi-Employee Gift Exchange with Self-Reported Contributions (mit Veronika Grimm und Simeon Schächtele), PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238236, 2020.

[18] Gender Bias in the Evaluation of Teaching Materials (mit Asri Özgümüs, Stefan T. Trautmann und Christian König-Kersting), Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1074, 2020.

[17] Motivational Crowding Out Effects in Charitable Giving: Experimental Evidence (mit Stephan Müller), Journal of Economic Psychology, 76, 102210, 2020.

[16] Using peer education to improve diabetes management and outcomes in a low-income setting: a randomized controlled trial (mit T. Seuring, Marthoenis, S. Rhode, L. Rogge L, S. Besançon, H. Zufry, H. Sofyan, und S. Vollmer), Trials 20: 548, 2019.

[15] The Disposition Effect when Deciding on Behalf of Others (mit Daniel Hermann und Oliver Mußhoff), Journal of Economic Psychology, 74, 102192, 2019.

[14] Too Cold for Warm Glow? Christmas-season Effects in Charitable Giving (mit Stephan Müller), PLoS ONE 14(5): e0215844, 2019.

[13] Decisions under Uncertainty in Social Contexts (mit Stephan Müller), Games and Economic Behavior 116, 73-95, 2019.

[12] Minimizing Learning in Repeated Real-Effort Tasks (mit Volker Benndorf und Christian Sölch), Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 22, 239-248, 2019.

[11] Do Discriminatory Leniency Policies Fight Hard-Core Cartels? (mit Georg Clemens), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 28, 336-354, 2019.

[10] Gender Differences in Motivational Crowding Out of Work Performance (mit Volker Benndorf und Christian Sölch), Economic Inquiry 57, 206-226, 2019.

[9] On the Impact of Quotas and Decision Rules in Collective Bargaining (mit Robert Feicht, Veronika Grimm und Gesine Stephan), European Economic Review 100, 175-192, 2017.

[8] Gender Differences in Honesty: The Role of Social Value Orientation (mit Kerstin Grosch), Journal of Economic Psychology 62, 258-267, 2017.

[7] How Competitiveness May Cause a Gender Wage Gap: Experimental Evidence (mit Matthias Heinz und Hans-Theo Normann), European Economic Review 90, 336-349, 2016.

[6] The Relation of Risk Attitudes and Other-Regarding Preferences: A Within-Subjects Analysis. (mit Stephan Müller), European Economic Review 85, 1-7 (lead article), 2016.

[5] The Disposition Effect in Team Investment Decisions: Experimental Evidence. Journal of Banking and Finance 61, 272-282, 2015.

[4] Simultaneous and Sequential Contributions to Step-level Public Goods: One versus Two Provision Levels. (mit Hans-Theo Normann), Journal of Conflict Resolution 59, 1273-1300, 2015.

[3] Does Ambiguity Aversion Survive in Experimental Asset Markets? (mit Sascha Füllbrunn und Utz Weitzel) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 107B, 810-826, 2014.

[2] The Disposition Effect and Loss Aversion: Do Gender Differences Matter?, Economics Letters 123, 33-36, 2014.

[1] Do Women Behave More Reciprocally than Men? Gender Differences in Real-Effort Dictator Games. (mit Matthias Heinz und Steffen Juranek), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 83, 105-110, 2012.