Students enrolled in this research-oriented Master's degree programme will analyse and reflect upon how exercise and sport can achieve prevention and rehabilitation within the social infrastructures of institutions, organisations and systems, control and development. The problems and challenges resulting from demographic change and the increasing lack of exercise will be dealt with from a sports scientific perspective. The factors influencing an individual's learning and performance curves as well as the social and individual impact factors are examined in the context of physical and sports activities across the different ages of life.

Besides the methods of empirical social research, the curricula will focus on the theories, interrelated disciplines and occupational fields of:

  • Kinesiology
  • Sports medicine
  • Sports education and
  • Training science

The courses are taught in German language and a sufficient German language proficiency is required latest by matriculation. A matriculation without a proof of language proficiency is not possible.


Graduates with this degree will have profound knowledge and advanced competencies that qualify them for a profession. Professional fields appropriate for Sport Science graduates include preventive and rehabilitative sport and exercise interventions as well as university-based research.

In addition to the subject-related knowledge, students in this Master's degree programme will learn competencies that qualify them for admission to doctoral degree programmes.


Students enrolling in this Master's degree programme can select between an exclusive major in Sport Sciences or combine Sport Science with another subject. Please observe the admission requirements for module packages stipulated in the Examination Regulations for the respective subject.
Further information on elective module packages (German)

The course of studies comprises 120 credits distributed over 4 semesters as follows:
a) 88 credits for the major:
Sport Science comprising 88 credits or Sport Science comprising 52 credits in combination with an admissible module package outside the major comprising 36 credits
b) 12 credits for the key competencies
c) 20 credits for the master's thesis.

This Master's degree programme is suited for part-time study. This applies when a specialised major is combined with an admissible module package outside the major subject.


Applicants must have a bachelor‘s or equivalent degree in sport science or a closely related field. For studies not yet completed at the time of application, a minimum of 150 credits (ECTS points) is required. For further information, please refer to the Application for the Master`s Degree Programme Website.

Formal requirements are as follows:

  • At least 50 credits in the specialised studies in sport science or physiotherapy including research methods in the social sciences (measurement methods in sport science, empirical social research, statistics etc.), amongst these at least 36 credits in sport science and physiotherapy.
  • From the SoSe 2025 application round: At least 50 credits in the specialised studies in sport science or physiotherapy including research methods in the social sciences (measurement methods in sport science, empirical social research, statistics etc.), amongst these at least 36 credits in sport science and physiotherapyincluding at least 4 C from the field of sports medicine or (performance) physiology.
  • Applicants whose native language is not German must provide proof of DSH 2, TestDaF (4x4) or telc C1.