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Sport Science with emphasis on prevention, rehabilitation and psycho-social health (M.A.)


The Master's programme in Sports Science with emphasis on prevention, rehabilitation and psychosocial health is interdisciplinary and research-oriented. Students specialise in the sub-disciplines of sports and health education, training and exercise science and sports medicine. In addition to practical professional insights, the programme also provides relevant business management knowledge.

Sport Science with emphasis on prevention, rehabilitation and psycho-social health
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Full-time studies or Part-time studies
Language of the programme:
Standard period of study:
4 semester, up to 7 semesters in part-time studies
Start of studies:
winter and summer semester
open admission
Orientation events:
Orientation events are offered

Get to know us


The research-oriented Master's programme analyses and reflects on the social framework conditions of institutions, organisations and systems, control and development in the context of prevention and rehabilitation and psychosocial health through exercise and sport.

At the level of sport science, the problems and tasks arising from the processes of demographic change and increasing physical inactivity are addressed. The influencing factors of individual learning and performance development as well as societal and individual influencing factors are examined in the context of physical-sporting activity at different ages.

The Master's programme offers the possibility to specialise. One of the specialisations "Prevention/Rehabilitation" and "Psychosocial Health" can be completed.

Graduates have in-depth knowledge and further professional skills. Adequate professional fields for graduates are in the area of preventive and rehabilitative sport and exercise measures as well as in university research.

In addition, the Master's programme imparts competences beyond the specialist knowledge for taking up doctoral studies.

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes

Related programmes

Consecutive/graduate programmes


The Master's programme comprises 120 credits as follows, which are distributed over 4 semesters as follows:

  • 78 credits for the major (subject area)
  • 12 credits for key competencies
  • 30 credits for colloquium and master's thesis.
Detailled overview

Regulations and module directory


Application deadlines

Please apply

  • April 4 - May 15 for the winter semester
  • October 6 - November 15 for the summer semester
  • Special application deadlines can be found on our homepage.
You can start this degree programme in the winter or summer semester.

Lottery procedure
In addition, free places in the Master's programmes are allocated by lottery:

  • from April 1st to 5th for the for the beginning of the summer semester
  • from October 1st to 5th for the for the beginning of the winter semester

Previous studies:

  • B.A.-degree or equivalent degree in Sports Sciencs or a related subject
  • At least 150 ECTS at the time of application
  • Eligibility:
    • Achievements in sports science or physiotherapy including social science methods (measurement methods in sport, empirical social research, statistics, etc.) amounting to at least 50 C, including at least 36 C from sports science or physiotherapy, including at least 4 C from the field of sports medicine or (performance) physiology.

Language requirements:

  • If your native language is not German , you must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the German language at the DSH-2 level .


Academic Advising

Annegret Schallmann
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 39 27159
Fax.: +49 551 39 26542