Study quality funds

Tuition fees were abolished in the 2014/15 winter semester. In return, the universities receive a 100% compensation payment from the state of Lower Saxony in the form of study quality funds ("Studienqualitätsmittel" (SQM)). These funds are to be used to improve the quality of teaching and study conditions.

The study quality funds are divided into central and decentralized funds. Detailed information on the procedure and decision-making can be found under the following link: Study quality funds

Centralized study quality funds of the Faculty of Biology and Psychology

The Faculty of Biology and Psychology uses its decentralized study quality funds for various measures, which are primarily aimed at improving the supervision ratio and providing attractive equipment for internships. The most common measures include the recruitment of additional assistants for exercise groups and internship supervision, but also the purchase of new equipment for internships to replace old equipment or to enable completely new experiments. Excursions are also subsidized and students' printing credits are financed.

Another project that has already been created as part of the tuition fees and will be continued with the study quality funds is the professionalisation of the Offices of the Deans of Studies. This is a project that is financed jointly from central and decentralized study quality funds as well as the faculty's budget. By significantly increasing the number of staff in the Faculty's Office of Student Affairs, it is now possible to support and coordinate all degree programs.

How is the decentralized SQM decided?

The Committee for studies, 50% of whose voting members come from the student body, is the relevant body for the allocation of funds in the faculty. The priority lists of the student council and the institutes are submitted and discussed here and the proposal is submitted to the Faculty Council for a decision.

All students and employees of the faculty are called upon to submit applications for the use of student contributions.
Applications for the decentralized SQM can be submitted via the online form; the application deadline for measures for the winter semester is 15 May, for measures for the summer semester 15 November. Applications for the current semester can only be submitted after consultation.