Fachgruppe Englisch
Hello to all of you! We, the Fachgruppe, are a group of SEP students dedicating ourselves on a voluntarily basis to promote an even more pleasing community within the seminar. With this in mind we are helping the new students, the Erstis, to settle in at University by organising the O-Phase with a campusrallye, pub evenings, the seminar breakfast, including tours through the departments of the SEP and the timetable consultation. Additionally, we arrange one huge feast in each semester- in the winter term the Christmas Party and in the Summer term the Summer Party - where students, staff, lectures and professors come together for mutual exchange and spending a great evening together while enjoying snacks, beverages and a colourful program.
Apart from these universal events we also organise smaller events, supporting or enhancing the course of study. Each summer term we host the Auslandsinfoabend where different organisations that help students go abroad are introduced by fellow students, who have already been abroad and can answer your questions on this topic. Moreover, we invite our fellow students to information events concerning important or current political events in the anglophone world, such as the US-elections or the BREXIT. However, the Fachgruppe is politically neutral.
Next to these more obvious aspects, there are some which may be less visible. For maintaining a good social environment at the seminar we are establishing and maintaining communication between students and staff. In case of problems and or conflicts, when direct communication is impossible, we are the neutral instance mediating between the students and the SEP staff. As we are representing the student-body in the main-board, your comments, wishes, inspirations and critique will be heard. If you need a contact person, helping you without involving the whole Fachgruppe you can always contact our helpline (englisch.helpline@phil.uni-goettingen.de) which is tended to by Gesa.
You want to join?
We are always happy to welcome new members! If we aroused your interest just join one of our meeting- non-bindingly and without prior notice. During the term we meet on each first Wednesday of a month in the Medienraum of the SEP (0.244) at 8 p.m.
We are looking forward to meeting you!