1. Education, training & teacher job

Koordinationsstelle Lehrerbildung
Koordinationsstelle klein
Information on the university education of future teachers, on the studying of subject didactics and in particular on the internships can be found on the website for students of teacher training.

Centre for Empirical Research into School and Education of the Georg-August University Göttingen (ZeUS)
ZeUS klein
The ZeUS is an interdisciplinary network of school pedagogy, pedagogical psychology and the departments of subject didactics of the individual institutes. The organisational unit for the university education of future teachers (the "Koordinationsstelle Lehrerbildung") is attached to this centre.

Lehramtsstudierendenvertretung (LSV)
LSV klein
Website of the students' union of students doing teacher training at the university of Göttingen. It provides you with information on the function of this association and further information concerning your studies as a future teacher.

Learning and Teaching Support Centre
LTSC Karlsruhe klein
Virtual platform for information, documentation and discussion opportunities provided by the Pedagogical University of Karlsruhe.

MELT (the media-supported English-Teacher-Trainer)
MELT klein
A very appealingly designed website that aims at providing students and trainee teachers with support in order to develop key competences for lesson interaction.

Deutscher Bildungsserver (Eduserver)
Bildungsserver klein
The Eduserver is a guide to education in Germany. It constitutes an information platform provided by the state and the federal states, offering excellent information on the basis of databases. Its focus are the fields of education and training.
The website has very good search options (full text search for html-websites as well as for servers of pedagogical publishing houses) and can be recommended in its diversity both for subject didactics concerned with teaching at schools and for university didactics.

Landesbildungsserver Niedersachsen
NiBis klein
On this website you will find everything to do with the topic of school, education, and teacher training for the federal state of Lower Saxony.

British Council Germany, education
BC Germany klein
The „British Council in Deutschland“ provides information on education offers in Great Britain.

Education UK
Education UK klein
Central website of the British Council for all of those who plan to study in Great Britain.

British Council Graduate Teacher Programme
BC graduates klein
A very interesting homepage for all of those who plan to work as German teachers in England.