Erasmus Mobility

Erasmus+ klein

Euroculture Göttingen has the possibility to apply for mobility grants for its home students for the 2nd semester under the Erasmus+ Programme. Those of you who have not received any other funding from the EU, e.g. Erasmus Mundus, are eligible for Erasmus+ funds.

The grant amount varies from year to year and is calculated according to each student's destination country and length of study or work period abroad (please see the document "Übersicht der Erasmus+-Stipendienraten" for the regarding year).

The Erasmus+ grant will be paid in two allocations: the first allocation of the Erasmus+ grant will be 80% of the overall total, the second allocation 20% of the overall total.

You can only receive an Erasmus grant for a maximum of 12 months in each study level (i.e. undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies).

The exchange period must last a minimum of 3 consecutive months. Should your exchange period last longer than 3 months, only 4 months can be covered by the Erasmus+ grant.

If you have any questions concerning the application formalities, procedures, forms etc. in connection with ERASMUS student mobility (outgoings), please contact:

Patricia Missler, tel. 0551-39-21344

If you have any questions concerning scholarship payments, please contact:

Erasmus Team @ Uni Gö, tel. 0551-39-21345

Göttingen International
Erasmus Team
von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen