Registration and Withdrawal from Courses
Application for a Course
- Start: April 03, 2025, 10 a.m.
- End: April 09, 2025, 1 p.m.
- Registration via FlexNow2
- The time of your registration does not influence your chances of obtaining a place in a course.
- Lottery Procedure: April 09, 2025, in the afternoon.
After the Lottery Procedure
- Information on FlexNow2-Account (homepage)
- Course title: blue question mark = place in course obtained
- Course title: blue cross = place in course NOT obtained

Registration for Courses with Open Spots
- FlexStat Abfrage 600 (Overview of Courses with Available Capacity)
- Start: April 10, 2025, 10 a.m.
- End: April 20, 2025 for weekly courses or 4 days before the first lesson for block courses via FlexNow
Withdrawal From a Course
- End: April 27, 2025 for weekly courses or 4 days before the first lesson for block courses via FlexNow
- You may also choose to withdraw from an assessment through the ZESS website (Administrative Matters - Withdrawal from an Assessment) up to 48 hours before said assessment is due to start
- Multiple applications reduce your chance of receiving a place in your desired course(s)!
- Please log into FlexNow2 the day before the first lesson and check if you are indeed registered for the course.
- Courses with too few registered participants (<8) will be cancelled
- We cannot guarantee a course place for every applicant and application.
- Students who fail a course twice are obliged to attend a Compulsory Student Guidance and Counselling (Link) prior to registering for the third attempt.